20lbs and no difference!!!!!!


I have been in MFP for 3 and half months and lost 20lbs in total. I have a further 57lbs to lose. I am not losing fast because I am very greedy and frankly I have motivativation problem.

Anyway today I am very very low, I just realised than for the last 3months i have been counting what I eat, I have lost 20lbs and frankly i cannot see the difference, i cannot feel the difference in my clothes or anything. :sad:

Thinking that it might not be worth it after all and should just enjoy food the way I like it and without moderation :(


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Go to my website below and check it out. You will lose weight fast on this, as I have. Its amazing. No gimmicks, no pills. It is real.

  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    20lbs is nothing to be ashamed of!!! it is an excellent job, and I don't think losing faith now is a good idea!!! YOU ARE more than ONE FOURTH OF THE WAY TO YOUR GOAL!!! Maybe you have hit a plateau... Motivation is hard for everyone.. that is why we are here, in this community to help motivate each other... I think 20 is awesome!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • mommycate
    mommycate Posts: 7 Member
    I feel your pain, completely. I managed to drop 50lbs after I had my baby, and I still wear the same size pants I wore 2 weeks after having her. HUGE disappointment.

    BUT even through the disappointments of not dropping sizes, and barely dropping inches, I reap all the other benefits. Mostly, the feeling better all around. I wake up earlier in the morning. My body doesn't constantly ache. I can stretch, touch my toes, run, play with my kids, clean my house, and my heart doesn't give me issues. And surprisingly enough, my acid reflux has calmed down a lot.

    There are many health benefits that you will reap even when the mirror isn't the picture you want. I hope you stick with it, as it will help you in the long run. Try changing things up, try a new fun exercise, try training for a reason (like a marathon).

    Good luck to you! and remember, there are plenty of us on here who feel exactly what you do. I know I sure do.
  • sehncw99
    Its harder for you to notice a difference in yourself, then other people. i am sure everyone else around you can tell that you have lost weight. don't give up!!
  • jennlloyd
    jennlloyd Posts: 33 Member
    Don't quit now! 20 pounds in 3 and a half months is awesome! Definitely not something to be depressed about. Keep at it and I'm sure you will start to "see" the results. Also, try strength training with 2-5lb weights. That will tone your muscle so that clothes will fit better to keep up with your awesome weight loss. Keep at it!!!
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I would bet there is a difference and you just can't see it.

    I'm an over eater / binge eater and I have to say, getting this far there is NO WAY IN HELL I'd ever rather go back to unchecked eating. Feels good for a minute or a second but then...no way. Youve accomplished so much just getting thru the 3.5 months and losing 20! Don't quit! Go lift something that's 20lbs....that is not nothing. And you were able to lose it.
  • cassidystreasures
    you could be building muscle in all that too! Keep it up! You can do it!
  • dradams13
    dradams13 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Keep it up! You can do it. It might not be visible to you, but I bet other people notice, they might not want to say anything. Who knows, who cares. This is about you.
    Your clothes might not change because they are the same old clothes. Have you gone shopping lately? Either way there is no reason to quit. You said you are greedy, Maybe you can work on this.
    My friend always says, it took you X years to put on the weight, it will take X amount of time to take it off. Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    I am almost to 20lbs lost and I feel that way sometimes too. But I took before pictures and just looking at those I can see that I have lost some back fat and some "bloating" in my stomach. Stay stay and stay focused. You will start to feel it & u might be gaining some muscle now too! I wouldnt worry too much about the scale or anything else until you feel comfortable.
    Keep going.. It's within your reach!!!!
  • mcarmon
    mcarmon Posts: 22 Member
    I've lost 45 lbs and only one pants size. Most of my size change has been in my upper body. Depending on your body shape, you are not necessarily going to drop 10 sizes just because you lost the weight. My hips are always going to be there no matter what, so unless I want to shave down the bones, I'm only going to get down to a certain size. Instead, I'm monitoring my progress by how much better my body feels and how much less I'm spending in food. :)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    There is no going back... what you were doing was harming you only making it harder to be healthier in the future. Each day, each meal, you have a choice to take care of your body or not. One road leads to obesity, hypertension, diabetes and stroke... You're doing great! Don't give up.
  • Aries5773
    congratulations on your 20lb lost, you should be so proud. I work towards my goals, and often become down on myself.
  • miatavixxen
    You probably wear your weight all over like I do. I can lose weight but it takes a while for my clothing to show that I did. Not sure what you are doing, but toning along with cardio is key to actually changing the way your clothes fit. Keep it up - it will be worth it.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    It all depends on where you lose weight first. It may just be coming off in places that you won't notice as easily. Many people also have fat deposits internally that don't effect your outer appearance much but crowd your organs. Maybe that is where you lost weight first. Just keep going, you can do this!
  • loriefolk

    I have been in MFP for 3 and half months and lost 20lbs in total. I have a further 57lbs to lose. I am not losing fast because I am very greedy and frankly I have motivativation problem.

    Anyway today I am very very low, I just realised than for the last 3months i have been counting what I eat, I have lost 20lbs and frankly i cannot see the difference, i cannot feel the difference in my clothes or anything. :sad:

    Thinking that it might not be worth it after all and should just enjoy food the way I like it and without moderation :(

    You won't succeed with that attitude! Think positive and dedicate yourself!
  • busygirl1
    just think in another 3.5 months if you lose another 20lbs that will be 40lbs and you will defo feel it and nearly be at your goal. Weight is fast going on but slow coming off. I make that approx 1.5lb per week loss for you which is sustainable and you are more likely to keep it off. stay strong x x x x x x
  • akalei
    akalei Posts: 34
    I have only lost 9 pounds so far, but I have a feeling I will be the same.
    back when I was 90 pounds lighter my jeans were only 2 sizes smaller.
    Whereas I know people who have lost 30-40 pounds and went down like 6 sizes.
    So I hope in the long run when I do lose like 90 pounds that I go down at least more than 2 sizes lol.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    It's hard to see a difference when we see ourselves everyday. Try taking pictures of yourself, then you can go back and compare current pictures to your starting weight. I wish I had taken beginning pictures but I took "in progress" pictures.. I can still see a difference though. They are what I look at to get me motivated.

    Keep up the good work. Think back to why you started to lose weight in the first place. You just have to build up that momentum to keep you going: think positive!
  • squitzwife
    squitzwife Posts: 51 Member
    thanx for being honest with your feelings. That is the first step.
    I'm terribly addicted to food and rarely feel overfull so I can eat and eat and eat and eat. I feel so much better about myself and my self-control. you will start noticing a difference soon I'm sure. I challenge you to stick to it for another 3 month and see if there is a difference.

    you may need to tone a bet. you have lost the weight but your skin needs to come back in. start light and see the results. I find that if I don't do any toning I really can't see much difference.
  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    20 lbs in three months is a great job and its a good healthy weight loss! There is so much under our skin going on that we cant see, fat around our organs, water weight.. So you are doing wonders for your body regardless of changing pants sizes.. Keep moving forward and you will eventually see those changes. Do you like boxing or kickboxing classes? thats something that will help cut inches really fast.. oh, and take pictures of yourself too, that way you can see the difference : ) keep up the good work!!