Shaun T's Insanity

beedezra Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone tried Shaun T's Insanity dvd? The P90x seems to be the most talked about in mfp, if there is anyone out who have already tried both p90x & Shaun T's insanity, please share which is more challenging? I am not sure if i should get p90x or Shaun's.


  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    Insanity doesn't require equipment, whereas p90x needs pull up bar and various sizes of handweights or resistance bands. also, insanity is VERY cardio based whereas p90x bounces around between strength and cardio.

    personally, i prefer insanity but i know p90x is a great challenge too. pop on youtube to watch clips of each workout and see which appeals to you more. :-) good luck!
  • My wife and I started Insanity last week and it is very hard when you are so unfit. we've followed the nutrition plan strictly so that we are taking a 50/30/20 mix of protein/carbs/fat. In one week we have both lost 5lb in body fat and can see a massive change in the mirror.

    Going to keep it up for the two months and then shift over to P90X. I would suggest doing insanity first to build up strength otherwise you won't get the best from P90X. With P90X you do need to be able to do pull ups really.
  • THANK YOU sooo much shanbuffy..great job for the 15lb lost...cheers!
  • hi striker..thanks lots for the detail info..besides the fat lost, how about weight, after following the nutrition plan? : )
  • meglide
    meglide Posts: 37 Member
    My wife and I started Insanity last week and it is very hard when you are so unfit. we've followed the nutrition plan strictly so that we are taking a 50/30/20 mix of protein/carbs/fat. In one week we have both lost 5lb in body fat and can see a massive change in the mirror.

    Going to keep it up for the two months and then shift over to P90X. I would suggest doing insanity first to build up strength otherwise you won't get the best from P90X. With P90X you do need to be able to do pull ups really.

    sorry but I disagree, if you haven't done either one, I would strongly suggest P90X first, you don't have to do pull-ups to do P90X, I know folks that started 100+ lbs overweight and did P90X, they couldn't even do one push-up let alone one pull-up, they modified everything, used the bands for pull-ups, did push-ups on their knees or against a wall

    I wouldn't have thought it was possible for someone that much overweight to do P90X but I've personally met too many people that have done it to doubt it now

    I did Insanity a little over a year ago after doing P90, P90x and other Tony Horton workouts for a couple of years, it was by far the most intense workouts I have ever done. I wouldn't recommend Insanity for anyone who hasn't been consistently working out hard for 6 months to a year. I don't see how one could modify Insanity if you're extremely overweight or unfit (not saying it's not possible cause I wouldn't have believed it about P90X at first, but I can see how with P90X NOT with Insanity)
  • I did two rounds of P90X and am into my 4th week of insanity. Both are great workout but you will only get results if you push yourself. I lost 24 lbs on P90X the first time around and was very strict with the diet. The second time I did not do the diet as strict and lost 5 of the 10 I gained in between rounds. On Insanity I have been eating only OK and have not lost a pound but have made big increases from my first fit test to the second one. I do not have the same motivation as I did with P90X and missed two workouts of Insanity. I could not do insanity without having completed P90X. Even in my 4th week my HR hits 100+% of max doing the workouts. As for the pull up in P90X I could not do one when I started and could only do 3 unassisted when I completed the 90 days. It is still a 300% increase but nothing like I was hoping for.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I have both of them though I have never completed either of them...
    my suggestion would be work them together in a combined program..
    P90x is weight Training, inSanity is Cardio... With Insanity you do some push up and Abs work too, squats, etc

    if I had to buy just one I would go with Insanity... I have never done an insanity workoug before where I wasn't totally soaked when I got done from working so hard nad getting my heart rate up.. that is just my take though. Some love it other will say get the P90x for sculpting.. It all depends on what you are trying to do but the Insanity is advanced but you can always scale it down if you need to or do what you can do and work up to the high intensity
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Hi, for me it was a good thing I did P90x first! I was already a runner so my endurance is ok, but P90x really helped me be ready for the push-ups in Insanity! I can do them off my toes vs. off my knees! To me that is a big thing! Now many will opt for Insanity cause of its cardio base but I am in week 4 and still havn't lost any weight, and I didn't loose much weight on p90x but I did get stronger! Which ever program you can adapt to your level, I would just jump right in and modify as you need to!
    Good Luck!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I agree with meglide - having done both I can say Insanity is NOT for beginners. p90X you can modify and get away with. But in all honesty, I would do turbojam, 30 day shred, chalene extreme, etc as a beginner, then advance to Insanity, p90X, and turbofire. I love beachbody though, they have great DVDs, as does Jillian Michaels.

    If I were you I would get 30 day shred for 10 bucks and then advance from there :smile:
  • Hello everyone!

    I would have to say to try the one that most interest you. In both routines its going to be challenging period! If you are out of shape either one will be difficult. Its really mind over matter. If you have it in you, highly determined, and have the sticktoitiveness that you are going to need, go for it.

    I disagree that you can't modify Insanity. You can modify a jumping jack, a push up, you name it it can be modified. Turbo Fire has HIIT routines and they are all modified also. How bad do you want this? I went from not working out for a year, gained 20 plus pounds pushing me up to 248. I wanted this bad! If I can do HIIT routines so can you! I had a friend in all this, and its called the PAUSE BUTTON on my dvd player lol! I paused alot during the beginning. Then I jumped back in. The one powerful tool that you have is your MIND!.

    Whatever you choose you have the control. Either way you will be stronger in the end! If you decide not to go with either Insanity or P90X I highly recommend Turbo Fire. Its fun and the music is awesome.

    With whatever you choose have fun!

  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I've done both. If you want to learn to lift some weights, P90X. If you just want to do insane interval cardio/plyo via calisthenics and sports drills, Insanity. Personally both. Toss all the non weight workouts in P90X and replace with Insanity. I think Insanity is fine for beginners. You modify Insanity by modifying pace and the intensity level. I started after quitting smoking. Not a big deal.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've done both. Insanity is more challenging for me because I've always been a lifter. All the intense cardio in Insanity has stepped up my game. My favorite program is P90X. I did P90X first and I'm glad that I did. The push-ups required in P90X prepared me for the push-ups during a cardio session in Insanity. The plyometrics in P90X is slower paced and that prepared me for the faster pace in Insanity.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I would have to say to try the one that most interest you. In both routines its going to be challenging period! If you are out of shape either one will be difficult. Its really mind over matter. If you have it in you, highly determined, and have the sticktoitiveness that you are going to need, go for it.

    I disagree that you can't modify Insanity. You can modify a jumping jack, a push up, you name it it can be modified. Turbo Fire has HIIT routines and they are all modified also. How bad do you want this? I went from not working out for a year, gained 20 plus pounds pushing me up to 248. I wanted this bad! If I can do HIIT routines so can you! I had a friend in all this, and its called the PAUSE BUTTON on my dvd player lol! I paused alot during the beginning. Then I jumped back in. The one powerful tool that you have is your MIND!.

    Whatever you choose you have the control. Either way you will be stronger in the end! If you decide not to go with either Insanity or P90X I highly recommend Turbo Fire. Its fun and the music is awesome.

    With whatever you choose have fun!

    I agree with Shima. I haven't done Insanity, but I'm on my first week of P90X, and I modify some of the workouts not all. I can't do a pull up and I don't have a pull up bar, but I use my bands. Turbo Fire is tons of fun, and just like Shima said there is a pause button and then jump right back in. Whatever you choose to do just have fun with it, and give it your best! Good luck!
  • I guess I'll put my 2 cents worth in, too. P90X caught my eye, which prompted me to look into Beach Body products. With shoulder and wrist problems, I really didn't think I could handle P90X right off, so I chose the "younger brother" - Power 90. It is a GREAT beginner program, getting you used to lifting weights and doing cardio - especially if you haven't worked out in a while. After that, I tried a couple of other programs, to see what the other trainers were like. Rockin' Body is great for aerobic workout; that was my first introduction to Shaun T. I even tried Slim in 6 (a 6-week program), but found that I didn't respond well to that trainer.

    That's part of it, too. Who are you and what will you respond to? For the most part, I respond better to male trainers, so I went back to Tony and P90 Master Series (the "middle child" in the P90 series). I still don't want to do P90X ... some of that is the need to not "go with the flow" - so I chose INSANITY as my current workout. Yes, it is tough; but so is P90X. Can you modify INSANITY? Absolutely!!!! Go slower, take a break, don't go as deep ... there is ALWAYS a way to modify MOST exercises (in any workout)! The biggest thing to remember is to not compromise FORM (in anything you do)!

    I completed 1 month of INSANITY and then had to stop due to "real life". But, I'm back at it and still loving it! I am planning to be done by the end of March and then go onto ChaLEAN Extreme (trying a female trainer again). The one down-side to INSANITY that I can see is the lack of weight training. I'm not a body builder, and will probably never be able to lift extremely heavy weights, but I do enjoy those routines as well. That's why I'm trying CE next. If that works out, I'll be doing another "not going with the flow" by doing an INSANITY/CE hybrid of my own making.

    Good luck with whatever you decide ... just decide to do something and stick with it! The message boards and groups over at are FANTASTIC with supporting you along the way! If you stick with a Beach Body product, I would strongly advise you going over there, too. Many of my friends on "the boards" also use myfitnesspal, too! :)

    Good luck!

  • sorry but I disagree, if you haven't done either one, I would strongly suggest P90X first, you don't have to do pull-ups to do P90X, I know folks that started 100+ lbs overweight and did P90X, they couldn't even do one push-up let alone one pull-up, they modified everything, used the bands for pull-ups, did push-ups on their knees or against a wall

    I wouldn't have thought it was possible for someone that much overweight to do P90X but I've personally met too many people that have done it to doubt it now

    I did Insanity a little over a year ago after doing P90, P90x and other Tony Horton workouts for a couple of years, it was by far the most intense workouts I have ever done. I wouldn't recommend Insanity for anyone who hasn't been consistently working out hard for 6 months to a year. I don't see how one could modify Insanity if you're extremely overweight or unfit (not saying it's not possible cause I wouldn't have believed it about P90X at first, but I can see how with P90X NOT with Insanity)
    I couldn't agree with you more. P90X is a great program to start out with, it's got tons of modifications throughout each workout.

    However, there ARE modifications to the Insanity workouts. They just don't show them in the videos. I'm actually a Beachbody Certified Insanity Trainer and I teach the modified moves. Soon I'll be posting videos on my blog ( :)
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