
k8smama Posts: 48
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm just wondering what the opinion is on "meal skipping"? I'm not skipping to lose faster, I know that doesn't work. It's just that I hate breakfast, always have. I have no appetite before ten in the morning(my day starts between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. depending on the day). So I frequently skip breakfast. I'll eat a small snack around ten (a pc of string cheese, a granola bar) and then have lunch between noon and one. I'm meeting all my calorie goals, but I keep hearing from others that I have to eat breakfast to jump start my metabolism. How important is breakfast, really? Should I force myself to eat something even though I really don't want it? Is it okay to skip it if I really have no desire to eat?


  • Can you drink something? How about making a protein shake or a smoothie first thing in the morning?
  • I never skip breakfast. Even if I am not very hungry I will at least eat a light yogurt.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I think breakfast at 10 still counts as breakfast. As long as you're not going hungry until lunch, that should be ok. My husband can't eat early either, but he grabs a banana in the mornings for when he gets hungry around 9-10.

    Can you do smoothies earlier in the morning? Or even a glass of milk?
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    agree with other posters, a breakfast smoothie to get your day started! My breakfast is crucial!!!
  • i often skip breakfast as well. but on occasion i will make 2 eggs or something but thats it. otherwise i'll just eat when i get hungry.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    you should have a breakfast of complex carbs. As long as you eat breakfast you should be ok no matter what time you eat it. However, you should avoid fruit in the morning. It raises your blood sugar high and can make your day hard.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    The sooner you eat,the better.
  • rbp26
    rbp26 Posts: 1
    I am not an expert but I don't like to eat breakfast either (does coffee count?!). I have heard that you are supposed to eat within the first hour of waking up.

    Can you do a smoothie or protein shake like someone suggested or a small piece of fruit or even your granola bar and some skim milk? I used to do a cup of skim milk in the blender with a banana and a few pieces of ice and drink it on the way out the door.

    To me 10am seems like the perfect time for a small breakfast snack! Are you losing weight? Maybe if you find you hit a plateau try the breakfast thing and see if it really does boost your metabolism and the weight starts coming off!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    undestand your breakfast skipping reason , my only concern is i see in your picture you have children , my sisters daughters won't eat breakfast because mom does not.. just a thought

    I usual eat breakfast but there are some days i really don't want to on those days i have weetabix with warm milke it gone in minutes.

    you would not run your car on empty!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    At least you are eating a snack before lunch...that has to count for something right? I don't think you should force yourself to eat if you feel sick or really don't want to. Like someone else said, have you thought about a breakfast drink. Carnation has breakfast drinks (chocolate powder with milk is my favorite). It's about 220 calories for a packet and ff milk, but it's yummy!
  • Hi!

    It is very important for you to eat breakfast... I was like you! I never had the desire to eat breakfast. Since I started eating breakfast I feel more energy during the day. I don't stuff myself but I eat a little of something... Like yogurt, one whole wheat toast, nothing big. Now I don't feel like I need a whole cow for lunch lol,
  • Here is a really easy to read article on the importance of breakfast:
    I think breakfast is really important and it sets up the rest of the day. Finding a bar or shake that is like a meal replacement is a good idea.

    Good luck..
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I am not a big breakfast person but now since starting my healthy lifestyle change, I always grab a banana or a yogurt when I wake upf or sometimes just a coffee. I never used to be hungry in the morning either. Now that my body is used to it, I do get hungry if I don't eat something. If not eating breakfast works for you and you are still loosing weight, I see no problem with it. If you start to reach a plateau it might be something to think about.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    I eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning. My weight loss has been a lot better since I started eating breakfast everyday.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    It will take some training, but you need to eat breakfast every day. Your body needs fuel when you start in the morning, and if you don't give it a little something, it will start conserving energy rather than burning fat. If you give it even just a 250 calorie mix of carbs and protein, it will start burning those calories and not stop until the next time it "fasts" for 8 hours or more, at which time you have to "wake it up" again.

    I never ate breakfast when I was younger. Eventually my hypoglycemia worsened and I had to eat, even when it made me nauseous. Now I try to eat something with carbs and protein within the first hour I am up, or if working out first thing, within an hour of finishing the work-out. I am not sure why exercising on an empty stomach works, but just living doesn't, but that's what the most recent research indicates.

    Eat bland to start. Your body will adjust and you may even start to like breakfast.
  • Thanks for all the input!! :smile: I really want to make lasting changes, it's just really hard to know what habits need to be changed. I'll start giving a light breakfast a try and see what happens!
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I never was a breakfast eater until I started my weight loss journey. I have found that eating something, anything helps me get thru the day! Now I typically have a egg white omlet with ham and cheese and it is less than 200 calories.
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