hi everyone

hey. i just joined the site as recommended by a friend. i'm hoping i can stick to this....i seem to start something and then i get bored or sidetracked....but i'm really trying to stick to my guns this time. i have a special needs son and its hard to fit exercise in our schedule....but i'm getting a 20min workout in during the week...and i'm hoping the weekends i can get around an hour. anyways...i'm looking forward to getting to know people and tracking my progress.


  • Wendy72
    First of you should be commended for all you do for your son! I have a 4 yr old with special needs as well. I am finally getting to the point that I can do something for "me" now that he is in school with an awesome group of teachers and therapist. When you love your child enough to do whatever it takes to help them succeed it is only natural that we put ourselves on the back burner for a while.
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey and to your wonderful son too!!