Need a friendly boost!

First of all, nothing cheers me up more then my loved ones saying and good friends on facebook saying, you look good! you inspire me, your soo strong, don't give up! It does give me a good boost of confidence. I feel like i need a hand every once in a while, and tonight i have fallen off the wagon a little..not bad, just wanna get back on. I just dont wanna worry about being thin and looking pretty..i just wanna love myself more, feel happier, accept myself and so on..lately, i haven't felt that.


  • renob88
    renob88 Posts: 3 Member
    We all have are slips. I know I have had my share of them. You will find your way back on and be back on track. It is always good to have a boost from everyone. I know it gives me more will power . Good luck in your weight loss. It may be hard but at some point you will reach your goals.
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    You are doing great...50lbs is amazing I am so freaking jealous I could pull my hair out! I can't get to the 30lb. mark to save my life all I do is lose inches but I want to be like you and have that number go can do this girl. I need you to show me how so get back up and get going!!
  • ccg0222
    I hear ya! I need some motivation as well to "stick with it." I often lose five pounds then go back to my old eating habits because it's easier and/or I get frustrated that more weight isn't coming off. We have similar weight loss goals so maybe we can friend each other and keep on track.
  • TeddyCharlton
    TeddyCharlton Posts: 46 Member
    Sometimes a person gets so focused on a goal that you lose sight of the real you. The one you, the one who is a good friend, wife and or mother or daughter. So it is good to be good to yourself by taking a soaker bath, doing your toes or fingernails and especially nurturing yourself, not scrutinizing or evaluating your weight loss. Sometimes a good drive in the country with your favorite music on can tip the scale into a happiness mode.
  • LaurieKPhoto1972
    I am SO with you! Two weeks ago I was flying high, feeling like I could ABSOLUTELY reach my goal of losing 116 pounds and there was nothing in this world that would stop me. Today and this past week I feel like my goal is like climbing Mt. Everest!

    I see that you have lost 50 pounds. FIFTY POUNDS!!!! OMG, girl, GOOD FOR YOU!!!! That is AMAZING. So many people in this world will never be able to do what you accomplished. I literally cannot wait to see that number on my ticker!!!

    You have come WAY too far to go back now. You are half way there and if you didn't lose another pound you have already added years onto your life. But if you give up now and gain that weight back you are cutting your life short.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You are SO worth it!!!! You don't have to be strong every minute of every day. The only strength you need to have is the strength to know that we all fall down and the strength to pull yourself up again.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You are SO worth it!!!! Look at what you have done! You are an inspiration to me. You are an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, talented, fabulous woman and don't let those negative voices in your head tell you any different.

    Tomorrow morning you can get up and realize it's a whole new day and that day can be ANYTHING you want it to be!!! Make it the best day ever because...

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You are SO worth it!!!!
  • bigdaddy1789
    Congraulations! I'm new and I hope I have the same success that you have had and will continue to have! Charles.:happy: