Went a bit mad!

can't believeI iate so much rubbish last night. I have been doing to well with my calories and exercising and then I
Totally lost it last night and ate about 900 calories over my allowance. I so regret it.......


  • kirkofalltrades
    Gotta have a 'cheat day' from time to time, so I've heard.

    No point in feeling bad about it. I have done the same in the past and it does nothing but help you fail. Stay positive, work extra hard the next week (with no cheating) and no harm done :)

  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! It happens sometimes.
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    It's okay. The best advice i have is to forget about it and move on. One day will not make a difference in your weigh in. Honestly. Last wekend i ate 400 calories over each day and still lost a pound during weigh in.
    Plus, don't forget there are 3,500 calories in a pound. AND you ate 900 over your allocated calories (which i'm assuming is 1,200). So when you think about it, you probably over a few hundred cals over you BMR. No biggie :D
    Really just don't give up and you'll be fine.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Don't ever feel bad about what you eat. Guilt will only lead to psychologically or physically purging your body in some way, which will become counterproductive to your progress, which will make you feel more guilty...and the cycle will continue.

    Like cupcakelover said, accept that it happened and just keep pushing forward with what you normally do. Cognitive-behavioral psychology would tell you to do the same, and just use this experience as a reference point so that you can make an alternatively better choice should a similar situation arise in the future.

    Sure, there's always a consequence with every action we take, but how you perceive it is up to you. There technically is no right or wrong. A temporary weight gain would be a result of this particular indulgence, but that just means you could either give in to the feeling of regret and guilt and allow it to negatively affect your motivation; or you could look at it as an expected result, and that something so small couldn't possibly stop you from achieving your personal goal. Then take it as a challenge to prove how strong your dedication is to your success.

    It's the little bumps like this in life that keep everyone in check and to appreciate the positive aspects much more. How else would you know a good thing if there's nothing bad to compare it to?
  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you, anubis609! That was really helpful advice. I have been feeling the same as the original poster (Sandra_M) from a over indulgent weekend!
  • crazeness
    Tomorrow is a new day and sometimes these things happen :smile:
  • Sandra_M
    Sandra_M Posts: 41 Member
    ThanIs guys. You have all made very valid points and you are right I just need to forget about and move on. Having read your posts I already feel so much more positive and I WILL NOT give up. New day and I know I will be in a much better frame of mind today it was just a wee hiccup! Puts it all in to perspective though went you get fantastic posts from other. Thanks a million x