I'm usually so very good at sticking to my diet, but for some reason, I'm hungry, hungry, HUNGRY today. I didn't under-eat yesterday, nor did I do an extreme workout yesterday or today. Any tips for avoiding eating way too many calories? Or something that'll satisfy me without too many calories?
Thanks :)


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Some fresh vegetables like celery, cucumbers, carrots. Maybe an apple or an orange.

    I'm starving today too! It's terrible, especially since it's so cold!
  • cleo77
    cleo77 Posts: 93 Member
    I am somewhat in the same boat. I was told to drink water first if I feel hungry because sometimes the body mistakes hungry for thirst.
  • jaimelynn913
    I go through this all the time...its like one day out of nowhere I am starving all day. And its like nothing is ever really enough. I found that drinking TONS of water helps with this. Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so it usually works. Make sure your getting enough water a day too...your supposed to take in half of your weight in oz of water a day. So for example, I weigh about 126, so I am supposed to be drinking at LEAST 63 oz a day.

    Good luck!
  • megpiemac12
    I have found that the 100 calorie bags of popcorn are great. I feel like I actually ate something. for a full lunch, i have eaten a cup of broccoli or cucumber and carrots and fill full also. veggies are good, but they say they can make you more hungry. weight watchers has bread that's 2 slices for 80 calories. carbs are usually what makes you feel good, so they are 2 options that help me!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Eat! Going over a bit every now and then can actually help you lose weight. It's not cheating. If you're starving, and you feel a little ill, eat!

    I can drink 12 cups of water and still feel pretty ravenous.
  • karen415
    I have been wicked hungry all day!!! i don't know if its the cold or what, but I have been doing strength training in the and wandering if that has anything to do with it. or cabin fever lol, went over on calories and protien today!!
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank goodness I'm not the only one, although I hope it passes for everyone quickly!!! Hahah.. I've really upped my water intake recently and I'm trying to drink even more today. Thanks for the great answers everyone!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    i was that way yesterday for no real reason. I just made sure to do some more exercise so I could eat more. I'm with modernfemme on this though- sometimes it does help to eat. It is just when it is an every day thing that it becomes an issue.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    try eating something high in fiber and/or protein and drink a bunch of water. good luck.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    LOL yeah that happens to me too sometimes : ) I take my mother's advice and have some fruit. Haha that's what she used to tell my brother and I when we were kids and really just wanted junk food..."okay, have some fruit."
  • juleslianne

    I agree with a lot of what most others are saying, I just wanted to give my piece :). First of all, weirdly enough, it might be due to the cold, my nutritionist said that cold is negative calories because your body is shaking to try and produce heat. But also... snacks with a lot of volume and few calories are good. I like rice cakes (plain) and lite, air popped, popcorn is really good too. RIce cakes is about 3 for 100 calories and popcorn is about 130 calories for 3, sometimes more, cups depending on the brand. Good luck! Stay strong!
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    Ooooh, thanks! I always forget about rice cakes, and I actually really love them!!!