Help! Migraines, IV Infusion, and Weight Gain....

Hi Everyone, I'm feeling quite discourage this morning!

I have chronic migraines. Every couple of months I get one so bad that I need to go to the hospital for an IV fusion. The Fusion is usually a cocktail with anti-nausea med and a narcotic.

Last night I had one of the worst migraines in my life and went to hospital, business as usual.

Well, this morning I weighed myself and I had GAINED 3 LBS!!!!

My calorie intake yesterday was the same as normal.
Does anyone have any idea why the IV infusion would have caused me to gain so much literally over night?
Is it water weight? Or could it be from the medications? I think they gave me benedryl, toredol, and some anti nausea med.


  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Every liter of fluid infused in the body is equal to one kilogram of weight gain (2.2 lbs) .. if you have normal kidney function you will process this and pee it out today...

    no worrys...
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Unless you consumed three times 3500 calories (too early for me to do math) it is most likely water retention. Keep hydrated and up your potassium, and within a couple days you should be back on track. Sorry to hear about the severity of your migraine, hope they improve for you.
  • blondie1238
    The same thing happens to me. I'm a fellow migraine sufferer, and also a nurse. Don't stress. It's water weight, pure and simple. Sometimes migraines are caused by dehydration, so they attack it from all angles: the IV fluids to combat the dehydration, if you are dehydrated, and the cocktail of medications to work together to control the migraine, which actually allows most people to sleep it off, myself included. You probably weren't dehydrated and took on water weight. Don't weigh yourself for a few days and carry on, "business as usual". What we go through as migraine sufferers, hey?
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Just curious if you've tried eliminating artificial sweeteners and/or gluten from your diet?
    Forsaking these helped my friend's migraines significantly.
  • blondie1238
    Just curious if you've tried eliminating artificial sweeteners and/or gluten from your diet?
    Forsaking these helped my friend's migraines significantly.

    For me, it's chocolate! I'm a chocoholic... so I limit myself to only small portions, because I can't eliminate it completely :happy:
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Thanks Everyone! I'm feeling much better about it!

    Caffeine and Chocolate can be a big trigger for me. If I have so much as a cup of coffee or a can of soda I will get a migraine. I rarely drink anything but water because of that. Obviously, though, those aren't my only triggers, since I had a migraine last night when all I drank was water yesterday.

    I don't know about gluten, actually that's the second time someone has mentioned that to me this week! I will have to look into it. Thanks!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Cheese can also be a trigger, my friend has a huge reaction to a tinny bit of cheese/ coffee/chocolate @ any time. It could be stress related of period hormones. I start getting server migraines the week before a period & during.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    sorry it said blank page so i posted again
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    The IV has water and likely salt in it so no wonder you gained weight. Also toradol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and most of the NSAID's can cause sodium and water retention also. Not to did not gain 3 pounds overnight.