Nutritional Changes for someone under 18

EricsName Posts: 28
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I got the MyFitnessPal iPhone app and really wanted to go on a runner's diet and make an effort to eat healthier. I'm 15 and you have to be 18 to join. So I thought "oh, no big deal I'll just say I'm 18." I understand why you should be 18 to a diet plan site (or calorie counting site. call it what you will). Because you're pretty much done growing at 18. I'm on a maintaining weight diet of 1900 calories a day and I often go under that. How should I change my diet (nutritionally; like fats, cholestoral, sodium, carbs, sugar, fiber, vitamins, calcium, and iron) because I'm still growing.

About Me:

I'm 103 lbs. Anywhere from 5'2" to 5'5". I'm underweight according to the BMI calculator but my body's not toned. I'm trying to lose that stubborn thin layer of fat and gain muscle, maintaining my weight. I lift weights 5 days a week. On one day off I stretch and the other day off I just do push ups and ab exercises (though I do that the other 5 days anyway, but that day I just go harder on my abs). I'm a track and cross country runner, but winter track just ended and spring track's not for another month. I run on the treadmill everyday. I burn 300-500 calories a day on that. For the most part, I run 15-20 minutes at a time. I'm trying to get up to 40 minutes, but with all the heat indoors, it's near impossible unless I jog slowly. Running outside I can do 1 hour no problem, but it's too cold for outside and if I bundle up its too hot and awkward.


  • Please help if you can so I don't stunt my growth.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    First, you know you're too young for this site, so expect a moderator to remove your account soon. It's not that they don't like you or anything, it's just because there is a potential legal liability for them if anything happens to you by using the guidelines on this site since they're intended for adults.

    Having said that, you also already know that you really should talk this over with your parents and your doctor. Your doctor can help you devise a nutritional plan that will allow you to cut fat while maintaining proper nutrition. Meanwhile, Scooby's Workshop has some good tips for teens. The link is below. This guy is a serious athlete and knows his stuff.

    You might also check out bodybuilding dot com. They have a teen section with lots of good info. Good luck!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    The stunting your growth by lifting weights idea was based upon a faulty study in Japan. I would think you will need a lot more calories than 1900, though.
  • i talked it over with my parents
  • Diya13
    Diya13 Posts: 24
    Strength training shouldn't stunt your growth, my fiance Joshua been doing it since 13 and he's now 5'10" at age 25. Watch your frequency though. If you don't give your muscles proper recovery time they'll break down rather than growing. Joshua is into body building and does a lot of research on muscle and strength gaining. Here's a link to his blog if you're interested:
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