Wish me luck

I am new to myfitnesspal and am in desparate need to stick with this and lose the weight.


  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    You can do this!!! Good luck:-)
  • brandynichol
    Thank you, that is so nice of you to root me on. Best of luck to you are well. I have just started back dieting/exercising for 2 weeks now and have never done the calorie counting thing so this is all a little new to me. I feel like I am starving but I know my body will adjust soon.
  • GiGGiTy3434
    GiGGiTy3434 Posts: 24 Member
    What kind of diet plan are you on? I'm on the GI diet (glycemic index) and it feels like I'm eating all of the time. You just have to eat healthy but I am very happy with the diet and I have lost 28lb since Jan 1st. My wife has lost 21lbs also. It's always easier if your doing this with someone else.

    My experience with diets are that if you are starving yourself, it's not gonna last for long and I have always put the weight back on.
    The best of luck to you though, I hope you do well.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    It can be a little hard at first, but you will be able to do this. I remember thinking I wouldn't be able to feel full on the calories I started with, but after a few weeks I was fine. Then when I increased my calories, I found it hard to eat them all. =0)
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    YOU GOT THIS GIRL!!!! Trust me, once you see/feel your body changing, it will get easier. You will binge, not eat, freak out at one point or another, but it will get easier. MFP is a great place to meet motivated people. Enjoy:smokin:
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Feeling like you are starving when you first start, it's normal but make sure you are eating the calories allowed. It's shocking to see how many calories certain foods have, and then you start taking a step back before you eat it again. This site is awesome, you learn new information everyday, very friendly.
  • brandynichol
    I will have to look into the GI diet. I am just cutting back and sticking to the number of calories allowed per myfitnesspal... I haven't really figured out "what type of calories I should be eating". With weight watchers they specified so many fruits, dairy, meats... etc. I know I will get into the rythm. I am motivated and ready. I finally have my mind set.
  • GiGGiTy3434
    GiGGiTy3434 Posts: 24 Member
    This site is awesome. It makes it SOO easy to figure your points/calories. If you lost or gained weight you can go back and see what you had that week and figure out why you did so good/bad.

    It's also nice to know you aren't the only one struggling with weight. From my experience, everyone on here is so helpful and encouraging.

    Anyways, good luck! :)
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    hi :) you can do this!

    try to eat unprocessed foods. the less preservatives the better. home cooking is good and there are tons of healthy recipes. :) fruits veggies lean meats and so on. :) its foreign now but soon it will become common sense to you. you'll start shopping differently and start changing the types of foods you like and even crave. I craved cucumber today. I I have damned idea why. LOL just weird stuff like that. :p
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome to MFP - I find it a real help to record my food, exercise etc..I .look forward to recording it every day - It's motivation to keep below my calorie goal....good luck. You will find heaps of support here.