Walking - - losing inches off hips but not stomach.

I've been walking walking walking outside and on the treadmill for several months and have lost considerably more inches off of my hips than I have off my waist. So my butt looks pretty good, but my waist...not. And I can tell when I zip up my dress boots that even my calves are even thinner. But, I REALLY would like to see my waist start to shrink. Will that ever happen if I continue this walking? What have you experienced?


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Unfortunately, we can't spot reduce. The weight is going to come off from where it's going to come off no matter what you do.
    It just so happens that the place we gain first, we lose from last. It sucks, but keep doing what you're doing. Eventually you'll begin to lose from your desired areas.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yep, keep doing what you're doing. It will eventually come off if you keep losing fat. I have the same problem area, and I know it's going to be the last place it's going to come off. Sucks, doesn't it? You could do crunches and other stomach exercises to help tone the muscles in that area, but as far as the fat goes, we just have to keep burning those calories and wait it out.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Yes, spot reducing is impossible. Try switching up your routine. Try some aeorbics, like Zumba or Turbojam. They focus on all parts of the body for an overall calorie burn as well. Some people just lose it certain spots at first, usually where we don't want to, like breasts!!!
  • lmburi
    lmburi Posts: 22
    I agree with everyone. I've wanted my tummy to decrease for over a year, but just kind of have had to keep losing everywhere else. Just now, my tummy is starting to go down. So, the point is, you will eventually lose where you want to, but you'll just have to keep up to good choices that you've been making and use your dream for those changes to motivate you in the meantime!
  • karen4777
    I have found that in addition to cardio like walking I have to do weight training and lots of various ab workouts.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've been walking/jogging regularly for almost two months, and have noticed the biggest difference in my torso region in the past two weeks since starting core work.

    I'm using EA Active Sports 2 on the PS3, and I'm not killing myself with tons of crunches or anything, but just adding a few crunches, reverse crunches, planks, etc. I've lost two inches off my waist in the past two weeks!
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    Your hips are loosing, cause you are working those muscles. For your waist you need to work your stomach muscles. Find an ab workout you like, try 10 min a day or even 5 a day committed will make a huge change.
  • racheyanne1
    Hey - I had a personal trainer, and he told me that if you're walking on the treadmill, doing intervals will help with belly fat. Walking on high inclines actually helps with thighs.

    It's too bad the weight doesnt just fall off where we want, right? LOL but hey - I will take weight loss where ever I can. =)