I want to love running



  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Stick with it, by week four you'll start to look foorward to your workouts and by week six you're going to feel a confidence from your new ability that leaves you wanting more:bigsmile:
    I felt amazing when I hit the 1 mile marker and when I hit 2 you would have thought that I'd climbed Mount Everest or won the lottery. Running is an accomplishment you achieve. Every step is because of your effort, and that's a good feeling,

    Plus the endorphens don't suck either:tongue:

    Stick with it, there's areason people fall in love with it. Yours might be different than mine, but it will be your own journey!!! I'm so excited for you!!!
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Let me just tell you that I hate exercising. But after starting the C25k, I have been looking forward to my runs. It's a great program. But I wouldn't recommend jumping ahead, even if your fitness level might be at, say, week 5, just go thru the motions of the first few weeks. You'll get to there. I could barely jog half a city block when I started. Now I can run five minutes straight (which is huge for me). I've always found working out at a gym to be soooo boring. I'm constantly looking at a clock. I'm going batty with boredom. That's why I run outdoors, which I know can be difficult for those with bad weather. I really enjoy the changing scenery of the outdoors and I get to pick where to go -- do I want to run along the bay today or thru Little Italy or to the park? Don't write it off yet and just take it one day at a time. When you're feeling discouraged, let your MFP'ers know and we'll encourage the heck outta you. That's what we're all here for. Good luck!
    ps. just re-read your post and I misunderstood. Ignore the part that makes no sense :huh:
    Go at your own pace and repeat weeks if necessary. You know your body.
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    I love running!
    Take your time, build up, get your breathing right and mix walk/ run until you can build up to running continuously for thirty minutes. It does not matter how slow you go, really! Running is just a fast walk, and the more you do it, the better you get, your fitness progress will spur you on. Good luck, it is so worth it!
  • leslied73
    I did C25K last year and did my first race in August. I was totally hooked after that first race. There is a kind of a fineline you have to follow with running. You have to listen to your body, don't push yourself too hard too fast but, don't be afraid to push yourself past your walls. I suffered many injuries. But, you get past them and move on. I had issues with my achillies, shin splints, my feet, but you just take time off and soldier on. I was never a runner but I thoroughly enjoy it now and look forward to my runs. They are so freeing to just think or listen to music. Running gives me so much energy too. There are free podcasts out there that give you the start and stopping times, which are really helpful. I really recommend doing strength training a few days a week. It really helps strengthen all your body and muscles that you need. I don't know if you like researching, but Runnersworld.com and active.com are great resources for running information. You can find out anything you want to know about running. Good luck at your first race. There is nothing like the rush you get from your first. The running community is great! People will be cheering you on the whole way to the finish line.
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    I was in the same boat. I ended up buying new sneakers to try to motivate me to run more and I found out that I could get the nike+ chip and armband and i LOVE it. I just wanted to run all the time to see if I beat my old time or beat goals that I had set for myself. They also have programs that you can customize to train you to do a 5k, 10k, or even just go from walk to run.

    Just be patient with it. (AND STRETCH!!!...leg cramps are a bummer) You'll end up surprising yourself if you stick with it. :)
  • langababy
    langababy Posts: 43 Member
    I used to hate running too! The part that really got me into it was running with a friend in college. We would go for what we called "green light runs" in the city (we went whichever way the light was green --within reason of course). It was great because I had a friend to pace me and I got to explore a bit while I was at it! Sadly, I haven't been on a green light run since I graduated last spring :(
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Make sure to keep breathing steadily
  • jodie1306
    My main motivation is having music I enjoy.

    My friend is doing the C25K & I text her every couple of days to check in & get updated. She's not a runner but is enjoying it.

    I want to do the C25K but am fighting a plantar fasciitis injury (a tear in the ligament that runs along the bottom of your foot) so I know that the C25K program wld be pushing it too hard. My answer - a motivating running playlist. I went through my iTunes & picked out all the "thump thump" songs & I run in time with them.

    I also constantly talk myself into being a runner. Running is what I do. I am a runner. I use lots of positive affirmations & talk in the affirmative - "I am", "I can", "I do".
  • crissimoyer
    Best advice I can give you is find a partner in crime...someone that will motivate you on the days you could care less if you ran a mile or a foot! I would have never made it these last 2 years if it wasn't for my running buddy!
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Slow, slow, slow and what is not to love?! Your favourite music, and .... slow, slow, slow! You've been given some great advice - enjoy and good luck.