Question about pooches (more of a female question)

CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so let me just start out by saying this is a really embarrassing question for me and it took a lot of courage to write this but I am very curious. I have had two c-sections I have a pooch (my stomach) above the scar and then a pooch under it (if you get my drift) it looks really strange and I HATE IT! So, for the ladies that have had c-sections and have lost weight, does that pooch start to disappear? Is there exercises I can do to help it on its way out the door?


  • I have also had two C-sections. I know what you are talking about. Yes, it can. The more body fat I loose, the more it goes down.
    What has helped me the most is Pilates and Exercise ball. So it is not just about losing weight on the scale. Of course that is awesome, but you have to lose the fat and build muscle. Hope that helps.
    Also stay away from soda's, this will contribute to the bloat.
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    I've also had 2 c-sections and am curious if the pooch will go away too. I hate it now, but, I'm so afraid it will look worse as I lose weight. I hope someone can answer.
  • thank you for posting this. i only had one c-section and i hate my pooch too! i have been doing crunches, sit ups and using the ball and that is what really helped me. though i know i still have some work to do, it's better than it was!
  • I have had twins and a c section... yes it can go away.... 80% diet and 20% workout... keep in mind that your abs and glutes will be the last area you will see progress so dont give up!
  • I have had 3 c-sections and yes, it does go down as you lose fat and strengthen your core. Pilates has worked well for me in the past. I'm still working on my current pooch from my last pregnancy and c-section! Keep up the good work!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I've also had 2 c-sections and am curious if the pooch will go away too. I hate it now, but, I'm so afraid it will look worse as I lose weight. I hope someone can answer.

    Me too! I am afraid it will stay the same size and the rest of me will be smaller, I am going to start doing some research! We have to find an answer somewhere!
    AkBUTLER Posts: 107
    I didnt have a c-section but my son was ten lbs and I have a little pooch (loose skin) I dont think my tummy will ever be the same!! My stomach is the hardest part for me to tone : /
  • I've had 1 c-section and i've got the pooch!! Hate it. Thanks for posting this- I'm looking forward to what people have to say!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Good post. I've had 2 c-sections but my scar is up and down. Mines looks like another butt. Lol! Hopefully I can get this down too.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I had a C section and also abdominal surgery with a different cut, but I don't have the pooch you are speaking about. I think a lot of it has to do with body type and genetics. My 'fat' areas are my hips and thighs, plus my skin is not loose when I lose weight. So, while nature might be against you, it is not impossible. The same old, same old advice really does work. Eliminate/reduce processed foods that contain preservatives, eat more veggies, reduce sugar and sugar substitutes, lower body fat with cardio and strength training. If only it were as easy as it sounds!:sad:
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I did a little research I googled "how to get rid of fat in pelvic area" haha. I guess that pooch fat is called adipose fat and websites are suggesting cardio for 45-60 minutes a day, pelvic tilts, flutter kicks, leg circles, and planks. Websites also suggested lowering your sugar intakes and eating healthy (duh haha)
  • Ive had 3 c-sections & have the same problem. Ive also lost 40 lbs over the last 3 years and seen my pooch go down. I thought it would look better than it does since Im closer to my goal weight, but that area seems to bee the last to go down. Having toned abs is really important, but you can't see those abs until the excess fat is gone, so hang in there!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I haven't had any kids, but when I played volleyball in high school, we did an exercise to strengthen the lower abs.lie on your back with your hands flat on the floor on either side of your body. Lift your feet off the ground about 6-12 inches while keeping your legs straight. Hold them in the air for about 5 seconds and slowly bring back down. At practices, we did 20 of these.
  • MrsKStewart
    MrsKStewart Posts: 5 Member
    Well i have never had kids . But if you lookw at it looks like i had at least 2 ! My lower stomach just hang ! i wonder if as i lose weight will it disappear ?
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I have the same prob! I had a c-section but I've always had a problem with the "pooch". I'm doing the 30 Day Shred and she has exercises for that.....just like what the lady above me said, lying on your back and lifting your legs....Jillian on 30 DS said that will take care of that..I imagine those moves combined with cardio should start to see some improvement...I sure hope so!
  • EAMac
    EAMac Posts: 22
    I think once those muscles are cut, they'll never be the same. I'm glad to hear that the pooch can be decreased. I have a friend who started working out and lost weight after her two c-sections. She finally went and got a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin because she said no matter how much she dieted or worked out, she couldn't get it to go away. My stretch marks are so bad it wouldn't even matter if I could get my belly flat again. :) I am thankful to hear that some people are having success reducing it at least. It gives me a bit of hope.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Yeah, what stinks is we can do something about the fat but when the fat is gone, excess skin will just not go away without surgery(which costs an arm and a leg). I guess you take the good with the bad. Guess I'd rather be wrinkly and fit into my clothes than poochy and stuffing my belly into those jeans, LOL.
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    I think once those muscles are cut, they'll never be the same. I'm glad to hear that the pooch can be decreased. I have a friend who started working out and lost weight after her two c-sections. She finally went and got a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin because she said no matter how much she dieted or worked out, she couldn't get it to go away. My stretch marks are so bad it wouldn't even matter if I could get my belly flat again. :) I am thankful to hear that some people are having success reducing it at least. It gives me a bit of hope.

    We actually learned in nursing school that you are will never be the same. UNLESS you work it out immediately int he weeks following birth. (when no one can stand to move in ways to workout) Its called diastatis recti I believe. I do believe though that you will be able to get rid of a lot of it....but those muscles underneath will never go back just perfect. Part of the joys of being a woman
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I had a c-section with my son. Up until two years ago I worked out consistently (back on track now). Ab crunches can help. The correct way is to find a spot on the ceiling, and try to curl your upper ab into your lower ab, lie a "C". This should help. But keep in mind, there could be some scar tissue, especially with two c-sections. Ask your doctor next time you are there if that is what they feel. Good luck.
  • Thanks for posting this, I've had an emergency c-section with my son and have a horrible pooch. I must say though that even losing 10 lbs I can tell that it is starting to shrink. I don't think it will ever be washboard abs (but then again I never expected to have those again!) I've been looking for a reason to buy Jillians 30day shred, and I think I just found it!!!

    We can all loose our pooches together :)
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