food that helps with depression

goldenbutterfly Posts: 64
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Ive heard that there are foods that help fight depression, i know mangos is one does anyone else know of any ?:drinker:


  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    CHOCOLATE! LOL! Seriously, it raises seratonin levels. But it's not good for weight loss. 60% cocoa is a good one to eat though b/c it helps heart issues too in small doses.

    St. John's Wort is a good supplement as well.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    5-HTP is good and there are less contraindications then with St. John's Wort
  • tcatdog63
    tcatdog63 Posts: 6 Member
    I have researched this a little because I have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). I know that bananas are because that contain B vitamins and potassium. There are quite a few fruits that contain this vitamin. Chocolate is a biggie but remember it is dark chocolate and moderation. Go to webMD, that is where I got my information.

    Also I have to add, that exercise and sunlight help with seratonin levels.
  • oh wow i wouldnt have known bananas or chocolate helps awsome !!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Up your vitamin B supplemnts.
  • ice-cream :) relax the jaw-muscle and jaw-muscle tend to be tense by stress
    and chocolate as well, cuz cacao do some stuff to our 5HT3-rezeptors * the cacao is stimulant and that's the opposite of depressant :) Well, alcohol is stimulant too, but only short-term, in long-term is depressant as well, so no alcohol while fighting depression
  • This is a great book to borrow from the library --

    The easiest way to eating your way out of the depression hole is to focus on brightly colored veg or super greens like broccoli, kale, or spinach. There are several books out there that support the idea of having a diet that is 80-90% vegetable, 10-20% fish/lean meat/whole grains/raw nuts.

    The best advice I can give you though, is don't listen to anyone else. Focus on that inner voice. For example, I dropped down to a veggie-only allergen free diet for 2 weeks. I slowly re-introduced myself to things like grains, dairy, soy, and peanuts and found out how gluten intolerant AND lactose intolerant I really am... and mildly sensitive to peanuts/soy. When I started putting fishes back in my body I found myself more energized after having 4 oz fresh salmon than having the same amount canned. Learn thyself. You're the BEST ASSET to finding the best weight loss plan for yourself!

    I'm a huge fan of taking these vitamins -- because they have high levels of B vitamins which are sure to ramp up energy and put a smile on your face.

    Don't ever discount the power of 60 minutes of shaking that booty each day. Even if it's 3 20 minute walks through the day... just remember it's an hour to focus on YOU! Don't let anyone steal your selfish hour, unless they want to join :-).
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    Only take st. john's wort if you are NOT currently on an anti-depressant.

    Caffeine in the morning helps, a cup of coffee or black tea sets the tone for the day. Getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and more fruits and vegetables help elevate mood.
  • thanks guys much appricated that you have taken the time to respond, might try cutting down my diet then readding things, i know that when you have food allergys this can lead to fatique sindrome wich hense can lead to depression, sometimes i wonder how much of depression is actually caused by all the crap in our foods.
  • Being clinacally depressed I have actually done alot of research in this, I have found that the following foods are good and some are even good for a diet as well.

    poultry, mushrooms, sea vegetables and wheat, spinach, asparagus, avocados, sweet potatoes, navy beans, bananas, black beans, watermelon, apples, legumes, fortified cereals, quinoa, kale and other green leafy vegetables, along with vitamin C-rich food items like lemon juice, seafood, like salmon, tuna or mackerel fish, along with nut oils.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Ive heard that there are foods that help fight depression, i know mangos is one does anyone else know of any ?:drinker:
    I've dealt with depression for over15 years - my wife (RIP) suffered from depression and my older son was diagnosed with depression at the age of 8. In addition, I've had two episodes of situational depression since my wife's death and, in both cases, short term use of an SSRI was very helpful to me.

    Clinical depression is a brain chemistry issue, usually a function of low serotonin levels. St John's wort has been shown to have a mild affect on some individuals but, IIRC, there are quite a few "contraindications" (which means don't take this if…). As of last year there was no other food substance that provided any relief for depression (based on randomized clinical trials).

    If you think you are depressed, don't mess around trying to "find a cure" or eat special foods or "just go out and play more sports". Please, make an appointment with your health care provider.
  • asj0901
    asj0901 Posts: 141
    First Watch the movie Food Matters. (netflix or Then eat vitamin rich food with omega 3. I went through a bad depression after having my son and I refused to medicate so my Doctor prescribed me a healthy diet high in Omega 3. With in a week I was a new person. (Food Matters talks alot about depression and food)
  • I'm surprised no one mentioned Omega 3 fatty acids. I've suffered from clinical depression before and am predisposed to it (suffered from postpartum depression also :( ) . During my recent pregnancy articles were published that declared that Omega 3 can help prevent and protect against depression.

    I have faithfully taken my prenatal supplements with the Omega 3 supplement with it still to this day to ensure that I don't fall back into the abyss again.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    thanks guys much appricated that you have taken the time to respond, might try cutting down my diet then readding things, i know that when you have food allergys this can lead to fatique sindrome wich hense can lead to depression, sometimes i wonder how much of depression is actually caused by all the crap in our foods.

    If you're eating foods that make you sick, you've got food poisoning, not depression.

    Having watched my son go through over a decade of true depression, I know how bad it can get. He's been "treatment resistant" but in the past few months, has finally hit the right combination of meds and he's doing really well.

    Depression is not "I don't feel like going out today". Depression is more like "I'm just not into that anymore" - about everything. My wife described it as like having "a 2000 lb weight on your chest so you can't get out of bed". A sure sign is when you go shopping for a shotgun like my son did once.

    Get an appt to see a health care provider and let them help evaluate your situation.
  • I agree, support should be seeked from a Dr first !! but its good to know what other things can be done such as healthy food intake and what these food are, i find it particualry empowering to take contol of the things that i can like what goes into my body, generally its easier just to munch on such things as bag of chips or lollies, its great to know what foods "help" with the fight against depression, and in turn also "help" prevent it . I will use the above list of foods to help as well as fighting the bulge.
  • i know exercise helps by increaseing the dopime in your brain
  • kspedsrn
    kspedsrn Posts: 35 Member
    You need vitamin D.
  • oh ive never heard of using vitamin D will have to try it thanks :)
  • LittleChrissy
    LittleChrissy Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, oily fish (salmon, mackerel), chicken, and leafy vegetable (like kale and spinach) are all great at producing serotonin. And the good news is its a healthy meal too! Make sure you don't cut out carbs as they play a really important part. 5HTP is brilliant too but its a bit on the pricey side.
  • Depression runs in my family, along with ADHD. If someone told me years ago that nutrition and herbal/vitamin supplements would work better on symptoms than drugs the Dr prescribed, I would have laughed in their face. However, after having a friend recommend a nutrition program to me with various vitamin supplements and me passing these on to my dad and brother, I must admit they can make an amazing difference in alleviating day to day anxiety and depression symptoms.

    Working on health of the body impacts the mind and the program I was recommended assists in working from the inside out. One of the major herbal supplements that was fantastic was Tang Kuei, along with cold pressed fish oil (be careful not to buy other fish oil capsules that aren't produced as organically).

    If anyone has any questions I am happy to help and explain what vitamins and dosage helped my dad and brother with their depression and ADHD. Please feel free to send me a message.
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