Sooooooo I have been awake since ten o'clock this morning and have had my gym clothes on sice noon (but have yet to go to the gym)... A girlfriend and I went out last nigh (a rare thing these days since alcohol apparently has a hell of a lot of calories in it.) In need of some motivation right now because hours later, my stomach (belly) is still turning, my head pounding and I can't bring myself to get my *kitten* up and go! HELP.........ME..............


  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Drink more water and take a nap. Maybe later today you can workout.
  • sweetlilgiggles
    sweetlilgiggles Posts: 23 Member
    No sense in going if you're not feeling well!! The past week, I've had a nasty upper respiratory infection and haven't gone to the gym...don't want to get anyone else there sick....but when I've felt up to it, I jumped on my Wii and played the Wii Fit. Just listen to your body. Drink plenty of water, take a nap, and see how you feel after that. And if you don't end up going, don't beat yourself up, but rather, use this as a motivator for the next day when you CAN work out, and bust your butt, girl! Trust for me ;)
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    just make yourself do it.. Drink TONS of water! You can do this!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    dont worry too much if u dont fit a workout in 2day hon, ul b back on track 2mrw :)

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • annadilynn
    LOL...havent we ALL been there!...sorry you dont feel good...if your gym has a pool try just going to the pool and day not spent at the gym will not permanently ruin your diet...take it easy and recoop...have a good day
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hahaha. I was in a similar boat this morning. I drank about a liter of water and got on the treadmill before I could talk myself out of it. Afterwards had more water, coffee, advil, and some breakfast. Now I feel great.

    So, do you want to get your *kitten* to the gym, get nourished and feel great, or do you want to sit around hung over all day? :wink:
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Take an excederin migraine, eat something, drink some water, and go back to bed. Seriously. I know at my age, when I have a little too much, I'm done for the next day. I too am like you. I rarely drink like that anymore. It just seems harder and harder to recover quickly. Give yourself a day. No harm no foul.
  • alliegator89
    alliegator89 Posts: 42 Member
    It is okay to miss a work out, but if you are set on going to the gym have lots of water to rehydrate your body. Also, bananas are said to be one of the best hangover foods. Eat one if you can.
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    Try some yoga stretching least that will give you some "exercise" for the day...feel better! :flowerforyou:
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Rehydrate water &? Gatorade. As long as it isn't a habit don't beat yourself up. I think you learned your lesson, no worries! Tomorrow is back on the wagon!
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    How about just get up off your *kitten* and do it :smile:

    Go for a walk and clear the cobwebs out , doing something is better than nothing.

    You can do it.
  • Thefitdifference
    Thefitdifference Posts: 12 Member
    Rehydrate water &? Gatorade. As long as it isn't a habit don't beat yourself up. I think you learned your lesson, no worries! Tomorrow is back on the wagon!

    Yay me.....Still on the wagon.......was just hanging onto the back feet dragging a lil' bit! Mmmmmmm....Bananas, food, sleep and I don't have to beat myself up about it. Thanks to everyone for all the tips,,,,, I am still super proud of myself....typically when hungover I would visit the Golden arches or down a Lg Frosty......BUT I've stuck to my "healthy lifestyle" (I refuse to say the D-word) and ate really well so far.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    How about just get up off your *kitten* and do it :smile:

    Go for a walk and clear the cobwebs out , doing something is better than nothing.

    You can do it.

    Wham- took the words right out of my mouth!
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    My hangover remedy is Alka-Seltzer!!! The regular kind, not the kind for colds!!!
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    Oh and after the Alka-Seltzer just take a nice walk. You don't have to go to the gym. A nice walk in some fresh air will do you good!
  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    I say, if you havent puked this morning you good to go, pop an excederine and just do it! If you need to take it easy, perhaps sit your butt down in a bike and pedal your heart out, then do that.

    You obviously felt well enought to think about going to the gym cause you put your workout clothes on, just DO IT!!!!
  • susanmiller21
    I'm glad to hear others have over indulged. I was hurting this am , forced myself to go and lift weights and now I feel so much better. It's always hard to get there, but you'll feel so great when you get finished! Go....just GO!
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    A good shot of peptobismol, a big glass of water, 2 advil and a piece of toast...then maybe a light stretch? see how you feel? Maybe a walk outside would do some good :)
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    just be careful if you go to the gym, i had a chick pass out and seizure in my kettlebell class one Sunday morning b/c she attempted it while hungover and she was really dehydrated.

    Glad you were able to do some weights! Just keep hydrated and if you need a break, take a break. :)