Need willpower and motivation back..

katieloui16 Posts: 11
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So, I've been on my fitness pal since last August, where I only needed to lose about 15lbs, and did so, and ever since then I've just been logging food and exercise to maintain my weight and stay toned. However, since mid-January, i don't know what the heck has happened to my willpower. I just can't seem to resist any food, even if it's not that appetising or i'm not hungry, I'll feel guilty but then say "tomorrow will be different!" - and it isn't. Months ago, if i said that tomorrow would be different, then damnit IT WAS. i just can't find the motivation to lose some of the weight i've put back on, and i'm scared of feeling like a failure if i put back on all of the 15lbs that i lost (i've regained 5-6lbs). I'm stressed as i don't want to play the pity card, i know i've only got myself to blame, but my willpower has just vanished.

anyone out there in the same boat or with any suggestions? i really feel like with some suppiort i can get back on track..


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I try really hard to log my food before I eat. This way, if it doesn't fit in my calories, I haven't already done the deed! Don't know if this trick would help you, but just remember how hard it is to take off the pounds and how good you looked at your goal weight... I never want to be that chubby chick again!!!! I'm on my way, and you can be again too!!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    instead of saying tomorrow will be different, try the next meal will be different :o) i'm bad with that- if i say tomorrow, then it's like i'm saying to myself it is ok to eat more crap today & i do. you could also add a workout to make up for a bad day or meal :o) & awesome job sticking with it this long, still logging even though you've had some bad days!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    It is all about planning ahead (both food AND exercise) and not having junk around to tempt you. I always have extra serving sized baggies of almonds or fruit to eat if I'm in a pinch and I always get my work out done first thing in the morning so that nothing can interrupt that ME time.

    What were your original goals for losing those 15 lbs? Maybe write these down again or write new goals down allong with motivating pictures and put these on your fridge, bathroom mirror, desk, or wherever you will frequently see them.

    Good luck! You've taken it off once, so i KNOW you can keep it off for good!
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    hy katielou

    I am in the same boat! I also started on here in August and was going really well up until mid dec when my gym closed for 3 weeks which realy threw me!
    I have been trying to watch what I eat more so since then, but find myself munching on sweets etc here and there, and my gym routine is only just about back to how it was - i was going 4 times a week usually so now am forcing myself and have managed 3 visits per week!

    In saying that, I weighed myself today and have neither lost or gained.. I am 4lbs away from a healthy bmi (and 9lbs from my target of 10st at the moment, hopefully go a bit lower once i hit there, but for now 10st would make me happy!)..
    I have heard people say the last 10lbs can be the hardest to lose, so manbe that is what we are both finding?!
    I have noticed my loss has slowed down, HOWEVER my figure has changed shape for the better and I have gone down a dress size. Have u found a difference body wise, rather than scale wise?

    We can get through this and we will!!!!
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, I am in exactly the same boat and it proper sucks!!! Up until Friday I was doing great then I went away for the weekend with the best of intentions and all will power was lost - I have just eaten 6 biscuits for no reason, drank no water and pigged out on everything on offer!!!!!

    BUT - Logging back on and reading some posts tonight has made me determined to not beat myself up but take responsibility for my own progress, even just bought 30 day shred as everyone keeps saying how good it is! I'm putting it down to a bad spell!

    You will be fine, just keep logging in and remember how proud you felt when you reached your goal - I can't waity to get to mine!

    You have done so well! Keep going!
  • Don't beat yourself up and don't give up! The holidays and then the whole month of January has always been hard for me. I have a tendency to want to cocoon myself when the weather is miserable, ease up on exercise and eat too much. Then when the clothes start getting too tight and I avoid the scale like the plague...Find something to look forward to and get your motivation back to eat healthy and exercise more. Start thinking about the warmer months and how you want to look in summer clothes. This may help? You are not alone!
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