
Hell everyone,

I have a hard time figuring out what protein to have have daily. I usually end up eating the same thing daily which is fish or chicken. Can you please help with other protein food ideas. I really appreciate your help.


  • cassidystreasures
    Things I can think of is eggs, beans, cheese (yes cheese) lol Milk products
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member

    Egg beaters

    Lean turkey (Jennie O has an awesome line).

    Low fat cheese,
    cottage cheese

    peanut butter- yummy
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Fish and Chicken are good sources of protein :) What fish do you usually have, I usually just have breaded haddock or tuna, tuna seems to be the best option.
    Other sources of protein can be any meat such as turkey or other red meat such as beef.
    Nuts are also good, they have alot of fat in although it's usually healthy fats so all in moderation is good :)
    Dairy products like milk and cheese are good
    Pasta and rice is also got a fair bit in but you have to have quite a bit to get a decent amount and that can add up the calories alot.
    Plus eggs! Some people choose to just have the egg whites though as it keeps the cholesterol down.
    If you find you're running low on protein for the day but don't have many calories left there are also several good protein shakes out there - plenty of people have created threads recently saying which ones they use.
  • mlloos
    mlloos Posts: 22 Member
    Try soy, beef, ricotta cheese, canned or packaged salmon, jerky, too. There are too many ways to get good protein to limit yourself. Variety will keep you interested in weight management. Also, I noticed that Jack Links has a snack size (25 calories) jerky that I just found as I was looking for alternative snacks in the snack aisle.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Not sure which fish you eat, but shrimp is high in protein and low in calories, as is salmon. Also try turkey as another source of protein. I've switched from ground beef to ground turkey and I can't taste the difference but it's much lower in cals and just as much protein.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    meats: chicken, beef, fish, turkey
    dairy: egg, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt
    vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, beans, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, asparagus
  • Diya13
    Diya13 Posts: 24
    I'm a vegetarian so protein is a challenge for me. I get 100% whey protein at and use it to make fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies using a food processor. I have some delicious recipes and I get lots of nutrients in! Just message me if you're interested!