So, I eat between 1200-1300 calories daily but when I work out it gives me more, I don't really wanna eat the extra calories, Do i need to eat the calories I get from exercise?. Or no?. Uggh its been bugging me because I have a very specific goal and I don't wanna slow my progress down. HELP! =) xoxoxo Chelsea Ann ALSO, add me if i am not your freind I love support and give great support in return! =)


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
  • Paccie
    Paccie Posts: 47
    Best if luck on your journey. I have been wondering that myself.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    In my experience I've eaten back 50 to 75 percent of my exercise cals (the site seems to be generous on calorie expenditure) and lost weight. You should definitely be eating some of them back.
  • redhottxozk
    so people will say to eat them... otherwise your body will go into sarvation mode.... others will say they dont... i have not been eating all of mine back.... some days i will eat them others i dont.... i think it is best to what is best for you.... and listen to your body... if you are starving eat them... ha
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    eat em back, your body needs fuel after working out and your daily calorie limit ALREADY includes a deficit to keep losing weight :-D

    Good luck!
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    There are lots of theories on this subject. Like most I eat some of them back... based on the theory that many exercises are on the high end of the estimate as far as what's burned.

    I'm concerned with your goals. It looks like you are trying to lose 6 lbs a week. While some may feel that is do-able, it certainly isn't safe. I also fear you are setting yourself up for failure and then may just give up all together. Everyone says the slower the weight comes off, the less chance you have for it to come back. You really have to think of this as a lifestyle change, not a fad diet if you want to lose the weight once and for all.

    I've lost 35 lbs since October... and I started at 237... so I kinda have some experience here. Please re-evaluate your goals and consider revising them... for your own sanity.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • carrie340
    Wow! I've not been eating many of mine, looks like I should eat some more! :drinker:
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I've seen a variety of answes as well. I think you should listen to your body. It will tell you if what you're doing is helping or harmful. If you're constantly hungry, you won't stick with this for long. Some days like today I had to force myself to eat dinner because I knew that 350 calories was not going to cut it. And after it got done....then I was hungry. :o) find what works for you sweetie because your body is different from mine and all the other people on this site. Good luck!
  • toradoshi21
    toradoshi21 Posts: 14 Member
    In my experience I've eaten back 50 to 75 percent of my exercise cals (the site seems to be generous on calorie expenditure) and lost weight. You should definitely be eating some of them back.

    That's about how I do it., or I just log about half of what actually do. ( Which sadly isn't much with so much snow) and this is very Off topic but I have to ask OnionCookie : Colonel Mustang?
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Chelsea, my diary is open, you can see what I eat there. Forget the "exercise cals" because if you eat them back you won't lose weight. I would say to stay under the 1400 a day range and you will lose weight.
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    Why not eat them back and see if you lose weight, if you do then all good, carry on eating them. If you do not lose weight, then perhaps eat half of them and see how you get on.

    I, too, think your target of 6 pounds a week is high. I think whilst you may lose 6 pounds initially, very few people lose that amount week after week. How would you feel if you 'only' lost 4 pounds? You could end up being disappointed when actually 4 pounds would be fantastic - sometimes you just have to be kind to yourself.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Forget the "exercise cals" because if you eat them back you won't lose weight.

    Wow- that is completely unsubstatiated and wrong. Depending on how much you burn you absolutely NEED to eat your exercise cals to keep your body running. If you eat 1400 calories and let's say you do a big workout, and burn 1000 calories- that means you are only leaving your body 400 calories to run all of its major functions on. Depriving your body to this level is not only unhealthy but can slow weightloss for months while your body tries to stave off starvation.

    The range you should be eating at should be:
    Lowest- The NET number listed on your homepage should read 1200 calories
    Highest- Your "calorie goal" listed on your homepage

    Try to be at least within these parameters.