People who are not humgry

ThePhatMan Posts: 49
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Where do I go to get that. I can eat all the time. People on this site are having to put an extra effort in to get to 1200 calories. I eat 1500 calories a day and I want to eat another 1500 for starters. Maybe it's just a mind game but i never have a problem reaching my calorie intake for the day. When I eat my stomach says, is that it. For the most part I am doing OK but I wish i had the secret for loss of appetite. Somehow I think that will elude me as long as I'm alive. I guess I'm writing this because I don't believe or am just envious. Either way goodluck to those people with no appetite.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hey you are doing agreat job so far

    Check out my website below--an awesome program----and I eat every 2-3 hours so I do not get hungry! Finally, I found a program that works!!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I wish I could split it with you!! For some reason, on days I work out, I don't want to eat a bite!! Then on rest day (no exercise) I am starving and eat all day! I hear this is opposite of MANY people, for most it is the more you move the more you want to eat.

    This may have something to do with my past and struggles with eating disorders, maybe not!

    I do want to let you know that as much trouble as you get from eating too much, I share the trouble in eating too little. If I go for a week eating only 700 cals a day, I gain weight, just like someone who eats 2,500+ a day. My body starts to panic and keeps every bit of food I put in, thinking that I'm starving :(

    We're all trying, and getting to our calorie goal really is helping us!! Me, at least, I hope it helps you too!
  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    A lot of these people, like me have been doing mfp for a while, so you get used to eating less, and so you get full faster. I was starving when I first started. Now, I eat way less than 1200 but get so full and can't eat anymore. When I workout, that day I should still eat around 650 calories-800 calories (depending on what I did to workout) and I never can! Hang in there.
  • not me!! I'd eat the crotch off a low flying duck. I struggle through, always have. 1200 is an appetizer for me :cry:
  • This may be an issue of WHAT you're eating rather than how much. If you're eating a lot of carbs or sugars or junk, yes, you're going to be hungry quickly because you haven't actually fed your body anything that can satisfy it.

    I'm a big advocate of protein first. Dense protein (chicken, fish, etc) will fill you and keep you satisfied for longer than anything else. Keep it lean if you have cholesterol or hypertension issues. Don't smother it in fatty sauces. It will take a couple days for you to get used to eating differently but once you do, your constant hunger should ease.

    Good luck.

  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Totally my sentiments! Always wondering about folks who just can't eat those calories...not hungry, etc etc. I suppose if your cal goal is 2000, maybe it would be difficult to eat them all, but at 1200-1500, I eat them all, and could eat much more. I also eat most of exercise cals. I always wonder, if you can never eat your cals, how did you become overweight in the first place? Maybe just bad food choices?
  • I feel ya!
    I was just thinking this earlier after a million people saying "I just can't eat my 1200" calories! Argh! I could eat that in one meal! How did these people ever get in to the situation where they need to lose weightif they can't eat that few calories?!
    Ahem. Anyways.
    Maybe we're just missing some secret & pllllllllllllllllllease don't say drink more water. I drink so much I have to go to the loo every 10 minutes :laugh: (seriously!)
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Heh. Some days I have the munchies and could eat waaay more than I should. Some days I'm just not hungry. I read an article recently that explained how different hormonal interactions going on in your body can affect your appetite. Sometimes that's probably what it is, other times I suspect it has to do with the food choices I make. Some foods keep me satisfied for longer - and even that can vary by day depending on what my body wants. I seem to do best if I pay attention to what my body wants right from the first meal. If I *think* I should have oatmeal but I'm yearning for yogurt, I'd better eat the darned yogurt or I'll pay for it later, lol.
  • do you drink alot of caffenine... that creates a false hunger... not saying to cut it out all the way but drink more water of decaf...
  • I don't get it either. I'm relatively petite and I'm always STARVING!! I'm sure it's because I'm used to eating way more than I should be due to all the years of not calorie counting, but still. Sticking to 1200 cals for me is TOUGH, but I can do it.

    I can't lie and say that I'm not starving though....I am. I just try to drink more water or do something else to get my mind off of it, and hopefully my stomach will shrink.

    There are days when I'm not hungry, but they almost always involve a temperature or illness of some sort.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    This may be an issue of WHAT you're eating rather than how much. If you're eating a lot of carbs or sugars or junk, yes, you're going to be hungry quickly because you haven't actually fed your body anything that can satisfy it.

    I'm a big advocate of protein first. Dense protein (chicken, fish, etc) will fill you and keep you satisfied for longer than anything else. Keep it lean if you have cholesterol or hypertension issues. Don't smother it in fatty sauces. It will take a couple days for you to get used to eating differently but once you do, your constant hunger should ease.

    Good luck.


    I could not agree more!!!!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    not me!! I'd eat the crotch off a low flying duck.

    That made me LOL!!!
  • The reason why I got here wasn't because I was eating due to hunger... it was because I was eating due to emotion. Fiance's away? Eat a bag of chips, KFC and a few chocolate bars. Had a fight? Eat all the junk food in the house. Flunk a test? Eat a whole box of cookies and a box of Kraft Dinner. I hid my eating from everyone. Being on MFP keeps me accountable... heck, I just made my diary public! That was a huge move for me.

    When I wasn't upset, though, I was eating fairly little. I'm consistently quite happy on 1000 calories a day... but it lowered my metabolism, which led to huge weight gains on my binges. Often, they'd total up to over 10 000 calories over the course of a day, and they'd happen once a week or so.
  • This may be an issue of WHAT you're eating rather than how much. If you're eating a lot of carbs or sugars or junk, yes, you're going to be hungry quickly because you haven't actually fed your body anything that can satisfy it.

    I'm a big advocate of protein first. Dense protein (chicken, fish, etc) will fill you and keep you satisfied for longer than anything else. Keep it lean if you have cholesterol or hypertension issues. Don't smother it in fatty sauces. It will take a couple days for you to get used to eating differently but once you do, your constant hunger should ease.

    Good luck.


    This is what I do normally, the only bad thing is when I don't have time to cook I eat lean cuisines or smart ones, which i'm not a fan of, but they do work in pinch situations, they have too many carbs, so as often as possible I try to cook my own food.

  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I am one of those that *had* a huge appetite and now I'm not as hungry. I also have hypoglycemia. You might want to check my food diary to see what I'm eating.

    Also I posted an interesting article from WebMD and this was one of the questions which was answered by 2 different MD's on their site. I used to eat probably 3,000 or more cals a day and I don't.

    Here's the WebMD article I put up at MFP, hope it helps

    & here's the actual thread I posted previously asking people if they were feeling like I do

    You might be interested in the answers from people on the thread and the actual legitimate medical reasons behind this phenomenon. Also check out the open diaries from people on that thread. Mine is open.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    not me!! I'd eat the crotch off a low flying duck. I struggle through, always have. 1200 is an appetizer for me :cry:

    omg ...lmao ...Wow what a mental pic :laugh:
  • EAMac
    EAMac Posts: 22
    If you're brave enough to make your diary public, people can look at it and give you good advice. Off the top of my head, I'd say you need more fiber and more protein, and you need to eat every 2-3 hours. This seems to help me a lot. Also, if I have a craving, I try to cave a small amount and just keep my portion small. Otherwise, I start to obsess over the food I'm not getting, which seems to make me hungrier.
  • Once I eat, I'm not hungry for about a half hour. Then I could start all over again. Once I reach my calorie limit for the day though, I drink another bottle of water, brush my teeth, and pray for midnight, to start all over again. Somethings that fill me up more than others are salads with berries and nuts (juice from the berries being the dressing), and home made vegetable soup with black beans. I just throw a carton of vegetable broth in a pot with a bag of frozen veggies, a can of black beans and some Mrs. Dash's onion and herb seasoning. It's quick and better than reaching for junk food. I believe it's filling due to the higher fiber content. Whole grains also seem to stick longer than refined grains. The idea of never being hungry though is like a diamond in the sky that one can never quite reach. I'm learning how to be happy slightly hungry rather than being stuffed to the gills.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    This may be an issue of WHAT you're eating rather than how much. If you're eating a lot of carbs or sugars or junk, yes, you're going to be hungry quickly because you haven't actually fed your body anything that can satisfy it.

    Since I switched to a low Gi diet, I struggle to eat my calories on some days.
    Cutting out processed fatty foods and processed flours has made so much difference.
  • Hi I'm new here :) I've been using MFP on and off for a while though.
    I find that I eat pretty much what I fancy, just less of it, and fill up on fresh veg and salad. You can eat a surprising amount of fresh fruit, veg and salad before you are anywhere near your daily limit. I'm lucky, as those are my favourite foods, it's just finding the money! I find I am spending much less time hungry and craving things (says the woman, with the hand in the box of special k strawberry clusters... NOM!). Honestly though, I love filling up on enourmous salads and having a bit of protein with it, often meat substitutes as I can't afford meat and prefer to not worry about where it came from. And I don't mess about much with prepared salads and things, as part of the joy of food is in the preparation.

    Although I allow myself 1500 calories a day, no wonder I am less hungry than a lot of other folk! This is a long term change in health conciousness for me, and I think if I went any lower on calories I'd go mental for naughty food after a week!
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