Unmotivated...Help please

A little background: I reached 206 (on a 5'5" frame that's bad) and decided to do something about it. I've gone from a 16/18 to a 12 and am about 30 pounds lighter. My goal weight is 135 so I'm about 40 pounds away. I know I can do it but at this moment I have no desire and here's why...if I lose any more weight I will not have anything to wear! Honestly, that is my issue. I am pulling clothes out of my closet nearly every day. My bras don't fit anymore, neither do the dresses, suits, pants, skirts, or shirts. I don't know about you but I can't justify buying a wardrobe of size 10 clothing to wear for a month or a month and a half! I don't have that kind of money laying around. What is something you have done to push through this situation? Where did you find clothing for real cheap (I have to be able to go to work in them)? Bras are another story! I have to drive 2+ hours to the nearest store that carries my size and those bras start at the $50 mark and go up from there. Not cool.

Thanks for your help as I work through this motivation blocker!


  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    I've always just shopped the thrift stores to get enought to get me by. Usually work clothes are never an issue to find there, Cute, casual clothes are a little harder to come by.

    I've walked out with more than 5 outfits for under $70.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I always say you need to be selfish. So has losing weight saved you money? How much? I really think you need to look at the reason is. Sounds to me like your afraid of success. Have you tried to go to a tailor and have some things taken in? I would do whatever I could to get to the smaller clothes and feel better. Invest in yourself and make it happen.
  • audodog
    When I'm still "inbetween sizes" (ie losing weight, don't have anything to wear but are still losing more weight), I pick one day when I have a lot of time on my hands, and head to the Goodwill. Seriously. You have to seriously seriously hunt, but they do have some nice clothes. I prefefer them to Platos (although Platos have nicer clothes, I'm not willing to spend that much on something used). You will not be able to get bras at the Goodwill or Salvation Army, but if you search, you will be able to fine nice skirts and shirts. And the great thing, after you lose the rest of that weight, you can give back by giving all those clothes back to Goodwill. Even though your finances are not the best currently, once you hit your goal weight/size, then you can buy nicer clothes at the regular store. I wouldn't buy too many clothes while you are still losing but just enough to get by. I don't have an unusal bra size but my girls have gotten smaller as I have lost weight and have changed shape. Right now, all I buy is sports bras from Walmart. They have the regular sports bras but they have sports bras that look like regular bras... that's what I have been wearing for the most part while I'm dropping. Good luck, and do not feel embarassed to shop at Goodwill. You just have to have the time that day to really search. You'll probably only come out with one or two shirts/skirts but that's ok. Also, I'm at the point now that I only have one more size to lose, so I can buy things in "medium" that will be fit me now and once I have hit my goal. Like workout pants, leggings, all those I get in medium. Once your down to your goal size, go reward yourself. Those clothes that you buy (even if they are a little pricey), will be all the motivation you need to stay at that weight!!!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    A lesson I learned a long time ago was dress for the size you are. If your clothes are too big, it's time to either get them tailored or buy new. Tailoring is not cheap though. I agree with everyone about thrift stores. I'm in the DC area and have heard of some amazing "finds" @ Goodwill and the Salvation Army. However, I relied on clearance racks: end of season sales are awesome especially @ the Ann Taylor stores (Ann Taylor/Loft/Factory Store)!! And I don't have a problem shopping @ Marshalls or Ross. You can get good quality cothes @ reasonable prices.

    Pants were my biggest issue since I was going through a size every 10 pounds. I still spent a bit more on tops though. Sweaters with a bit of stretch will get you through a few sizes, as will looser fitting shirts.

    You can still buy great shoes, scarves, purses and jewelry though!! Most of us don't have a ton of money to buy "pass through" sizes, but great accessories will make the same few pieces in your wardrobe look different each time you wear them.
  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    I go to thrift stores and clearance sales. Sears usually has clearance sales throughout the year where you can stock up on shirts and pants for $3-$10. I also shop Kmart and Walmart. Their business casual sections are nice enough for work but cheap enough that I don't mind buying the clothes.
  • MrsBubba
    MrsBubba Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone! I hadn't thought about tailoring anything. As soon as I'm off the sick wagon I'll be hitting up our local GoodWill stores. While I'm sick I am perusing Ebay and Craigslist! :-) I'm ready now.