Hello from Warrington, England



  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Hi There and Congratulations !! 3 weeks and 11 lbs already wow you go boy ! :)
  • mightymaiden
    mightymaiden Posts: 63 Member
    A decline?? That would mean it was good at some point?? I must of missed that!!

    It was, about 12 years ago, when you have to wear pants and everywhere shut at 2 lol. Now people don't even bother going out till 11 or 12. I'm ready for home by then lol. I think I must be getting old!!!
  • Hmmm 12 years ago i wasnt old enough to drink :P Ohh and i didnt live up here so must of missed it!!! Im afraid i enjoy my bed far too much to be out untill those hours!!
  • ooh i'm from Wigan u better not be a Wolves fan! :op Congrats on ur progress :o)

    x x x
  • mightymaiden
    mightymaiden Posts: 63 Member
    Im a Warriors fan so you dont need to worry. Work in St Helens, live in Warrington and support wigan haha
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