More food? Less food? Argh!!!

brendalee70 Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I hope someone can help me figure out what I am doing wrong. Are you ready? Here is the problem...two years ago I lost 50 pounds. I cut my calories down to 1200 and worked out. That worked for me. I was so excited. But over the last two years I have gained 10 pounds...lost 10 pounds and so on. I never really reached my goal weight. I am 5'8 and weigh 160. I want to reach 145. Its not really even the number on the scale I just see I have more to lose. Well anyways, I am using the log in's here and I start my calorie intake at 1200 then I add the more calories when I work out. Like the site does for us. I am on week 5 1/2 of TurboFire and I LOVE LOVE the workouts. I feel great but I have not moved on the scale. I was ready chalene's Turbo Fire Fuel book that comes with the program and according to her calculations I should be eating 1920. Thats alot more than I am use to. Will eating that much more calories really make me lose the weight? any input?? suggestions?? Oh and btw, I really appreciate any help!! Thanks ahead of time!!!!


  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Stay with what you are doing and it will work. I am 5'8" and started in September at 158 going for goal of about 138-140. It was nearly 6 weeks before I saw any loss on the scale. I"m sure my body was changing, hopefully building muscle (I did not take measurement). Now after 4-1/2 month I have lost 10 pounds and continuing a slow drop. Sometimes it takes a while to start seeing the scale go down. Keep doing what you are doing....I would not eat more...........just be patient and stick with it. It WILL work.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer said to never go below 1400 on days that you are exercising..
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    When you have less body fat to burn it's hard to lose. You also have to eat more to burn that fat. The body will use whatever source of fuel is closest to the area of the body that needs it. If muscle is closer it will burn muscle for energy because it's more efficient. So you have to make sure you have enough calories in you to make your body use the food instead of muscle. You also have to be content with the weight coming off slower. Change your goal to losing one pound per week or maybe even half a pound. It will happen, you just have to feed your body properly and have patience.
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    yes i agree, your probaly so close to where your body is meant to be it just takes a lot more time to reach it, i will say that the "kind" of calories you eat is very important. A lot of people on here just watch they're calories but don't worry about the kind of calories. I have a custom diary that my nutritionist made me and i'm protein is extremely important. I'm supposed to eat between 70 and 100 grams of protein, only 25 grams of sugars max per day and of course no carbs after 3pm. Your fat intake to should be low. Higher fat,sugars make you crave more so when you keep these two things in check you less likely to have any cravings. It's truely amazing the difference it will make in the way your body will change.This can really make a huge difference on the scale. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day! water helps flush that extra fat out of your body. Fat is also full of nasty toxins so you need to drink lots of water to make sure it's flushed out. the last piec e of advice is you must measaure. Do not just go off what the scale tells you. measure a your neck, upper arms( widest part), at belly button, 2 inches below your belly button, the widest part of your hips, hold your hands straight to the side of your hips and where the tips of your fingers touch that's where you meausre your each thigh. CHeck your measurements usually every 2 wks to once a month. Cardio cardio cardio is the best way to rid of that stubborn fat. Working out 5 to 6 days a week will also be a huge huge change. Protein shakes will also help you to get your goal for protein. The more protein you eat, the more lean mucscle you will create, which burns more and more of that stubborn fat of and replaces it with lean muscle.This is best of advice my nutritionist gave me. Give it a try and most of dont' give takes 90 days for you to see real results.....Good luck
  • thanks so much everyone. that was my first post and within minutes I had replies. You all ROCK!!

    I do drink LOTS of water and stopped drinking my drug of choice: DIET MOUNTAIN DEW!!! lol
    Breakfast is usually a bagel with peanut butter or cereal.
    Lunch is a low fat and low calorie frozen lunch entree. (smart ones) and a 100 calorie pack cookie.
    Then I will have an afternoon snack of yogurt...or something around 200 calories
    Dinner is always a chef salad (300 calories)
    then a snack usually 3 hours after dinner which is usually around 200 calories.In my heart I feel I am not eating enough for the amount of workouts I am doing. I work out 6 days a week during turbo fire.
    And just yesterday signed up for a 5 k so I will be doing 3 miles a day to get ready for that. But my head keeps telling me if I eat more I will gain. So I have no clue what to do. It seems every site is different in the amount of calories they tell me to eat.
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    well wow i really didn't answer your question LOL!!! I guess i just love to hear myself sorry!!! Well, the people on the biggest loser diet DO NOT add more calories becuase of there workouts. Based on your weight on the biggest loser diet your supposed to eat 1100 calories if your 150lb or the specific on carbs,fat,fiber blah blah blah you know all that so I hope that answer your question. If you feel more hungry which typically you will based on your turbofire workouts and the 5k your preparing for, up your protein to 70 to 100 grams a day!!! :O)
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    sorry i assumed your under 150 so here is the rest of the guidelines from the biggest loser plan:
    170 - 1190
    180 - 1260
    190 - 1330
    200- 1400
    210- 1470
    230 - 1610
    240 - 1680
    250 - 1750
    I know this plan works .....i've did it everytime after I've had my 3 girls...i gained 50 lbs every time so i works!!!
  • this is just from experience.....2 weeks ago, I had a whole lot of exercise time in, I am supposed to be consuming 1200 calories. Some days I would consume that, and then work off 1000 calories or more, and was getting a net calorie intake below 500 and a couple days just below zero....that week I GAINED! 3 lbs!!!!!! I have been consuming most of my exercise calories now and find I am losing about 2 lbs a week now. I know, it's hard, and it really doesn't seem to make sense but it's the way to go!
    Good luck.

  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    OK you have all helped me! I was going to start a blog on what I was doing wrong. For one I'm not eating enough calories. And two I need to make sure I do my FULL 64 oz of water every day. I'm happy that I've lost a lb, but I would be ecstatic if I was down two. OK so my body thinks I'm starving but I'm not. Thank you!
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