Minimum Calorie Question

Is the 1200 Calorie minimum that I'm supposed to eat every day - is that the actual intake, or the "net" calories after the exercise is figured in? Like today, I only have 800+ net calories, do I need to eat 400 more to avoid going into starvation mode? I don't want to.... I did really good today.


  • wilmelenne
    People on here say that you should...I personally eat about half just to replenish my body...If you're hungry I would eat all or some, if not then once in a while it's ok. My body abnormally digests my food fast so I'm always hungry and I tried not eating back my earned calories and it just made me feel sick...i would listen to your body
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    1200 is your net, after-exercise total. And yes, you should eat your exercise calories.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    its supposed to be 1200 "net" otherwise the calories you burned off is takin off of the 1200 so then your eating under 1200 which is apparently too little calories. its hard dealing w this issue.. i still have a hard time with it cause to me it makes it feel like a waste of my workout if im eating back all the calories but if your working out, your supposed to eat back those calories cause your deficient is already added in wout the extra excercise so if you burn like 300 everyday thru working out, your calorie intake should really be around 1500 then ya kno? your net should be 1200 thats why they give you extra calories when you add in your excercise. its hard yes if anything at least eat some of the extra calories. I try to at least eat back half of them
  • Kelleinna
    I would just make sure your actual calorie intake is at least 1200... as for eating back your exercise calories, I would say that's up to whether or not you feel hungry.
  • Eldubya488
    Eldubya488 Posts: 13 Member
    Whenever you earn extra calories from working out, you should be eating those calories. Your body needs that fuel after you've worked out. Not eating enough calories can make your body go into starvation mode. That includes if you burned more than what you're eating. So whenever you have earned extra calories, you should definitely give your body what it needs! =) Hope that helps!!
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    I look on peoples diarys to see what a majority of people do and a lot of people dont eat all of their excercise calories. a lot of people always tell me they eat back some of them. at least maybe half of them so thats kinda what ive been doing. if i worked out really hard and im hungry, ill let myself eat most of them otherwise i just eat some of them. if your not hungry, dont eat them just because. just trust your body thats what i tell myself to do
  • Eldubya488
    Eldubya488 Posts: 13 Member
    Also, it might be more damaging to your body to not eat what you've earned. You may plateau faster and it's just going to be harder to lose weight. I know it may seem like a waste to eat what you've burned, but you're still going to lose 2 pounds a week or whatever your goal is even if you eat those earned calories. You may lose more weight by not eating those calories, but it's just going to be harder later on to lose the weight.
  • myladyelliott
    I just love this website! You guys are great - thanks for the info!