Just diet and no work out?

emilyhbrown Posts: 26
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I am in school and have badminton and basketball for 2 hrs each once a week and usually go to the gym on sundays.....
is this good enough?!??!
i just have so much school work being in university i dont have time


  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    better than no exercise at all :) make sure that you walk whenever you can --- to class and the store etc be very diligent on your calorie log and you should be fine :)
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    although I may be the only one here and I do not recommend it, I have lost 69 pounds in 6 months with no exercise, I really am sedentary, I hate exercise, even walking, but I do think that soon I may at least start to walk, exercise does not burn that many calories, it is however good for our health, but please I do think it is overrated for weight loss, learning to eat is far more important in my opinion
  • If your calories are in deficit then you should lose regardless. Exercise is great for your health- but so is sleep and getting through school. Get it in when you can and don't stress about it=)
  • I think it sounds like you are plenty active especially if you stay under your calorie goal.
  • stress can do so much more to your body (in the wrong way) then exercise can do (in the right way) ....ive definately been on that end of the stick! i think as long as your eating right and moving some your fine! you seem like your moving plenty! :) good luck!!
  • I am in school and have badminton and basketball for 2 hrs each once a week and usually go to the gym on sundays.....
    is this good enough?!??!
    i just have so much school work being in university i dont have time

    Badminton and basketball are exercise, just make sure you are eating right
  • I am in school and have badminton and basketball for 2 hrs each once a week and usually go to the gym on sundays.....
    is this good enough?!??!
    i just have so much school work being in university i dont have time

    Badminton and basketball are exercise, just make sure you are eating right
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Weight loss is 80% diet.. so if you don't have as much time as you'd like to exercise, then focusing on your diet will definitely have results. Working out definitely improves your results for gaining muscle and feeling good but you get some physically activity in 3 times a week! I think that you are doing well with this.. when you have more time you can add in another workout or two throughout the week.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    You've received great advise thus far. And I'm glad I read this. I have been dieting since Oct of last year and lost 23 pounds and this was basically dieting alone. I was just too burnt out between work and the kids to do much more. Now I have some time off so I should hopefully get motivated.
  • This is always a "hot button" issue for me. I've been trying to find research lately that gives me some definite answers because there seems to be so much conflicting info!

    I'm very much an "abs are made in the kitchen" kind of gal. I do believe that 70-80% of your physique and weight is diet. But I do think that exercise contributes a great deal - and I mean above and beyond the obvious "health benefits" (cardiovascular strength, bone density, brain/kidney function..) Most recently I've been looking into your body's ability to burn (use) stored fat for energy and mostly I've found that it only happens with exercise (aerobic). - This doesn't mean pushing yourself to your max biggest loser style workouts, just getting your body moving so that it needs to provide you more energy-. So if all you did was sit on a couch and eat less than your daily requirements, you would lose weight, but you wouldn't be able to burn your stored fat.. and don't we all want to get rid of our fat? Not our lean mass?

    That being said I think that your activity level seems adequate. I'm also a student and there are some schedules that just don't leave room for extra workouts (unless you sacrifice sleep..)
    Just thought i'd throw my two cents in. One day - I will know all the answers to this! haha
  • sturgill
    sturgill Posts: 118
    sounds like you are doing more exercise than you realize sports should burn a lot of calories and you go to th gym also = I think you are going to do fine - good luck :flowerforyou:
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    I like what kbellnurse had to say about losing weight vs losing fat. It's true that by dieting alone, the number on the scale will go down. But if you want toning along the way, exercise will help you achieve that--plus extra lean muscle=burning more calories throughout the day anyway. From the sounds of it though, you're getting more exercise than you think! Keep it up!
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