Looking for answers...

Hey everyone! I just had some questions, and hopefully some of you out there will be able to help me out and let me know what works for you all! Today is my 2 month mark where I have been working out on a good streak, and have lost some weight - ( 14lbs ), but I was wondering what workouts do you all do that you have seen really good results on? I feel like I need to step it up just a notch!

I have been doing:
-Gym, Tae Bo, Zumba, Walking, Weights, Some jogging, Leslie Sansone Walk away the Pounds.

But I'm wondering, am I doing something wrong where the weight isn't falling off faster? What at home dvd's works the best? Or is the Gym better?

Thanks for your time!!


  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    i love the gym but sometimes its better to do a home dvd if you dont feel like driving to the gym. i do bootcamp workout. it says it gives you noticable results in 13 workouts. it is very good. you can see a difference and you can feel it to. it helps you form muscles. i didnt loss much weight with it but my waist and hips lost inches off of it.
  • Phoenyxtears
    My Wii - EA Sports Active and More Workouts have been awesome. I hate going to the gym due to lack of money and the chick there is just mean...like "I don't see why you're here. It's not like you're going to be able to do anything to make your life better." kind of crap.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Uhhhhhh why are you expecting it to come off faster? 7lbs a month is at the high end a healthy pace. Your best bet isn't a new workout, it's a better mentality- to accept this as the way you should be losing!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Consistency... Even if I just walk for 20 mintues, some form of exercise everyday. It keeps your metabolism burning.
  • alliebob27
    Anidorie - Thanks for the info! Is there a certain name on that dvd that I should look out for..like a certain person that instructs it?

    Phoenyxtears - I hate people like that! It can really belittle you, and it's just not right.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    7lb a month is massive :O you are defo doing the right things.

    I do love a bit of Wii, EA active 9 week programme is my exercise of choice at the moment, I can see a massive difference in my body, not losing lbs though. Same with 30 day shred, loved it and saw the inches falling off.
  • Phoenyxtears
    Anidorie - Thanks for the info! Is there a certain name on that dvd that I should look out for..like a certain person that instructs it?

    Phoenyxtears - I hate people like that! It can really belittle you, and it's just not right.

    Yeah, but it comes with the territory. How's Zumba? I just ordered it for my 10 lbs lost reward.
  • skinnymom10
    Hi my name is Shelia and I think that i can help you. I have been doing a GREAT fitness program called Chalean Extreme. It is a strength training program and it works great. In the first week in a half I lost 2 inches off of my waist and lost 5 to 6 pounds. I feel great. It is a 3 month program and I have only been doing it 2 full weeks. I can't wait to see the final results. Let me know if you want more information about Chalean or other fitness programs!!!

    Good Luck to you!!!
  • alliebob27
    bjshooter - I keep hearing about the 30 Day Shred. I actually have that at my apt..just gotta find it first..it is definitely intense! My trouble is my lower belly!! I wanna get rid of that already lol.
  • kellylczz
    Ive been using beachbodys p90x!!!! I LOVE IT!!! ive gotten AMAZING results, its a hard workout, very intense, Your sweating 10 mins into it. But in the end, you get the results your looking for! Ive dropped just 3 lbs. but i was only 128 when i started, im just looking to get fit. But ive dropped in inches... I already need to go buy all new clothes. Plus, seeing these results have kept me motivated with my diet!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    30 Day Shred or No More Trouble Zones by Jillian Michaels' are great workout DVDs and are really cheap (her other DVDs are great too). I've also done P90X and Insanity and they're both great to build/tone muscles while burning fat.
  • alliebob27
    Phoenyxtears - The Zumba is SO fun! And works really well actually. The one I do "Cardio Party" is a 47 minute dvd, BUT feels like it's only 10 minutes..goes by fast b/c your having fun and what not.

    skinnymom10 - Yeah! That sounds great, you can email me if you'd like :). Thanks!

    kellylczz - I also keep hearing about the P90X..I used it a long time ago, and was like holy hell..but didn't stick w/ it of course..I'm going to have it give it a go..and see what happens this time around. Thanks for the info.
  • alliebob27
    lilchino4af - Thanks! Those 2 dvd's are popular :)
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member

    I lost 7lb in my first week of fitnesspals. I joined last Sunday. All I have been doing is counting calories and doing the Xbox Kinect Biggest Loser workouts. They have a variety of different levels and programmes, including a fast track weight loss (which I skipped. Losing too much weight too fast results in excess skin!) and I went to the gym yesterday for an hour and a half. Gonna be going to the gym more often now that I have been once, it's great! But using the xbox on days I don't get to the gym. I am aiming for a 2lb per week weight loss.

    But also remember, muscle weighs more than fat. So losing the lb's isn't necessarily the problem. Look for other signs, like your clothes getting looser, the inches coming off, your energy levels increasing etc. My fitness instructor at the gym said not to look for lb loss, but to look for dress size loss. So long as your bmi is in the healthy range, then you should be fine.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    14 lbs in 2 months is a good loss. Especially if you don't have a tremendous amount to lose. If you are active you have to realize you may be replacing some of that fat with muscle so you might not see scale drop as much as inches you may be losing. Measure! That muscle gain is going to work for you more than losing a lot real quick. ;)

    I lost 6.2 lbs since Jan 1st, sure it could have been 8-10. I'd have been a little discouraged if I didn't know I lost inches.
  • mdare6
    Ok, here's what works for me. Treadmill 4-5 times a week for 60min. light jog one min, brisk walk 4 min. do this for 60 min. I just started working out again and in two weeks i've lost 11 lbs.
    Also would recommend a Pulse workout watch so you can lose the max fat within your ownzone.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    EA Sports Active 2 on the Xbox, but it's made for all platforms....
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    If p90x looks too intense for toy I highly recommend just plain old power 90. Its great!!!
  • alliebob27
    Thanks everyone for all the input!! Y'all have been great, with great answers!!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I hope you do shred, women know women body's more....:wink:
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