Day 12 ~ 30 Day Challenge

sixxbaby Posts: 543
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Happy Saturday everybody, I am getting ready for my Turbo Kick (Kickboxing) class, so I know I am gonna get my cardio in for sure!! The calories should be good, gonna go to bingo tonight, but i am gonna bring HEALTHY snacks so I don't munch on all the crap food they will have there.

Anyway topic for today: Why are you losing weight?? Of course I know that everyone wants to be healthy and have a long, great life but are there other reasons as to why you are motivated to lose now??

For me I have been overweight since the age of around 10, and I always felt so awkward and shy because of it, as an adult I came to love myself the way that I was and I am pretty comfortable in my skin, but I am so motivated this year especially ( I am going to be 40) to lose the weight...Of course I have the same reasons as everybody. Want to be healthy and see my children and grandchildren grow and prosper. But for me I have an even bigger motivator. My husband is an alcoholic and he just finished 90 days in rehab (I know such a California thing to do, right??) anyway he has over 100 days sober for the first time in his life, and he is doing so good. He is working his program and making some major changes in his life. So part of my motivation is to go through my own kind of program to get healthy both in body but also in mind, so that maybe one day we can be healthy that is a little glimpse into my life, hope I didn't bore you all too much

Good luck!!! and go Packers!!!


  • Congratulations to your husband!!! That is an awful hard thing to beat, I bet you are so proud, I'm proud of him and I don't even know him :) Proud of you too, cause we all know getting healthy is not an easy task. For me? I'm doing it for the same reason, I want to live a long healthy life for my kids and future grandkids:) The Best of Luck to you both!!!!
  • I do want to be healthy and all of those things too. I gained weight in my late twenties and I haven't felt sexi in a long time. I want to be able to put on a dress and feel sexy! So I am planning on buying a dress two sizes to small and hang it where I can see it everyday to motivate me.
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Congratulations to your husband!!! That is an awful hard thing to beat, I bet you are so proud, I'm proud of him and I don't even know him :) Proud of you too, cause we all know getting healthy is not an easy task. For me? I'm doing it for the same reason, I want to live a long healthy life for my kids and future grandkids:) The Best of Luck to you both!!!!

    thanks so much...yes I am very proud of him, he has battled with alcoholism for many years, I really thought he might die from it, so I am so happy for him...and ME
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    I'm am doing this for a better quality of life. Pretty simple at this point, the weight has stopped me from doing things I love to do and the things I want to do in the future so I am.
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