Back to try again!

sgsphotography Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Last year I was in a boot camp program that helped me stay on track with exercise. Due to my husband being transferred, I slacked off and lost my motivation. I am hoping to regain it here and with a few friends. My hardest part of weight loss is the food. I have a hard time adjusting what I eat to better myself. I can do the exercise, once my motivation is there.

If anyone has suggestions I am willing to hear anything you can give.

So here we go!!!!!


  • Welcome back! I have only been doing this site for a month and it is so great. It has been the best tool that I have been able to find to lose weight.
  • Hiya!!!

    As long as your doing it for yourself thats the best motivation there is :smile:

    Of course you'll have set backs, but that's life - nothing runs smoothly!! But hey what are we best at?.......picking ourselves back up, dusting ourselves off and starting again!!! :smile:

    Remember even half a pound is better than nothing, and nothing is better than gaining!!

    I'm attempting weight loss for the 2nd time so I know where your coming from and how you are feeling - add me as a friend if you want and we'll get there together - the more the merrier :smile:

    Good luck and keep smiling!!

  • You can do it susan! You support me, and I will do the same for you! This tool definitely helps me with the food choices. I don't want to see the bad stuff in my food diary, so I try to avoid it. And after you use the site for a while, you start to see where the calories are in your food choices, so it can help with your food choices. Good luck!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Wow! I can definitely relate to that. You should check out my website below. I have tried all the diets out there and failed all the time. This plan I am on now, is the best! No pills, no gimmicks. Go to the website and read my story.
  • tjstuck
    tjstuck Posts: 2 Member
    Same problem .... I try to plan my meals one meal at a time (not a full day or week, just the next one) .... I add the next meal in the calorie counter and when I see how many calories come up I think about if I really need that food or if I just want it.... most times I make an adjustment and end up with a better calorie count at the end of the day ... each day has gotten better for me... I feel so much better with better food choices.. I am not so sluggish in the afternoons and I have the engery to get on my bike in the living room ... I just looked at it for a year now I am actually looking forward to using it ... 3 minutes a day, then 5 minutes a day , then 10 minutes a day and now I do no less than 30 minutes a day .... can't wait for spring to get here so I will able to walk more than a block or two at a time....
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I to struggle with food. I love the taste I love the texture I love food! I'm still figuring out a lot but what's worked for me and from what I've read on other message board posts is this.
    - At the grocery store try to stick to the outer aisles and avoid processed food.
    - Read serving sizes and stick to them.
    - Don't deprive yourself of foods you love but don't go overboard
    - Log as much as you can at the beginning of the day. Especially if there is something special you want to eat later.
    - Exercise as long and frequently as possible.
    - If you think you're hungry drink a glass of water and if you're still hungry chew a piece of gum. It doesn't sound like it helps but it does.
    - Brush you teeth right after dinner so you aren't tempted to snack.
    - Eat several small meals throughout the day. I have snacks in between breakfast and lunch as well as lunch and dinner.
    Most importantly, stick with it. I heard Jillian Michaels say, "You didn't get this way over night so don't expect to change overnight." Things like this take time. Stay active with the MFP blogs and message boards. There is a fabulous support system here. Good luck!
  • turtlecc
    turtlecc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Susan!! Yay.. Back and ready to go! That is a good start. I have to admit with Carye, the actual admitting what I have eaten by putting it on here was a realization and a shock. It is totally my accountability partner and now you and Carye and whoever else I find will be too.
    Like someone else said on here this is not a game nor is it a gimmick, it is real! I have lost 5 pounds by actually committing and applying myself.
    Once you start keeping track of the stuff you are actually eating (and don't forget to add what you are drinking too), it will become easy.
    Yay!! Lets get started. :) Keep us posted on your accomplishments.
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