New to My Fitness Pal

AMBrody Posts: 25
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Amy and I am trying to lose weight without paying someone for their food or to weigh me. I use to 255 lbs and I am now 209 lbs. I was using a similar app, but I have found My Fitness Pal to have more foods and exercises. I love eating foods you can find in the local grocery stores and restaurants.


  • Hi im Dawn

    I was shown this by my cousin and so shocked that every food i put in it found, this is a great website and def gunna be giving this a go, beats paying a fiver a week just to sit on some scales
  • This is a wonderful site I have been on here since the second week in January and it has already helped me lose 11 pounds. It is so easy to use, and there are so many wonderful people on here that support and motivate you. I wish you the best of can do it!
  • laurenward1990
    laurenward1990 Posts: 82 Member
    Adding people as friends definitely helps you to keep motivation!
    Everyone is so proud when you lose weight or stick to your daily calorie limit :) xx
  • lawsmommy26
    lawsmommy26 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm new to and so far I love it. I love not having to keep up with the calories and having the excercise input in there too. I haven't really figured my way around yet but working on it.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend and part of your support system.
  • I am on my first week of using MFP, but really finding this a helpful tool for my personal accountability and emotional support. I have 105 lbs to lose so this will be an amazing and lengthy journey, but I am doing it! Looking for really strong motivational support from others with large amounts to lose to go through this together with..... I
  • Welcome aboard to MFP!!! =)
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    I have been on here for 7 months. Not everyday, but it has helped me kick my coca cola addiction! Goodluck!
  • scrimming
    scrimming Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I'm Michele, and I've only been on a few days. I've tried all kinds of things and I just seem to gain more than I lose. I have a couple friends from work on here too, and they are great support. So far I haven't lost anything, but I've certainly gotten more active and have been watching more closely. I have about 70 or 75 pounds to lose until I reach my ultimate goal, but I am motivated and looking forward to the challenge. Good luck all!
  • Hi...joining my friends from work on fitness pal...just participated in my first walk/run with a group from work...hope to do many more and move up to running!:wink:
  • Hi my name is Sherri and i have been on here for about 4 weeks now and i have already lost 10 lbs. It has been really helpful to count my calories cause i wouldnt even know where to begin. Cant wait to see more come off.
  • I joined My fitnessPal about 2 weeks ago and I love it!! I read about it inshape magazine and it has been great. I am training for a bikini show in april and I am so accountable now that I am logging my food on this website. Its hard sometimes to stick to a super clean diet but I know it will be worth it in the end. I just had a baby at the end of November and I am getting antsy and impatient to get back into all of my prepregnancy clothes. I know it will happen, I just want it to happen NOW!!
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