A mom on a mission

I am new to this site I started this 3 days ago. I seem to really like it so far. I have alot of weight to lose and need the support to help me get there. I am a hairdresser and have been married for almost 11 yrs we have 4 children that are my whole life. I am doing his for my children because I want to be around for them for many years to come.


  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    I am new also...it will be a tough journey but in the end our kids are what make us move and shake it like we need too...lol! Backing you 100%!!!
  • LolaMarie
    Hi Ladybug!
    Welcome to the site. :) I am returning to myfitnesspal after being gone for about a year. The first time I stuck with the program and lost almost 20 lbs! It was a real eye opener to actualy have to record all the food you are eating on a daily basis. Unfortunately, life got crazy and I let my emotions, and my eating, get the best of me so I am back. I am hoping to lose the weight for my kids and husband too. Best of luck to you!
  • jrow5
    jrow5 Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome aboard! I'm not sure how long I've been here, lol, but not long. I am a mom of 5, glad to know there are some other moms out there who have big families.

    It's a great tool in your journey to a healthier you. Awesome to track food/exercise. The blog is a great place to vent your day.

    Wish you all the best!!
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    I'm 1 month in and doing well so far, this site is perfect for keeping up motivation. I'll send you a friend request and wish you the best of luck with your weightloss :smile:
  • ladybug3475
    I too am glad to know there is someone on here with a large family like myself!
  • ladybug3475
    Thanks for all the motivation. I am so glad to know I am not on this mission alone and its great to know there is alot of support out there. Thank you so much!!