Heart Rate Monitor calories way HIGHER than MFP?

So I got a Polar FT4 today and tried it out on the treadmill for 10 min tonight. From what I had read on MFP I was expecting to see lower calories then MFP gives me. But I got a readout of 77 calories from the heart rate monitor and MFP told me I would have burned 44 calories. I'm just really surprised that it was almost twice as much. Has anyone had this experience?


  • Lisacares
    maybe see what another exercise calorie counter says there are lots online.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    My HRM was higher than what MFP calculated as well but I push myself really hard when I exercise so I have faith in my HRM over MFP.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    impressive! From what I have seen on here, that is considered one of the best, so I am not doubting its accuracy.

    Maybe you are just a really enthusiastic exerciser? :happy:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey I have the same experience - i normally burn a couple hundred cals more than mfp says for every hour of exercise. I am in the lucky position of having a boyfriend at med school so no my v02 max and am able to calculate my cals fully from my HR - my personal calculations always match my HRM, never MFP so I would trust it - you have to think MFP has to average stuff out for all different sizes and levels of effort, your own HR is a much better measure x
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I use a Polar FT4 as well :) I get a higher calorie burn from my HRM compared to MFP and the cardio machines at the gym. I place more faith in the HRM as it takes into account my weight, height, sex and actually measures my heart rate so.. I'd say trust the HRM more.
  • amo72
    amo72 Posts: 7 Member
    maybe see what another exercise calorie counter says there are lots online.

    I did check out a couple of others and they were all somewhere in the 40's also.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    that happened to me when i got my polar F7 in december. i trust my HRM because it has been consistent since i got it. i was VERY surprised at the difference between the HRM and MFP.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    I just got my new HRM and have been experiencing a higher calorie record than the average of my previous MFP estimations... I know my body and really feel like my HRM is telling me the truth!!

    P.S. The more I get excited about checking the next workout, the harder I find I'm pushing myself... I LOVE the new person I am becoming!!

    Thanks for being a part of it!!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    So I got a Polar FT4 today and tried it out on the treadmill for 10 min tonight. From what I had read on MFP I was expecting to see lower calories then MFP gives me. But I got a readout of 77 calories from the heart rate monitor and MFP told me I would have burned 44 calories. I'm just really surprised that it was almost twice as much. Has anyone had this experience?

    That would depend on how far you got in that ten minutes. Usually, unless someone is considerably heavier, a mile usually hovers somewhere around 100 calories. If you covered close to a mile in that time, 77 is probably right. MFP is usually higher, but I'd trust your HRM before I'd go with the generic figure.

    Hope that helps.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I would absolutely go with the HRM......I ordered mine last week and thats the whole reason I spent the $109 on it to have a more accurate calorie burn reading. MFP is just a generic number. For instance I have My Shape for the Wii that has a camera on top of tv that monitors you while you exercise. If you are not doing it right it will tell you..........Basically if I do a half assed workout it shows in my calories burned. I can do that same exercise with all my ambition and burn at least 150 calories more. I punch it was the workout game said I burned and its always more calories than what MFP says. So a good HRM is going to know you are keeping up your heart rate and therefore burning more calories.
  • amo72
    amo72 Posts: 7 Member
    Well I feel like I won the calorie burn lottery or something! Thanks
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I would absolutely go with the HRM......I ordered mine last week and thats the whole reason I spent the $109 on it to have a more accurate calorie burn reading. MFP is just a generic number. For instance I have My Shape for the Wii that has a camera on top of tv that monitors you while you exercise. If you are not doing it right it will tell you..........Basically if I do a half assed workout it shows in my calories burned. I can do that same exercise with all my ambition and burn at least 150 calories more.* I punch it was the workout game said I burned and its always more calories than what MFP says. So a good HRM is going to know you are keeping up your heart rate and therefore burning more calories.

    *Oops I meant to say I punch in the numbers that the Wii game says I burned and its always higher than what MFP says I burned. Good lord its like I was hitting the liquor this morning lol. I SWEAR I wasn't lol.
  • chrish1981
    I had the same problem with my HRM, but it's a really cheap one and I know for a fact that it's telling me I'm burning WAY more than I really am. Plus, it doesn't have a chest strap, so I heard that leads to inaccuracy as well.

    I told the hubby I wanted a Polar with a chest strap for V-day (heard those were the best and very reliable) so we'll see...
  • Icandothis2011
    I just got a Timex Personal Trainer heart rate monitor with a chest strap and I love it, and yes the calories are higher than MFP. I don't burn much with weight training but cardio, holy cow! Trust your hrm, seeing the calories burned makes exercise more fun I think!