Help! I'm trying not to eat my feelings.

allehp Posts: 96
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I had a really terrible day and just want to eat to make myself feel it okay to go over your calories once in a while? Ug. I'm so discouraged. I just wanna eat. It's so hard.


  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    Going over for one day will not hurt as long as you get back tomorrow.... What you need to do in the long run though is look at why you eat to feel better and feel that void with something else. I know this not an easy habit to break and I have only started to learn it at 32 :wink:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Distract yourself! Take a walk, have some hot tea instead, do laundry, clean house--if you can break your train of thought for 10 minutes the urge should pass. If it's a nasty little voice urging you on, you're going to have to decide how bad you want to succeed and be stubborn about it. You are worth the time and trouble it takes!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Go get some activity in and THEN (if you are still HUNGRY) you can eat. Getting away from food will allow you to resolve whatever is making you want to eat. Good luck!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    You did the right thing reaching out on here, rather than reaching out for some food.

    Take yourself off for a long soak in the bath with bubbles and a good book or a hot shower with your favourite music on. Music and a good sing never fails to lift my mood.

    Good luck and stay strong - we're all willing you on.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Of course sweetie! Switch you goal to maintain,just for today. This is not a strict "diet". This is a lifestyle change.
  • Remember that if you use food as a crutch this time, you will again the next time too...

    If you don't, not only will you be so proud of yourself for doing so, but you're also more likely to not turn to it the next time as well.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Don't allow someone or something to distract you from your goals. Do some exercise to off set the calories or find something that has little calories like celery with low fat cream cheese dusted with Hidden valley ranch dip (dry). It tastes good and will help you with the impulsiveness to eat your blues away.

    I know it's hard sometimes but you can do it. I have faith in you.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    The first time I took a walk instead of eating junk to feel better was a huge turning point for me. I was having a terrible day. My dad had recently had a stroke and his wife was being insane (she cut me, my siblings, and our entire extended family out of his life after he got home from the hospital). I don't remember what the specific issue was on this particular day, but I know she had done or said something that upset me. My first reaction was to eat something sugary, or to binge on carbs. When I got home, I crawled into bed and felt sorry for myself. I didn't feel better. So I got up, and took a 30 minute walk. I felt way better after that. It didn't change anything about the situation, or solve any problems, but it did change the way I was feeling and my ability to handle an incredibly stressful time in my life.

    Look, there's no reason to beat yourself up if you go over on your calories once in a while. But if you don't look at why you use food to soothe yourself, then you're setting yourself up to fail. You might lose the weight, but you haven't dealt with the underlying problem.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    others have posted some really great thoughts - as a therapist, however, I suggest you think about what it is you really need. Do you need someone to validate you? do you need someone to support you? Or do you really need something else? YOU NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IT IS YOU NEED!!
    Once you figure that out, food will become secondary. We rarely NEED food. We often think, however, that eating will ease the pain/anxiety/etc. what it does, however, is often make things worse. PLEASE think about what you really need and then find an appropriate way to get that need met.


  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    This process is all about not feeding our emotions. You have to want this enough. You have to believe that food is not going to solve your problems or make you feel better, once you eat those empty calories you'll be regretting it and since you gave into food the first time, you're going to do it again until you realize you are worth it. Go take a nice long walk, and when you get back have a healthy snack. More than likely that walk will de-stress you like the food usually does... except you wont be feeling guilty later, but proud of yourself! :)
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I have always been a stressful eater. I had a really bad day a little over a week ago. I just wanted to grab everything to eat. When I got home, for some reason I started up the Wii and started doing my biggest loser. Within no time my stress level was way down. My Mom was told she possibly has liver cancer Thursday. Again, I wanted to eat. When I took her to have a PET scan today, she could not walk, so I got her a wheelchair. She could not lift her feet up high enough to put her feet on the rest. Later, she was stuck in the wheelchair. It literally took 2 of us to get her out. It hit me, if I continue my stressful eating I am going to end up severely obese like Mom. I want to be healthy - able to move. Go to a peewee basketball game or anything it will help. It took me years to figure out why I like to eat unhealthy. It took my Mom being stuck in a wheelchair to "slap" me upside the head. I don't know for sure yet, but I think I am on the right path.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    My thought is -is the food worth all the hard work you`ve done so far.Why are you eating?Will eating really make you feel good,maybe for the moment.
    try to distract yourself,make a call,do some ex,write your feelings out on paper.Drink some water.
    I know,I have been an emotional eater for has been a struggle to loose the wt.For me,it`s not worth it.i worked too hard to get to this point.
    Also,if you eat today because you had a bad day,will you eat every bad day?
    Good luck!
    You are so worth it.
  • As a fellow emotional eater, I would suggest against eating anything right now.

    Even if you sub in something healthy, you're still eating for the wrong reason. Now, if you were to say "I want cookies because they're delicious", I'd tell you to go for a quick walk and then eat them. But because it's for emotional reasons, even eating something healthy is counterproductive.

    What I always do in these cases is find a mirror and tell myself that I don't need to eat to feel better. I pop a piece of gum or drink some water, and look at what's got me upset. Once I've dealt with it, I find the need has gone by.
  • pannet
    pannet Posts: 27
    DO NOT eat because you're feeling because you're hungry. Instead find something to soothe your feelings - it's not hunger you're feeling - take a hot soaking bath with candles and bubbles or do something else that's comforting to you (your feelings). Emotional eating is triggered by "bad days", feeling overwhelmed, harsh words, boredom, stress, just about anything we let it be!
    It's ok to go over calories sometimes but just take a good look at why you're eating before you eat.
    Hope this helps....I'm a "bath" person and if I have the choice I'll soak my feelings away but where I am now I only have a shower and boy do I sometimes want to revert back to eating to make me feel good....sometimes I cave in but I'll eat something like a skinny cow ice cream sandwich and I'll eat it reallly sllloooowwwww to make it last as long as possible!!!! Though I still have to think through the why of the reason I'm eating it and still deal with that.
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
  • Japangela
    Japangela Posts: 21 Member
    I feel the same way today. I came to the message boards to see if there was anything already written on emotional eating. But it's too late for me, I already went 200cal over my daily goal. Not so bad considering my daily goal is about 500cal less than what a breastfeeding mother should be on, so I have wiggle room. But I feel like I overate, and I don't like that feeling. :grumble: Best of luck to you.
  • walkers345
    walkers345 Posts: 50 Member
    I am also an emotional eater. Wanted to post so I can read this thread later. :)
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    here is the thing, it's ok to over eat every once in a awhile..but for the sake of habbits, dont do it today, dont waste your cheat day on bad habbits, your only re-enforcing that terrible relationship with your cheat days to a special night out with the family, or buttery popcorn at the movies, or cake at a birthday..not this, not tonight...
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    It won't make you feel better. Whatever you're eating to avoid feeling will be there, waiting for you, after you're done over eating.

    The discomfort of the issue will be compounded by the guilt brought on by over eating.

    If you want to feel better, do something that soothes you. Food is a poor substitute for comfort since it provides no comfort. Only temporary escape.

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