What is motivating you to lose the weight? WHY are you working so hard? What keeps you going?

I joined the Pound for Pound Challenge back in January and that has kept me on my toes. I NEED to help people, I just have this strong desire.. and when I am not helping people I get in this funk! So right now I'm doing the PFP Challenge.. and after it's over (end of May), I will be doing 5Ks.

So, what keeps you going? What are your reasons for doing all this hard work??

They will donate a pound of food for each pound you lose. My mom works at the local food bank so this is close to home for me. If you'd like to join, the team name is DRAMA LLAMAS and the link is here http://www.pfpchallenge.com/teams/


  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    wow. that sounds like a fantastic way to keep me motivated and its a great cause. Thanks!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Just noticing the difference keeps me motivated.

    I make it a game with myself....how much self-control do I have today??? Turns out, I have quite a bit :)
  • crazymama2two
    Just noticing the difference keeps me motivated.

    I make it a game with myself....how much self-control do I have today??? Turns out, I have quite a bit :)

    i love love love how the 15 lbs shows IMMEDIATELY in your face. i love your pictures. i can't wait to get a before and after. my first offical weigh in is tomorrow!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    check out my website below for my story--it says it all. I am loving the fact that I have shed 77 pounds, and I still have another 50 or so to go!!! But wow, do I feel amazing!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Spring Break. [27 days left]
  • Vegas47
    Thanks for the inspiration!!!! I've been having a hard time with my goals, they all seemed to be too superficial. I just joined and looking forward to helping someone else through this :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    because I like myself
    because my kids might want me around longer
    because I am married and want to look good next to my husband
    because I want to fit in my clothes in the back of my closet
    because of our annual Palm Springs vacation every July
    because I'm vain
    because my mom died of a heart attack
    because I ain't going out like that
    because I like to exercise
    because I love myself
  • nelliebugs
    Just noticing the difference keeps me motivated.

    I make it a game with myself....how much self-control do I have today??? Turns out, I have quite a bit :)

    i love love love how the 15 lbs shows IMMEDIATELY in your face. i love your pictures. i can't wait to get a before and after. my first offical weigh in is tomorrow!!

    Yes, that is great! :) I've lost 12 pounds and don't see a difference anywhere. Blah. That is why I need the PFP challenge to keep me motivated. If I don't lose the 35 pounds I pledged, that is like taking food AWAY from the food bank! It's like I HAVE to do it. I still get discouraged but when I do, that is what I think about!
  • alicelm21
    I will sometimes buy a top or a pair of jeans in a size that I can't fit into and say to myself, I WILL fit in that because it looks gorgeous! I set a target date to do so, and each time you reach a small goal I will keep doing the same thing. At the moment I am trying to diet for a holiday in February half term.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member

    okay um, better health? yeah that sounds good.

    oh and myself.