Hellooo! New here.

sfgirl87 Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys!

I just signed up yesterday and found out about this website through my search for an iphone calorie counter app - and this is awesome! I've been battling being overweight my whole life, and I've finally had enough. I'm in it for the long haul, I want to lose around 80 pounds. My biggest obstacle is my lifestyle: I go out to restaurants several times a week and I love going to bars and getting a couple beers. I hope I can find a balance between having fun and being healthy and shed some pounds! If anyone else is starting a major weight loss, let's be friends and keep each other on track!


  • NancyJane116
    NancyJane116 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there SFGirl87 :)
    I am a new (re-new) member on the site, and I will be happy to share motivation with you - I too am someone who really enjoys a beer out and about - sometimes rationalize the lite commercials LOL - I have found having a glass of water after a beer to be a decent device - just need someone to remind me to do it!
    Anyway, I have found this site terrific - browse about, and keep the faith - you can do it!!
  • :happy: Hi and welcome...I'm new here too. I just started actually entering my foods and exercise, and at first I wanted to slack off...apparently I joined this a year or so ago and forgot lol. Anyway, I'm back to it and I am getting the hand of the logging...it seems to help me choose better foods since I have to be accountable for what I enter and I know anyone can see it so it makes me not want to do bad...(sometimes) :laugh: It will be hard at times and some days it will be a breeze-those are the days I look forward to:tongue: -but in the end you are the only one that can do this for yourself...I have to remind myself that all the time! And if you go have some beers (yum) try choosing one of the light varieties...any cut from calories will work. I think of it as...it's a start...I don't want to give up my beer all together lol. Good Luck and think positive! lets be friends-we can motivate each other.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Hi! Welcome to mfp. I've been at this almost a month and I love it! Feel free to send me an add request. I've got about 94 lbs to go so would love to be joined with you. Some advice, you may want to limit your nights out to a couple of times a month. Only because if you're like me and you see it, then you'll want it. Um I like a beer every once in a while so I'm not too sure how you would work that in lol. Best of luck!
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