20lbs and no difference!!!!!!



  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I admire people more when they are excited that they lost 20 POUNDS....not B*tch cause they can't see a difference...Maybe if you change your attutude you'll see a difference...:laugh:
  • 20Ib's is great!! and I guarantee you even if you do not feel a difference your heart and bones and joints feel the difference...sometimes the difference in our health is more important than the difference in our clothes:) one day when we are all in the nursing home and we still have our mobility, lack heart disease and high blood pressure and are the only few not with diabetes.. we will feel the rewards :)
  • Try doing toning tapes...I haven't lost much weight but my clothes are fitting much better because of toning. 20#'s is huge weight loss...don't give in now. Have a couple of friends join so u can keep each other on track and motivated.
  • dlambert11
    dlambert11 Posts: 33 Member
    You are doing so great! 20 lbs is amazing!! As a society I believe we are too fixated on the number on the scale. It isn't always a good indication of the changes our bodies are going through on this weightloss journey. Have you been taking measurements of your bust, waist, and hips? These will tell you what is happening. I have lost 15 lbs and there has been no changes in my measurements, but I feel amazing! I am stronger, my back doesn't hurt anymore, I have energy, and I am much happier. Working out does amazing things to a person's mood!

    Keep it up. And don't turn back now. I think we can all say that we don't want to be back to where we were at the beginning. Unhealthy, Unhappy (in my case), Overweight, and feeling very unattractive. It will get better. You will start seeing a difference.
  • WOW!!! WTG!!! I hope that after I've done MFP for 3 1/2 months that I will have lost 20 pounds!! I am SO PROUD for you!! I've been feeling down about loosing weight for a long time and after being introduced to MFP I'm feeling so much better about things!! I hope you do hand in there and continue to inspire newbies like me!!!!!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Be proud of those 20lbs. Honestly its a great achivement.

    You are losing over a pound a week and thats a really healthy loss.
  • Chelij
    Chelij Posts: 49
    I've lost 12 lbs and I can't see the difference either. I'm sure someone else has already said it, but 20 lbs in 3 months is awesome! I've lost 12 lbs in 6 MONTHS! and that's keeping at it for 6 months! Just recently it started coming off. You sound like me with the amount of weight you want to lose, so I think it's just that we have quite a bit to lose so it's probably not as noticeable as it would be on someone who ONLY HAS 20 lbs to lose...know what I mean?
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    20lbs is a great loss!

    Go find some 20lb weights and walk around with them for awhile so you can feel what you were carrying around.

    Are you exercising too? I would imagine that working out is easier with 20lbs less?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    If you had a friend in your position and told you that it wasn't worth trying anymore, what would you tell them?

    A lot of peoples' personalities play a role into how they take themselves into account in dealing with disappointment. There are some who are enablers that will play the "yes man" role and just let people do what will temporarily make them happy.

    I'm not a "yes man" and neither is life, so I'm not going to tell you that you should give up and eat whatever you want. But I do believe in whatever you decide to do, there are always consequences that follow. The consequence of watching your intake and exercising is weight loss and a better sense of health. The consequence of binging and "doing what makes you feel happy [temporarily]" is weight gain, and usually accompanied by low self-esteem, apathy, and depression.

    Life presents challenges for you to take. Life is fair in the sense that people are capable to be very adaptable to almost any situation, yet at the same time it's not fair because most people aren't prepared when those challenges arise. It all depends on how you look at it.

    In your case, if you can't tell a difference, make a difference happen. Be just as fair with life as you think it is with you. If you don't believe it's fair, then don't be fair either. Make life your b**** and prove that you're the dominant one in control of how you want your own life to progress. Prove it by working out a little bit harder and choosing a wider variety of healthy foods in your diet. If you believe life is fair, then whatever effort you've been putting into your lifestyle change is the exact result you're getting. Water weight is usually the bulk of the initial weight lost. The inches and clothing sizes will usually adjust later when your body starts burning off the fat surrounding the muscles. But that will take time.

    When I lost my first 20, I was still wearing the same size too. It wasn't until I lost the first 30 - 35 lbs was when I noticed the clothes were barely a little looser than normal. Then every 15 - 20 lbs after that I would have to start tightening my belt a little bit more and wear a slightly smaller size.

    If there was a wall or plateau or fluctuation I hit, I took it as life putting me on a reality check to let me know that whatever I was doing wasn't good enough. So, I took it as a challenge, and because I have a rebellious curiosity, I found a way to get around it and I chin-checked reality to let it know that I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. I'm selfish in that sense. It's literally all about me and I'm happy with that, because I care just enough about things as long is it's for my benefit.

    In the end, it's your decision. Nobody is going to tell you what to do, unless that's how you make decisions. If that's the case, then stick to the healthier lifestyle. If you decide your own way of doing things and live your own life, then you already know what you want to do. Just make a decision and stick to it. Everything after that will follow the way it's supposed to.
  • tracyg86
    tracyg86 Posts: 51 Member
    I imagine that if you keep at it then a bit later on, just all of a sudden, you will notice a difference. If your worried about your motivation. How about getting a friend to go to the gym with you so that way you have someone encouraging you to go to the gym. Or a class! That way you can work off some calories which will allow you to eat more too! And best of all you wont have to feel guilty about it.

    And like some other people have said, how about using weights and that may help you lose inches too.

    Hopefully you get some helpful posts on here which will make you feel better about losing 20lbs. Which is a big deal! Just sometimes it can take longer for you yourself to notice a difference because we are always so much harsher on ourselves than we are on others.

    Dont give up!
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Are you kidding me? 20 lbs is AWESOME!!! And in only three and a half months??? I remember losing weight before and depending on how much you need to lose total, it may take a while to see it. I think it took me about 20 lbs before i went down pants size. Everyone is different. The important thing is that you're doing it! Don't give up now. It has to be a lifestyle change. Don't think of it as a "diet" with a beginning and an end. You have to make smart choices for your health! All things in moderation. You can still "indulge" now and then, but keep the focus on the long-term. That's what I'm doing. It's easy to get discouraged, but you have to stay positive!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    I have been in MFP for 3 and half months and lost 20lbs in total. I have a further 57lbs to lose. I am not losing fast because I am very greedy and frankly I have motivativation problem.

    Anyway today I am very very low, I just realised than for the last 3months i have been counting what I eat, I have lost 20lbs and frankly i cannot see the difference, i cannot feel the difference in my clothes or anything. :sad:

    Thinking that it might not be worth it after all and should just enjoy food the way I like it and without moderation :(

    You won't succeed with that attitude! Think positive and dedicate yourself!

    EXACTLY!! You would rather be unhealthy and getting fatter than healthy and allowing your body to do what it needs to do in order to get you to your goal. hmmmmmm.

    What is up with this instant gratification in people's heads??? Thats not how it works. You have to be diligent whether you see a physical change or not right away. I lost 16 more lbs in January. My jeans are still tight. I thought I would we need to buy some more. Nope. But guess what thats not enough to make me throw in the towel.

    No one can make you feel good about what you've done. You have to learn how to accept your accomplishments for what they are and continue on. Start working on that mindset now. If you should ever hit a stall I can't imagine how you will react and stalls happen to everyone.

    I wish you the best in your journey. Just try to start to work on your inner self. It will definitely make the difference.

    edit for major typos lol
  • pchann
    pchann Posts: 84

    I have been in MFP for 3 and half months and lost 20lbs in total. I have a further 57lbs to lose. I am not losing fast because I am very greedy and frankly I have motivativation problem.

    Anyway today I am very very low, I just realised than for the last 3months i have been counting what I eat, I have lost 20lbs and frankly i cannot see the difference, i cannot feel the difference in my clothes or anything. :sad:

    Thinking that it might not be worth it after all and should just enjoy food the way I like it and without moderation :(

    You won't succeed with that attitude! Think positive and dedicate yourself!

    EXACTLY!! You would rather be unhealthy and getting fatter than healthy and allowing your body to do what it needs to do in order to get you to your goal. hmmmmmm.

    What is up with this instant gratification in people's heads??? Thats not how it works. You have to be diligent whether you see a physical change or not right away. I lost 16 more lbs in January. My jeans are still tight. I thought I would we need to buy some more. Nope. But guess what thats not enough to make me throw in the towel.

    No one can make you feel good about what you've done. You have to learn how to accept your accomplishments for what they are and continue on. Start working on that mindset now. If you should ever hit a stall I can't imagine how you will react and stalls happen to everyone.

    I wish you the best in your journey. Just try to start to work on your inner self. It will definitely make the difference.

    edit for major typos lol

    Awesome post!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Wish I lost 20Ibs!!
  • We don't gain weight over night, and its so gradual of a process we really don't pay attention to where and when the pounds are added. All of a sudden one day our clothes don't fit. Like I tell everyone in situations like yours This is a long and frustrating journey, but worth it. Allow your body to dispose of fat the way it is made to (you're an individual), and soon enough it will release fat the way you want it to. Whatever the case giving up is not an option.
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    20lbs is an awesome weight loss! I totally understand though...I'm down a little more than 20lbs from my highest and dont see much difference in the mirror and all my clothes still fit the same. I can tell a bit of difference when I compare pics of me now and of me at my highest and some of my friend's comment that I dont look "swollen" like I used to. It's hard and it takes time..it's easy to get discouraged, but hang in there.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    On December 6th I weighed 343 pounds, Today I weight 326. I was discouraged because I too didn't see a difference. That is because I can't see were the weight actually came off. I carry all my extra weight in my belly and so, I have a Huge belly. Last night, my husband told me that my belly is not hanging nearly as low as it was, and you know what, he is right. I never used to be able to reach the bottom of my belly when I was lying down, now I can. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not gone. Don't give up. You will see something soon.
  • Abednos
    Abednos Posts: 20 Member
    Don't give up. You will see a difference soon, I am SURE!

    And Why don't you take pictures of yourself now and, after some time, wear the same clothes and take a picture again. It's a good way to compare.

    Wish you luck :)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    It sounds like you have emotional baggage as well to lose. Twenty pounds is an amazing feat! Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it is still there! Start thinking positive, 20 lbs. is a HUGE loss. Get plugging at it everyday, you will lose more and soon you will start to notice a difference. I didn't really notice a difference until I went back and looked at photos, especially in my face. To put it bluntly: If you want to do it, you will find a way to do it. If you don't you will only find an excuse... So which are you? An excuser or a doer?
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    start taking your measurements!! then u can really see a difference... plus you are used to looking at yourself in the mirror, its going to be harder for u to tell.
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