5 months in and struggling atm

hi i have been calorie counting for 5 months now i have lost 56 lbs. but currently am having a hard time i have now gotten a blackberry so its harder to keep track of my calories this is coupled with quiting smoking again i had previously not been smoking but my father passed away on my daughters 1st birthday september 30th and i went back to smoking. i gained 35 pounds when i quit before and i feel failing with my weight loss is approaching anyways with all the stress i have i just wanted to get this off my chest comments or advice would be appriciated but not needed i just did this to clear my mind.


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Just think about all the success you've had so far. If you can lose 56 lbs in 5 months, you can overcome this. Just remember back to that starting point 5 months ago. Do you really want to go back there? It may be a struggle but you can do this. Just come back here when you need to vent...lots of people have been through what you are feeling now!

    Also, they are testing the blackberry app for MyFitnessPal right now so hopefully you'll have mobile tracking soon! :wink:

    There will be days that will make you want to run screaming and eat everything in site. If that happens, log it and get right back to business ASAP! You can't be expected to have a perfect run while losing weight. You wouldn't be human...but you can get through this.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I think dealing with added stress always makes it harder... plus the initial motivation to keep going wears off after a few months!

    You've been dealing with a lot lately... it is understandable that you have fallen off track some. The key is just to get back on and keep going!

    Do you have any friends on here? I would never have made it this far without my MFP friends! Feel free to add me if you need some support!
  • sophiajackson99
    Hi sweetheart. I am first so sorry to hear about your loss. That is tough to face no matter what else is going on. But second, 56 pounds is an awesome loss. You should be really proud of yourself for that.

    Reading your post reminds me of some things that Geneen Roth says about emotional eating. She says (to paraphrase), that the attempt to fill that hole in your heart with a cigarette or extra food won't work. it won't comfort you or eliminate the pain. It will only add a weight problem (and a black lunch problem) on top of the problem that you already have, which is the loss of a father.

    I recommend the book Women, Food and God. If you don't feel like reading or don't have the time, then I would suggest that you try the experiment of seeing what it feels like to sit with the feelings surrounding the passing of your father. You may find that allowing yourself to grieve will do more to fill that spot that feels like hunger, than anything else.

    Blessing and peace to you. s
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    you are doing so great!! 56 pounds? i'm ecstatic for you! I really wish you the best in quitting smoking. Easier said than done, but just try your best to replace cigarettes with something that's not food.
  • darrielirwin
    You are doing amazing! Keep going! Remember you have a little girl to think of. You want to be as healthy as possible for yourself, so that you can be around to see every milestone in her life.
    Everyone comes to a point in their life, where their motivation changes. Keep your end goal in mind! You can do it, and there are so many people on here to support you (even if we don't know you)!
    Keep it up, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  • glike
    glike Posts: 17
    Believe me, I've been there and know what your saying and I'm so sorry for your loss.. All I can say is to try not to go back there. Think forward...... Think about what your grateful for today, and what you have to look forward to in the future....writing the things down that your thankful for really helps because you get to go back and read it again another day when your down and this gives you a quick pick-me-up.....I hope this helps even a bit. *By the way losing 56 lbs is nothing small.....good for you, ...keep going on the right path!
  • apoyser
    thank you to everyone just reading your post has helped a bit i appriciate everyone and thier entusiasm to help