Struggling today!

Ok so its coming up to the wrong time of the month and normally in these few days before i get sooo hungry! And guess what this month is no different!! Im really struggling with myself today to not go and eat everything!

This is the 1st time since i started that ive felt like this and i dunno how to deal with it! Im drinking tons of water today and have worked out twice too but i just feel starving! Ive already got dinner planned out and marinating and have already had too many snacks today (my diary is open so you can see!) Im doing tesco ultra slim to kick start my weightloss but today i ended up having soup instead of my shake!!

Anyone got any advice on what i can do to curb these feelings??


  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Not much advice on this end, but I can say I am feeling the same way right now.. It is horrible. Usually I tend to eat what I want and once it is over I become very controlling over my eating again until I'm back on track.. Keep working out so your burning the calories your eating!!
  • LosingTheInches
    the only thing that will help you, is simply if you eat some of the cravings. I read somewhere last week that you do burn a bit more calories during this time, because of everything going on in your body. dont go overboard but have lots of water and .. well.. snack!
  • xerinx2011
    Im soo glad im not the only one!! I am trying to be good but my stomach is taunting me constantly today!! Will work out more later to make up for it i think!!
  • Dreambodyreacher
    Hi! When it comes to that time of the month, I can get extremely hungry. Somethings that i do to curb my appetite would be to chew gum(Trident Gum its only 5 calories) or if i get extremely hungry a peppermint. But almonds and pumpkin seeds are good too. GOOD Luck!!!
  • rayne937
    It doesn't look like you've consumed all of your calories, so that is at least a good start. And just because you work out doesn't mean you HAVE to eat back those calories.
    If you need to snack, I would say to find the low cal ones, and fruit. Flavor your water with those to go pouches, eat some fruit, and even the jello pudding snacks are low cal.
    Hope that helps. Hang in there!
  • xerinx2011
    Ive never eaten back my workout calories! (am i meant to?)

    I was limiting myself to around 1200 a day but started going dizzy so its normally between 1300-1400 although mfp has set my bmr at 1650.

    Yesterday was my sons 1st bday so i did eat bad although i didnt go over my calories.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Ive never eaten back my workout calories! (am i meant to?)

    I was limiting myself to around 1200 a day but started going dizzy so its normally between 1300-1400 although mfp has set my bmr at 1650.

    Yesterday was my sons 1st bday so i did eat bad although i didnt go over my calories.

    Eating your workout calories is optional and doesn't work for everyone. You have to test it out and find out what works best for you. Honestly, I've found that things work out much better on the scale and for my sanity if I vary my calories each day (higher one day, on goal, lower, etc). This keeps the body from getting used to the same amount of calories each day and can keep things moving.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    OMG, I just looked at your diary...SQUID?!?!?!?!?!?! :noway:

    You are a brave woman! :laugh:
  • xerinx2011
    Mmmmmm i love squid!! (1st time ive cooked it tho and i threw the tentacles out coz they scared me!!) I even shelled the prawns myself (shame that doesnt burn calories!!)
  • glittersoul
    This isn't really for today, but for later instead. Almonds really curb my hunger for a really long time. They have a bit of calories but you don't have to have that many for it to work. Gum also works. And intense exercise suppresses my appetite also, but that doesn't work for everyone.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I really dont have much advice on this.. for that I am sorry.. But thanks so much for sharing.. cause I to am going thru this right now and although I usually eat some of my calories burned.. today I ate alittle more since I burned over 1200 cals!! You need to fuel your body to get the best workouts, varing your cals I finds works for me! Good luck honey!! Happy Birthday to your lil one.. my son is 1 1/2 now!!
  • xerinx2011
    Well the witch arrived and ive put on 4lb over night!!! But i have found that now im exercising im not getting any cramps so thats one good sign!! Dont think weigh in this week is gonna be good :sad: