ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

sammybingo Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I am pretty new to the message boards, being a bit of an antisocial chump ;). However I am wondering if anyone has managed a decent amount of weight loss / fitness improvement whilst suffering from ME / Chronic Fatigue? I have had depression since I was very young, and in the past few years have been diagnosed with this on top. This means my mood can be okish, but I am still exhausted. I am finding I am feeling a little better eating better (but it's costing a ton in fruit and veg money, and I'm a student, eek). I have to be careful pacing myself or I get mega exhausted, so I can't do too much or I mess myself up for later on. I wondered if anyone has tips on handling this pacing and still working out a bit? I manage a bit of walking each day, then either some yoga / floor exercises / wii fit. Which is brilliant, more than I could 6 months ago, but I still wouldn't be able to run for the bus haha!

Doctors keep telling me I won't see any improvement in my weight until I am better, but I keep thinking I will get better if I improve my weight and general fitness (which isn't too bad, just a bit below average). But I wonder if anyone can clarify using their experiences? I lose half a stone or so last month, so I must be doing something right. Is this healthy when your health isn't ideal?

Many thanks in advance :)



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    Doctors keep telling me I won't see any improvement in my weight until I am better, but I keep thinking I will get better if I improve my weight and general fitness

    You are RIGHT! It's a circular process -- you improve the weight and health, you'll improve your energy, which will help you improve on the weight and health, which will give you still more energy, and so on.

    I haven't been diagnosed with CFS, but I do have a lot of fatigue associated with my depression, so some of the things that have helped me might work for you, I don't know. I take a B 100 complex every day (fairly inexpensive), and that helps my energy and mood SO much. I've also had success taking a D supplement on the days that I can't get at least 15 minutes of full sun on my bare skin (which is every day lately). Avoiding sugar is a must, because while it gives you a small boost at first, the crash is worse than before. Same with carbs, for me anyway. If I eat a good amount of lean protein each day, that helps me maintain a better energy level all day. And the walking and other exercise you're doing will work wonders. Getting your body moving will help, especially the way you're doing it. Taking it slowly and gradually building up your stamina is perfect.

    Good luck with everything! Good for you for taking charge of your health this way. :)

    *Edit* Just wanted to add that if you do decide to take a B supplement, you'll want to take it with a meal, not just a little snack. It always upsets my stomach if I take it anytime other than halfway through a meal. But it's worth that little bit of hassle.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't have that but I do have rheumatoid arthritis, which causes fatigue and I often can't move due to pain in my joints. Of course, losing weight/exercising helps my joints but sometimes I can't because they hurt, such a vicious cycle! It sounds like what you are doing is great! A little bit at a time or something gentle is a great way to start out, and then you can work your way up to longer/harder exercising when you feel like it. Also, I think I've had some more energy and been sleeping better since I started taking Vitamin D (even if it's all in my head I'm ok with that! :) )
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am confusing doctors as we speak, I have had tests for everything and they are all clear, they are half convinced its CFS, but are totally at a loss as to why I can exercise like a crazy person and feel better not worse for it. Start slow and build up, eat healthy and I am almost sure you will get results.
  • I am a person who has quite a bit to lose and I find that when I go to a dance class, especially one with latin music, I feel great. Now I am just doing one because it makes me feel so good in my head!! I don't want to yell at people and climb in a hole and pretend I don't exist. I have energy and I really don't care what I look like! I have found that only the teacher can actually roll hips like that and we all look a bit strange trying it!!
  • Thanks so much chaps - nice to know I'm not the only one! Every now and then I do a bit of wii fit or something and my energy will boost, but in the long run, it shatters me. It's shame, otherwise I'd work out heaps more.
    My insides are all healthy - no need for vitamins here, really. On days when i know I have tough lectures or tons of coursework I do take a B complex and some ginseng, but I think that's mostly a psychological boost. I DO rely on caffeine and cigarettes far too much, but I figure handle one issue at a time or I'd implode!
    I'll definately keep at it - to see that folk with depression can keep storming on, that's the toughest of all, as you have to battle with motivation (and I won't lie, I do too a lot of the time, but I only have to think of the future I want to boost myself - I want to drive! I want to work! I want to get out and about! ARGH! Nownownow! Haha!). It took two years with a shrink before I even started eating breakfast every day, and I am just getting used to that - what a big boost that is! Otherwise, I think my diet is pretty ok and this site really helps me keep track of it and not top 1500 calories a day (and as i am heavy, that's a good shortfall of what I need to stay the same weight).
    Best get my sorry pooped out *kitten* into bed really, or I won't get anything productive done tomorrow!
    I hope I get more good stories - it's a boost isn't it? Thanks again :) x
  • PediNurse67
    PediNurse67 Posts: 66 Member
    I am pretty new to the message boards, being a bit of an antisocial chump ;). However I am wondering if anyone has managed a decent amount of weight loss / fitness improvement whilst suffering from ME / Chronic Fatigue? I have had depression since I was very young, and in the past few years have been diagnosed with this on top. This means my mood can be okish, but I am still exhausted. I am finding I am feeling a little better eating better (but it's costing a ton in fruit and veg money, and I'm a student, eek). I have to be careful pacing myself or I get mega exhausted, so I can't do too much or I mess myself up for later on. I wondered if anyone has tips on handling this pacing and still working out a bit? I manage a bit of walking each day, then either some yoga / floor exercises / wii fit. Which is brilliant, more than I could 6 months ago, but I still wouldn't be able to run for the bus haha!

    Doctors keep telling me I won't see any improvement in my weight until I am better, but I keep thinking I will get better if I improve my weight and general fitness (which isn't too bad, just a bit below average). But I wonder if anyone can clarify using their experiences? I lose half a stone or so last month, so I must be doing something right. Is this healthy when your health isn't ideal?

    Many thanks in advance :)


    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9 yrs ago & I will say that now that I'm active & work out regularly, I can tolerate so much more! I lost 16 lbs since December 6th but am currently on my maintenance plan since my goal really was to only lose 10 lbs. Eating healthier also seems to help with my fatigue. Yoga has been phenomenal for me since Fibromyalgia is a combo of chronic fatigue & widespread muscle pain. My doctor didn't even want me to do yoga at one point because I was having severe widespread muscle spasms. I didn't exactly listen LOL but I took things slowly & I feel so much better now!
  • I am a person who has quite a bit to lose and I find that when I go to a dance class, especially one with latin music, I feel great. Now I am just doing one because it makes me feel so good in my head!! I don't want to yell at people and climb in a hole and pretend I don't exist. I have energy and I really don't care what I look like! I have found that only the teacher can actually roll hips like that and we all look a bit strange trying it!!

    Haha! That sounds brilliant. I'd love to do classes, but at the moment, they are all far too long for my sleepy noggin. Hopefully by the end of the year I can manage one or two :) x

  • I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9 yrs ago & I will say that now that I'm active & work out regularly, I can tolerate so much more! I lost 16 lbs since December 6th but am currently on my maintenance plan since my goal really was to only lose 10 lbs. Eating healthier also seems to help with my fatigue. Yoga has been phenomenal for me since Fibromyalgia is a combo of chronic fatigue & widespread muscle pain. My doctor didn't even want me to do yoga at one point because I was having severe widespread muscle spasms. I didn't exactly listen LOL but I took things slowly & I feel so much better now!

    I do loves my yoga, but I have to take it really easy, I can't stand the muscle pain that kicks in about 24 hours later if I over do it. I got me a bit of pilates equipment now too, so hopefully if I strengthen my core a little more, that might help! That's amazing work with fibromyalgia though, well done :). Very impressed! Ooo. It's gone midnight and I'm all motivated now. You monkeys :D. Tomorrow! Tomorrow. x
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