Already tired of the Superbowl?

Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Lets do something fun! Random question time....

1. Biggest Pet Peeve?
2.. Worse vice? (chocolate? smoking? drinking? video games? internet porn? )
3. Favorite love song?
4. If you could do one thing in life- without money or time or obstacles getting in the way- what would it be?

My answers-

1. People who brag about what they have/ how much money they make/ how perfect their kids are....etc.... UGH!! Oh and ****ty Massachusetts drivers- myself excluded!

2. Besides internet porn? ;-) VIDEO GAMES! Call of duty/ modern warfare/ Black ops to be exact!

3. 18th Floor Balcony by Blue October!! I highly recommend checking this band out if you haven't already..... awesome!

4. Kind of boring- but I would go back to school to study Forensic Science!

Your turn!!!


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Oh boy! Fun!

    Biggest pet peeve -smoking
    Worse Vice - spending too much time on MFP
    Favorite Love Song - Everything I do, I do it for you
    One thing in life - adopt (right now money is in the way)

    Thanks for starting this!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Lets do something fun! Random question time....

    1. Biggest Pet Peeve? People that say they hate liars and then you catch them in a lie literally less than an hour later...
    2.. Worse vice? (chocolate? smoking? drinking? video games? internet porn? ) Drinking soda (2 days with none though!)
    3. Favorite love song? Not really a love song but its "I can tell" by 504 boyz
    4. If you could do one thing in life- without money or time or obstacles getting in the way- what would it be? Move to Paris
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member

    1. Biggest Pet Peeve? People that say they hate liars and then you catch them in a lie literally less than an hour later...

    I hate that too!! Also hate people who pretend to be someone they're not...
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm in the UK so the Super bowl thing isn't relevant but thought I'd join in! :smile:

    1. Middle lane hoggers and people who "tut" !!

    2. Internet what....?? :-p lol Well Videogames yes although Black Ops NO...what a let down!!! MW2 all the way!! Although I was a Counter Strike Pro so I guess it would have to be that!! lol

    3. As a male I am afraid I cannot release that information!!!!! haha

    4. This may be a little sad to some but as a car Nut I would of loved to be able to watch a Group B rally, back in the day where common sense was thrown out the window in terms of motorsport! (although common sense kicked back in and they banned it the year I was born!! :-()
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Pet Peeves- I should have done my top five-

    1. People who brag
    2. People who pretend to be someone else..... come on people- be comfortable in your own skin!.
    3 Massachusetts drivers
    4. LIARS!
    5. When my kids whine over nothing.....
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member

    2. Internet what....?? :-p lol Well Videogames yes although Black Ops NO...what a let down!!! MW2 all the way!! Although I was a Counter Strike Pro so I guess it would have to be that!! lol

    3. As a male I am afraid I cannot release that information!!!!! haha

    No black ops?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Awww come on... everyone has a favorite love song... ;-)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    1. Biggest Pet Peeve? -- People who ask for help and then shoot down every single suggestion that is given to them. If you didn't want to hear advice, why did you ask?!
    2.. Worse vice? (chocolate? smoking? drinking? video games? internet porn? ) -- Facebook. Lame.
    3. Favorite love song? -- "Stand Inside Your Love" - Smashing Pumpkins
    4. If you could do one thing in life- without money or time or obstacles getting in the way- what would it be? -- Start a photography business.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    1. Biggest Pet Peeve? -- People who ask for help and then shoot down every single suggestion that is given to them. If you didn't want to hear advice, why did you ask?!
    2.. Worse vice? (chocolate? smoking? drinking? video games? internet porn? ) -- Facebook. Lame.
    3. Favorite love song? -- "Stand Inside Your Love" - Smashing Pumpkins
    4. If you could do one thing in life- without money or time or obstacles getting in the way- what would it be? -- Start a photography business.

    1. ohhhh forgot about those people!!
    2. does it count that I check Facebook while logged on XBOXLIVE?
    3. Awesome song!
    4. What a great aspiration!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    2. Internet what....?? :-p lol Well Videogames yes although Black Ops NO...what a let down!!! MW2 all the way!! Although I was a Counter Strike Pro so I guess it would have to be that!! lol

    3. As a male I am afraid I cannot release that information!!!!! haha

    No black ops?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Awww come on... everyone has a favorite love song... ;-)

    Its pants! Laggy multilayer, cartoon like graphics!! Like World at War but with different guns!! MW2 is still the best!! :-p

    I suppose The Calling - Wherever You Will Go would be a choice for the song.......I like the older rock songs!
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member

    2. Internet what....?? :-p lol Well Videogames yes although Black Ops NO...what a let down!!! MW2 all the way!! Although I was a Counter Strike Pro so I guess it would have to be that!! lol

    3. As a male I am afraid I cannot release that information!!!!! haha

    No black ops?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Awww come on... everyone has a favorite love song... ;-)

    Its pants! Laggy multilayer, cartoon like graphics!! Like World at War but with different guns!! MW2 is still the best!! :-p

    I suppose The Calling - Wherever You Will Go would be a choice for the song.......I like the older rock songs!

    I tried going back to Modern Warfare the other day and totally sucked LOL Nothing is as bad as World At War- that game was lag heaven!! Hated it!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    I tried going back to Modern Warfare the other day and totally sucked LOL

    You can't blame the game ;) haha
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member

    I tried going back to Modern Warfare the other day and totally sucked LOL

    You can't blame the game ;) haha

    Typical man!!! ;-)
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    Typical man!!! ;-)

    Typical Gamer!!! :-p
  • 1. People chewing with their mouth open.
    2.. Liquorish or Hot Tomallies
    3. Michael Franti - Say Hey
    4. Have a REAL and deep relationship with someone that I truly care about for more than just sex or to feel good about myself.
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    1. Biggest Pet Peeve?
    People who don't get how awesome I am.
    2.. Worse vice?
    I had a sugar addiction so I just quit cold turkey, I drink and like to flirt- Flirting is my Vice.
    3. Favorite love song?
    Let's get drunk and Screw
    4. If you could do one thing in life- without money or time or obstacles getting in the way- what would it be?
    Go on a world tour( maybe cruise)
  • mrsbolanos
    mrsbolanos Posts: 9 Member
    Lets do something fun! Random question time....

    1. Biggest Pet Peeve?

    My short list:
    students who expect to get A's without putting in effort or work (Yes--I'm high school teacher)
    Massachusetts drivers :-)
    parents who smoke around their kids
    people who don't know their audience-e.g. saying "I'm so fat" around someone who is OBVIOUSLY heavier than they are.

    2.. Worse vice?

    Sugar, FB (internet in general), and romance novels.

    3. Favorite love song?

    "La Unica" by Juanes

    4. If you could do one thing in life- without money or time or obstacles getting in the way- what would it be?

    Travel around the world with my family. Experiential learning at it's best.
    Get my masters in Spanish.
    Move south (If only our only family ties in the US weren't in Maine)
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