Feel like I'm starving!



  • pbonaccorsi
    I pound down fiber. Whole grains, wheat germ, ground flax seed in almost everything I make from soups to casseroles. i find fiber fills me up and stays with me longer than empty carbs. hang in there.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Soup soup soup! Soup is the dieters friend! I started nearly 4 weeks ago and have soup around 2-4 times a week. There are lots of really good soup recipies online or I have just got a soup cookery book. The soup fills your stomach up and keeps you fuller for longer. You can make really low calorie soups by just using veg or you can add protein as well e.g. chicken and veg soup.
    I agree with soup. Soup and protein.

    I make the soup from the cabbage soup diet. I think the diet itself is wonky, but the soup recipe is yummy, full of fibre, lower in calories, and is generally filling.

    Lean protein at each meal and snack will help.
  • readytoshredlbs
    These are all good ideas. My first question to you is...Are you using a recovery drink after your exercise? This is very important for recovery and insuring your muscles dont cramp up. because I live a pretty active life style, I have to set my watch to go off every 3hours to remind me to eat something small...Usually a protein bar, or a piece of fruit...

    Remember anything with Fiber in it will also help you stay fuller longer. So if you know you will not be able to eat for a few hours then you may want something high in fiber to help you get through that time...

    With all of that said, if you are exercising then you probably need more calorie (the right calories) intake. You need to feed your muscles...

    Remember one more thing...1 pund of fat = 1 pound of muscle, but muscle takes up less space. So if you are eating right and exercising you may not be loosing weight at the speed you would like, but you will be buildng musle so it is the inches you want to watch. Make sure you take measurments, this will be more of a tell tale of your progress then just weight.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    I forced myself to start waking up earlier and getting my gym time in first thing. First, I'm never hungry when I wake up, so would never watt breakfast. Now I do it right after my workout, and helps set the tone for the day. Second it means I'm going to sleep earlier, so I'm not just hanging around the house at night, watching tv and wanting to snack.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I am on 1200 calories a day and I drink lots and lots of water and nuts are good too. Try switching up your meals that helped me with my food cravings when I first started my journey a few weeks ago!!! Good Luck!:happy:

    Have to disagree about nuts. Each nut is 30 cals. 10 nuts (about a handful) are about 300 cals. Love 'em but if I eat them (like I did the other day) I go WAY over....

    NO. This is not true. I don't know where you got the idea that nuts are bad, or contain that many calories, but that is not true. Even the highest (calorically) nut (macadamias) are 200 per ounce. almonds are much lower, and nuts are full of the good fats that you need. Nuts, olive oil, avocadoes, these are the fats that you want.

    I didn't say nuts are bad for you, but let's go and find out how many calories are in nuts shall we?

    1 oz of nuts (see link)


    ALMONDS - 160 cals

    CASHEWS - 160 cals

    MACADAMIA - 200 cals

    PEANUTS - 170 cals

    PISTACHIOS - 160 cals

    WALNUTS - 190 cals

    So just a handful of nuts, IMHO, has a very high caloric count compared to other foods. However, as always, do what you want to do.......
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Make sure you have protein at every meal.

    Eggs or turkey bacon with breakfast
    Chicken or tuna with lunch
    Beef, fish or chicken for dinner...

    Yogurt and protein bars in between. I had 8 oz of chicken with baby greens for lunch yesterday and it kept me full for FIVE HOURS! Woohoo! It was awesome - didn't even think about food for that long! If your vegetarian try soy, dairy or other high protein items.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I am on 1200 calories a day and I drink lots and lots of water and nuts are good too. Try switching up your meals that helped me with my food cravings when I first started my journey a few weeks ago!!! Good Luck!:happy:

    Have to disagree about nuts. Each nut is 30 cals. 10 nuts (about a handful) are about 300 cals. Love 'em but if I eat them (like I did the other day) I go WAY over....
    I don't know what type of nuts you are eating but they must be deep fried. 1 oz of almonds is 170 cals. Really only half an ounce should curb your hunger for a bit. 2oz of nuts at 300 cals plus is way high in fat and really not a good option.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Have to chime in on the nuts!

    If you're using them appropriately, ie portion controlled (I buy a 1kg bag of almonds and take an ounce for snacks some days) the bag goes a long way. 35 days of snacks from that one bag. AND my snack is 160 calories. So my snack costs me $0.31 show me a chocolate bar that has 160 calories and costs under $0.50 and tastes good.

    If you're snacking on nuts in place of a high calorie low value "processed food" item then go to town, just watch amounts.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    I find if i'm hungry or craving sweets i grab a single serving of applesause-not sweetened. I just buy the store brand and for some reason that little applesauce is extremely filling and tastes sweet with only fifty calories. I should try to remember that for myself sometimes, i've had a lot of chocolate today. Please eat your allotted calories for the day including exercise ones. Your body will get into starvation mode and that isn't helpful. I should make more soup it sounds like:) Good luck!:happy:
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    My uncle gave me the tip to eat beef jerky. Very high in protein and more filling that other snacks. Higher in sodium tho, so watch that.

    I second this. I eat vegan jerky and its both low cal, and helps me get more protein into my diet.. Love the stuff!
  • llbates
    Eat more Vegatables, you want foods low on the glycemic index, they will not cause your blood sugar to spike and therefore leave you feeling full longer, plus most vegatables are very low in calories
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Have to chime in on the nuts!

    If you're using them appropriately, ie portion controlled (I buy a 1kg bag of almonds and take an ounce for snacks some days) the bag goes a long way. 35 days of snacks from that one bag. AND my snack is 160 calories. So my snack costs me $0.31 show me a chocolate bar that has 160 calories and costs under $0.50 and tastes good.

    If you're snacking on nuts in place of a high calorie low value "processed food" item then go to town, just watch amounts.

    My point isn't that you should eat a choccy bar. It's that nuts are high in cals. Notice that I've lost almost 7 lbs in less than 3 weeks. I posted the amts of how many cals from several different types of nuts. I understand you might want them, but there are definitely lower cal snack foods out there, and I've posted what they are. Agree that nuts are better than choccy bars but there are definitely a lot lower cal foods out there. Thanks for your response.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I forgot another snack

    Go-Gurt yogurts in the tubes (Simply Go-Gurt is made with real sugar) available everywhere and at Costco, is just 70 cals a tube. They tend to be a bit high in sugar so if one has sugar issues it's not the best thing. Otherwise...yum! And easy!
  • jrbb0309
    I'm going to give a huge thumbs up to nuts as well. I have 12 whole natural almonds each morning as my snack between breakfast and lunch and right after my morning workout. That's roughly 84 calories and it leaves me full and satisfied and makes it easy for me to make it to lunch which is a little later than I'd like. I honestly think protein is the way to go and if you can control yourself with nuts and portion them out, they're a great snack.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I would like to add about nuts: the good thing about them, especially almonds which are lower in calories than other nuts (1almond=7calories) is that if you pair them with a fruit,( like I usually have an apple and then 7 walnuts for a snack), then your body doesnt have a spike in the blood sugar from the sugar in the apple. The combo of the fat and protein in the nuts counteracts the glycemic response of the apple, which helps you feel fuller, longer and decreases cravings.
  • readytoshredlbs
    I think you guys are all NUTS!!! LOL...Great thread...Thanks everyone for posting, a lot of good info...
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Have to chime in on the nuts!

    If you're using them appropriately, ie portion controlled (I buy a 1kg bag of almonds and take an ounce for snacks some days) the bag goes a long way. 35 days of snacks from that one bag. AND my snack is 160 calories. So my snack costs me $0.31 show me a chocolate bar that has 160 calories and costs under $0.50 and tastes good.

    If you're snacking on nuts in place of a high calorie low value "processed food" item then go to town, just watch amounts.

    My point isn't that you should eat a choccy bar. It's that nuts are high in cals. Notice that I've lost almost 7 lbs in less than 3 weeks. I posted the amts of how many cals from several different types of nuts. I understand you might want them, but there are definitely lower cal snack foods out there, and I've posted what they are. Agree that nuts are better than choccy bars but there are definitely a lot lower cal foods out there. Thanks for your response.

    Understandably nuts are a high cal food. But in that small amount of nuts is alot of protein and heart healthy fats that are good for you and fill you up. Given these benefits, they are still a better snack than carrot sticks or yogurt or crackers or anything else pretty much.
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    I've just started eating fresh green beans with 2oz of hummus, surprisingly satisfying with the crunch and the flavor from the hummus. I am not a veggie lover, so green beans have been a surprise to me :)
  • caroline1851
    I started a month ago and the first week I was hungry all the time. i think it was because i was used to eating soooo much more and feeling really full more often. I try to eat every few hours and that seems to be working. plus, getting used to not feeling full helped. :) I keep carrots and cucumbers around all the time to snack on...keeps the edge of the hunger. Maybe you need more calories? I'm not sure about that. i eat 1500 or so, but sometimes up to 1700 and i've been losing 2lbs/week. with an hour or so of exercise a day.
  • jacque1109
    I'm surprised no one has hit this hard--- WATER!!! I've been drinking 10-12 glasses a day and it's really helped curve the appitite :)