A Fruit Diet!? Whos Tried it??

Okay so ive know people that have a done a fruit diet and it works! Have any of you tried it? I am really considering this optionas my next resort lol. :smile:
(You can heck out my other post and maybe you'll understand a lil better)


  • angelskye6
    angelskye6 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm actually doing a spiritual fast starting at 12 am Saturday for 3 days with some friends. I'll be doing the fruit diet with a TON of water just to detox and cleanse my body...with the added bonus of losing some weight during that time.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Your body needs more than just fruit to function properly. A "diet" is actually all about eating right: right portion size, healthy, balanced. I won' do it.
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    I tried it! .. Loved it.. I feel cleaner, and happier and healthier. Problem is, I couldnt stick to it.. :S
    You have to have more than just fruit all day, because the sugar you get will give you all the energy in the world, but then you crash. It's also really hard to work out on only eating fruit all day.
    I think it's great tho, don't get me wrong, try it, see if it's for you, it wont kill you!

    It cant be long term.. maybe a few days a week, to a week. >>> My goal was a month tho.

    I changed it from a fruit diet.. to the idea of a "fruit only" meal or two a day. - This made it easier, and also just more well rounded meal plan, i'd have more veggies too.. like a salad for dinner with chicken or steak added for protein.
    Some yogurt and fruit >> good for calcium

    Just some ideas.. =D
    Good luck
  • fightingdissonance
    Sustainable weight loss can only occur by not only exercising but also eating a well balanced and healthy diet with a calorie deficit that works with your caloric needs and weight loss goals. A fruit-only crash/fad diet is not the way to lose weight.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    You need protein to build lean muscle and burn more fat. I would go on Dr. Oz's website and see about healthy cleanses. He also offers different ideas. You may want to add metabolism boosting fruits and other foods into your diet for healthier results. When you put your body into starvation mode, you will gain it back and then some (your body will gain more to try to prepare for the next starvation). I wouldn't do it. Plus, you're young and your body is still growing. Depriving it now could lead to long term health issues when you get older, trust me I am feeling them now. Good Luck and God Bless!
  • LifeMeansSoMuch
    I tried it! .. Loved it.. I feel cleaner, and happier and healthier. Problem is, I couldnt stick to it.. :S
    You have to have more than just fruit all day, because the sugar you get will give you all the energy in the world, but then you crash. It's also really hard to work out on only eating fruit all day.
    I think it's great tho, don't get me wrong, try it, see if it's for you, it wont kill you!

    It cant be long term.. maybe a few days a week, to a week. >>> My goal was a month tho.

    I changed it from a fruit diet.. to the idea of a "fruit only" meal or two a day. - This made it easier, and also just more well rounded meal plan, i'd have more veggies too.. like a salad for dinner with chicken or steak added for protein.
    Some yogurt and fruit >> good for calcium

    Just some ideas.. =D
    Good luck

    Okay so what it i did a fruit for breakfast and lunch. Than for dinner have a normal(healthy) dinner? Ohh yeah and will be exercising.. I kinda look at it like a person whose a vegetarian
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I would not suggest a fruit only diet.

    I would however suggest doing a natural cleanse that consists of eating veggies and fruit only for 3 - 4 days. That being said using lemon juice and olive oil on your salad will give you healthy fat. Include things like beans for protein. This will clean your digestive tract and help your liver and kidney. They will get a well needed break:)
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    hi chickie! its good to do to cleanse but you have look at the type of fruit that will benefit for you. its not a permanent diet though. its just for cleansing. at some point you will need protein and iron and other nutrients that aren't enough in just fruit. so if you're going to do this and be stubborn take a multivitamin as well for vegetarians. :)

    also once you're cleansed... then its a good time to really start looking at your intake and what you can do to change your eating habits. There's this chick called Hungry Girl and she's big into low fat low cal recipes... she says she substitutes the cravings for something that might help with less fat. :)

    good luck! :D
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    I tried it once for 4 days at the recommendation of a nutritionist to break a plateau. You can't do it for that much longer than that. I didn't work out at the time so I can't imagine working out like that.

    Something to keep an eye on. I got a WICKED headache on day 2 and 3 from cleansing my body and detoxing the caffeine etc. I hear that is common for all fasts so if you are going to do it, have those days be your weekends or when you aren't working.
  • LifeMeansSoMuch
    hi chickie! its good to do to cleanse but you have look at the type of fruit that will benefit for you. its not a permanent diet though. its just for cleansing. at some point you will need protein and iron and other nutrients that aren't enough in just fruit. so if you're going to do this and be stubborn take a multivitamin as well for vegetarians. :)

    also once you're cleansed... then its a good time to really start looking at your intake and what you can do to change your eating habits. There's this chick called Hungry Girl and she's big into low fat low cal recipes... she says she substitutes the cravings for something that might help with less fat. :)

    good luck! :D
    No it's not a permenant(atleast i dont think so) I will though be doin this for 1-2 months. Its can be done! I will eat (non fruit) dinner. Also i will be entering in all my water, fruit, etc that i eat plus my dinner and my exercise. Plan to start tomorrow :heart:
    Wish me Luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I haven't, but I incorporate fruit INTO my diet...does that count? =B

    Have fun with your cleanse.
  • fizzyyumyum
    do NOT do the fruit diet...no matter how much you eat of it your body will go into starvation mode...u will become constipated, exhausted and malnourished :( not a good idea
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    exactly! .. fruit breakfast, maybe a salad for lunch, some healthy snack inbetween.. like a yogurt, or cheese or veggie sticks with dip. and dinner welrounded, like meat, veggies, salad? try to add in way more than just eating fruit.

    people will give you alot of crap on here, about how it's not good for you.
    everyone's body works different. I know a few people who have done it a month or so, and they are just fine. :)


    and just monitor how YOU feel. again, everyone is different, if .. you get headaches, and feel week, or cranky, you just in general bad.
    obviously stop doing it.
    I only continued, because it made me FEEL good. :)
  • ColeyCannoli
    Fruit is full of vitamins but in the end it is just sugar and carbs. You need veggies and protein. You can do it for a little while (like a fast which are not bad as long as you don't go for too long) but there's no way you can survive on just fruits.

    Just my 2cents
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    Good luck girl! Keep us posted on how it turns out :D