Im afraid I have just binged :(

I have been really good since 1st Jan and only had one cream egg. Been feeling really tired and run down at work and thought I would have something nice for a treat. I ended up having:-

Caramal Hot chocolate drink
Iced cinnamin bun
Caramal shortbread
Packet of mini hob nobs !!!!!

And my other half has got me a mini easter egg (cream egg) at home

Damn it.

Will resume being good tomorrow.

Big Whoops!!


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I've done that too... meant to have some toast and jsut ate a chocolate croissant! Tomorrow will be better.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I used to say "tomorrow will be better" for many years, and tomorrow never came until 5 months ago!

    Next time treat yourself to something healthy. You will feel much better about yourself and physically will feel better, too. You are worth it.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I used to say "tomorrow will be better" for many years, and tomorrow never came until 5 months ago!

    Next time treat yourself to something healthy. You will feel much better about yourself and physically will feel better, too. You are worth it.

    The thing is I normally do treat to be healthy, but just this once I was going to have a chocolate and have a bad day. Will just write it off. One day from 1st Jan being a bad day I suppose isnt bad.
  • jaybaileys
    Its over and done with dont' beat yourself up. Just try not to do that very often, lol. You will survive. Stick with your plan and do your best. Eat good, get your excercise, drink your water, and get your rest. Good luck.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I've found for me that if I have a little bit of what I am craving when I am craving it it keeps me from binging. I love Milky Ways so I keep Fun size in my candy dish. When I want one. I have ONE and keep it moving! This helps me not go over board.

    "Tomorrow will be better" will never get you to where you wanna be!

    Good Luck!
  • Grace76
    The thing is I normally do treat to be healthy, but just this once I was going to have a chocolate and have a bad day. Will just write it off. One day from 1st Jan being a bad day I suppose isnt bad.

    It may be a lot of treats in one day, but I think you have the right thought. One day is not the end of the world. I think as long as your one day doesn't turn into 3 or 4 or a week lol, you're fine.

    Good for you for knowing that you may have gone overboard but not beating yourself up over it.
  • cheangela
    If every 1 out of every 35 days you splurge, you're still a rock star in my book. You look fab!
  • bfrice1
    I do the same this as hummzz. I have one and move on. I have an awful sweet tooth, it would be unrealistic for me to try and just turn it off. So I feed it a little bit every so often.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I do the same this as hummzz. I have one and move on. I have an awful sweet tooth, it would be unrealistic for me to try and just turn it off. So I feed it a little bit every so often.
    Same here, I don't dwell. I know that I've been doing really, really well, so if I have one splurge it's not the end of the world! Yesterday was better, today is OK, and tomorrow will be better again!
  • penne356
    I just had 5 cups of oil-popped popcorn...ermm..don't feel bad.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Thanks guys. I know for sure that its only going to be one day. I used to be the person and my other half, to always let it turn into a 3 - 4 day binge. But I have been doing really well since new year, even my other half having goodies when I can just turn it away.

    I think because of the way that I was feeling made me do it.

    But its time to move on, dont look back, and just get over today. Im sure it will happen again in the future, but as long as it doesnt happen often, I will be fine. :smile:

    Thanks again u lot.

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    just wondering but what is a hob nob?
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    just wondering but what is a hob nob?

    Its a biscuit which has chocolate on a oaty kind of bottom. V V nice. (UK)
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I used to say "tomorrow will be better" for many years, and tomorrow never came until 5 months ago!

    Since I've joined MFP, I've seen just how much I actually binge. It's been a real eye-opener for me. Yes, I can eat quite well but all those binges are what have held me back for so long.

    I have a friend who blogs about her weight loss. Since 2009, she's allowed herself ONE cheat meal per month. That's it. She started at 263 and now weighs 145ish. Knowing that she could have this meal once a month made her able to be strict with herself for the other days.
    Maybe you could plan for a meal like that for yourself too if you need a release valve.

    Don't beat yourself up about it but also don't be lax about it in the future either.
    Or you'll end up like me at 50 STILL dealing with a weight and binge problem.

    A question ... was all this food in the house or did you go out to buy it?
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I used to say "tomorrow will be better" for many years, and tomorrow never came until 5 months ago!

    Since I've joined MFP, I've seen just how much I actually binge. It's been a real eye-opener for me. Yes, I can eat quite well but all those binges are what have held me back for so long.

    I have a friend who blogs about her weight loss. Since 2009, she's allowed herself ONE cheat meal per month. That's it. She started at 263 and now weighs 145ish. Knowing that she could have this meal once a month made her able to be strict with herself for the other days.
    Maybe you could plan for a meal like that for yourself too if you need a release valve.

    Don't beat yourself up about it but also don't be lax about it in the future either.
    Or you'll end up like me at 50 STILL dealing with a weight and binge problem.

    A question ... was all this food in the house or did you go out to buy it?

    I did actually go out to the shop and buy it. Im at work at the mo, and needed some fresh air. I never ever have the stuff in the house.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I used to say "tomorrow will be better" for many years, and tomorrow never came until 5 months ago!

    Next time treat yourself to something healthy. You will feel much better about yourself and physically will feel better, too. You are worth it.

    The thing is I normally do treat to be healthy, but just this once I was going to have a chocolate and have a bad day. Will just write it off. One day from 1st Jan being a bad day I suppose isnt bad.

    Everyone has a bad day but remember it is not how many times you fall down (bad day) it only maters that you get back up dust your self off and move in the right directions. if you fall down 9 times get up 10 times and keep fighting. remember too that it is not the size of the dog in the fight it is the size of the fight in the dog. we are here for you.
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    i think its okay once in a while
    or else if you never snack once in a while, it can lead to quitting... for me anyway
  • TheWolf77
    TheWolf77 Posts: 17 Member
    No worries, you only live once... so the occasional off day won't destroy everything you do.... just make sure you are conscious of it and record it on your journal. If you see it happening too often the visual of seeing "If you keep eating like this you will be X number of lbs in 5 weeks" is usually enough to set things straight heh.

    But having one day that is not perfect won't destroy everything, it happens even to the best of us.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Big hugs, know all the feelings around bingeing, almost have a whole lifes history about it. You don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can just get straight back on track with your next meal, log it as normal and go to bed knowing you did the best you could have just for today. In the morning you'll wake feeling tons better.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Big hugs, know all the feelings around bingeing, almost have a whole lifes history about it. You don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can just get straight back on track with your next meal, log it as normal and go to bed knowing you did the best you could have just for today. In the morning you'll wake feeling tons better.

    I agree with this. You can choose RIGHT NOW to start making better choices for the rest of the day. Don't wait until tomorrow! You may not be able to stay within your calorie goal for the day, but you can still feel good knowing that you got the day under control after that morning binge. Eating healthy for the rest of the day will also give your body the nutrition it needs to keep you from feeling run-down and yucky later.