Sleeps all day Works all night

Cjdell01 Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
my body is in hell right now because i just switched shifts into grave shift. i work 7pm to 7am and don't know hoe i should keep up with the food intake. if i sleep all day then i wont enter and calories for the day. i wake up go to work and i eat, but then midnight happens, do i keep tracking from the previous day, or should i just start adding for at midnight.
Also does anyone have any tips as to how i can stay motivated to workout, im sooooo tired during the shifts. any help would do


  • just start from when you get up.
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    WHat kind of work do you do???
    I work 7p until 7aas a critical care nurse and I have found that the first day....The one that you are awake for 24 plus hours, I allow myself 250 extra calories, just to get by...I start my day at midnight, and some days I am under, but then other days I am over...I also bring a few exercise "toys" with me to work and get a few 10 minue sessions in...I have exercise bands and a "skipit"....Also, i think the biggest part is that we don't rink enough water. We have alot of coffee and carbs to stay awake, but short ourselveson the water dept. So, Before I eat anything, I have a glass ofwater....
    Hope this helps, let me know how it is going........
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    just start from when you get up.

    That''s good in theory. But he's saying at midnight his MFP Calories reset. Is there a way you could change your local time zone to 12 hrs Difference?
  • SisterC
    SisterC Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome to the night llife!! I have worked the graveyard shift for allmost 7 years...takes a few weeks to get used to the change. This is how I manage....I sleep when I get home...wake about mid-afternoon, drink water & eat a hardboiled egg or something like that...then in about an hour I will exercise, do some household chores, prepare my evening meal and pack my lunchbag for work. My evening meal is the largest meal of my day...lean protein, lots of veggies and some rice or something. Take my shower, get ready for work...first break of my shift I will have protein with fruit or pb on celery; my 'lunch' break, I will have protein, veggies and a last break I will have an apple and string cheese stick...and I am drinking lots of water throughout my shift. Once I get home in the am, I may have some oatmeal and do a few small chores (load the dishwasher, sweep the floor, etc.) then I will lay down to sleep. Good luck to you on your journey....oh, and I start my day once I wake Mon. evening for me means Tues ...makes the week go faster!! Hugs, SisterC
  • sassy_sandi
    sassy_sandi Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the post. I just started myfitness pal last week and tonight is my first of two nights that I work 12 hour 7-7 shifts also, so I was wondering how to do it too......It is so tempting to just grab 'anything' when I am so rushed and stressed. I am an LPN and the geriatrics on my floor do NOT sleep all night...So I plan on taking some food that I know is healthy and tracking my day from when I get up also...we will see how it works......HOPE you don't have to do too many nights in a row...GOOD LUCK....together we can all 'get er done'!
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Doesnt it all even out ? Im working nights right now , its about to click over to midnight , so whatever I eat after that then goes into tomorrows count. Thats how I do it anyway.
  • lady_t
    lady_t Posts: 16
    hi...i use to work the overnight shift. i counted mid-night to mid-night. worked fine for me. i also plan my meals and log food early...if i don't eat it, then i'll delete the entry before completing my diary for that day.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    Bump for my mom, thanks!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    just start from when you get up.

    That''s good in theory. But he's saying at midnight his MFP Calories reset. Is there a way you could change your local time zone to 12 hrs Difference?

    If you can not change to a time zone that works out for you. You can manually flip back to the day before and add it in. I know that is annoying but it is a better option then nothing.
  • mistawalka
    mistawalka Posts: 108 Member

    If you can not change to a time zone that works out for you. You can manually flip back to the day before and add it in. I know that is annoying but it is a better option then nothing.

    This is what I do. Also as part of trying to eat healthier at work at night - I prepare my dinner at home to take with me - so can log it in advance before the midnight dairy changeover.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    "i counted mid-night to mid-night. worked fine for me. i also plan my meals and log food early...if i don't eat it, then i'll delete the entry before completing my diary for that day. " = Quote from Lady-T

    I am an RN working (3) 12-14 hr overnights currently then "flip" to days to be with family and "real " world....and so goes the cycle.
    I, like Lady-T (above quote), count midnight to midnight and plan meals ahead/log them in/ and post before go to work so post shows, then correct/change anything I altered the next morning.
    Changed my diary headings to times vs meals (12am-8am/8am-12noon/12noon-4pm/4pm-8pm/8pm-12am)and found this helped me.
    There are times when I may be over one day and under the next (or vice versa) but evens out between the two days.
    ALSO found that eating 'something' every 3-4 hrs while awake helps.

    For exercise I have found Leslie Sasone walking program (discs) use them at home (along with other exercises) and just do some of her program during breaks at work (from memory, not with disc) like "marching" "Kicks" etc and at a brisk pace.
    When I worked in a facility where we had access to PT and were allowed to use certain equipment I took advantage of it , or just walked the halls briskly (power walk using arms) during breaks (It seems smokers always took there breaks so I took "walk" breaks).

    Hope this helps, or at least that you find what works for you. :-)
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