So discouraged

mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So i worked REALLY hard this week and i was under my calorie goal every single day. i worked out over my goal and almost burned a pound of fat just from working out. And yet I weigh myself this morning and I am exactly the same weight. What is going on? I am soooooo discouraged right now. :(


  • can you make your food diary public so we can have a look?
  • it happens, a lot can trigger this..... dont sweat it, try your best, and weigh yourself again in a week. After last night I wont be weighing myself in two weeks because I know there will be either A. weight GAIN or B. no weight loss
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Perhaps you need to increase your calories. I am very solid, despite being overweight and I have to eat more than MFP recommends for me or I starve to death and plateau. Not everyone is textbook. Are you hungry during the day? Listen to your body.Try eating more calories gradually and see if you don't see results. It feels wrong but it worked for me. I do small frequent light meals or snacks. And it really works!!!!
  • tiff31403
    tiff31403 Posts: 2 Member
    Try eating several small meals a day. A lot of people think that eating less means losing. This is not true. If you can eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and then a snack your metabolism will speed up. Also stress doesn't help :) Stay positive...maybe you'll lose double the next week.
  • Sometimes the results of a good week are delayed. For me my body goes into starvation mode very quickly if I do not eat enough for several days. Hang in there. Your hard work will pay off.
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Sometimes if you are way under your calories and work your body so much your body fights back. I know it is very frustrating....... I have been there and have cried about it. But the important thing is you don't give up and you keep pushing through. Show your body your the boss of your journey!

    Good luck and keep pushing forward it will happen!

  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    "...and i was under my calorie goal every single day."

    How much under; are you eating enough? Not eating enough will prevent your body from shedding pounds. If you are following the MFP daily goal, it is already a deficit and when you work out, you increase that deficit. However, too much of a deficit is counter-productive. That is why many here (myself included) eat their workout calories.
  • Stephdoobie is right. If you're hungry, then you need to eat, otherwise your body is just storing fat and you won't lose a lb. Think of food as fuel that helps you burn the fat you want gone. If you don't put fuel into your body, you won't be able to function and your body will go into survival mode and start to store fat.

    If you want to lose, you need to eat and keep your body fueled. Have an apple or a granola bar. It doesn't have to be an entire meal. And make sure to eat back your exerise calories. I know eating to lose weight sounds strange, but it's true.

    And don't get discouraged. Be patient with your body. It will take time to take the weight off. Keep doing what you're doing everyday and it will start to come off slowly. Rome wasn't built in a day. :)
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    "...and i was under my calorie goal every single day."

    How much under; are you eating enough? Not eating enough will prevent your body from shedding pounds. If you are following the MFP daily goal, it is already a deficit and when you work out, you increase that deficit. However, too much of a deficit is counter-productive. That is why many here (myself included) eat their workout calories.

    I worry about eating back my workout cals because i'm not sure how accurate they really are. and plus half the time i'm not even half as hungry as i used to be. So i don't need to eat as much. I'm not sure what is going on.
  • Wetikaba
    Wetikaba Posts: 66 Member
    Chances are, you reached a plateau. If you have been doing this for more than 2 weeks, you might have reached a step where your body needs to adjust. The only thing here is to wait. Sometimes we are inpatient and want to lower our calorie intake to accelerate the loss during a plateau. But if you are eating under your needs, you WILL start losing again after a little time. So: patience is the key...

    Also, sorry for males reading that :), women sometimes have water retention changes that can impact the weight. You might have lost fat but the weight of the water retention is hiding it.

    And last but not least you may also be eating to few calories. When the body is in starvation mode it sometimes wants to "hold on to its reserves" to be able to survive longer. So if you add 100 to 200 cal to your diet, it can sometimes help.Mineral deficiency like iron can also be a factor.

    I would only worry about it if it lasts more than 2 weeks.Then try switch things up and see how tat works.

    You're doing great!!! Don't despair, it might really just be temporary!

    Good luck to you :)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    "...and i was under my calorie goal every single day."

    How much under; are you eating enough? Not eating enough will prevent your body from shedding pounds. If you are following the MFP daily goal, it is already a deficit and when you work out, you increase that deficit. However, too much of a deficit is counter-productive. That is why many here (myself included) eat their workout calories.

    I worry about eating back my workout cals because i'm not sure how accurate they really are. and plus half the time i'm not even half as hungry as i used to be. So i don't need to eat as much. I'm not sure what is going on.

    Just because you aren't hungry doesn't mean you shouldn't be eating. It means that your metabolism has slowed down because of a lack of calories.
  • Wetikaba
    Wetikaba Posts: 66 Member
    mmmmh ...I think we all agree here that eating too few cal can really prevent shedding pounds!
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    So i worked REALLY hard this week and i was under my calorie goal every single day. i worked out over my goal and almost burned a pound of fat just from working out. And yet I weigh myself this morning and I am exactly the same weight. What is going on? I am soooooo discouraged right now. :(

    i weighed in and was more than last time I weighed in

    BUT my clothes feel a lot looser :)

    so although you may not've lost weight, you may've gained muscle

    I need to go get a measuring tape this week. . .:)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    So i worked REALLY hard this week and i was under my calorie goal every single day. i worked out over my goal and almost burned a pound of fat just from working out. And yet I weigh myself this morning and I am exactly the same weight. What is going on? I am soooooo discouraged right now. :(

    i weighed in and was more than last time I weighed in

    BUT my clothes feel a lot looser :)

    so although you may not've lost weight, you may've gained muscle

    I need to go get a measuring tape this week. . .:)

    Not quite. You won't see more than a fraction of a pound of muscle increase over the course of the week. also that is only if you are close to your bmr, lift heavy weights, and have adequate protein.
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member

    Not quite. You won't see more than a fraction of a pound of muscle increase over the course of the week. also that is only if you are close to your bmr, lift heavy weights, and have adequate protein.

    So then why is the scale the same..but my clothes sort of feel looser?
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member

    Not quite. You won't see more than a fraction of a pound of muscle increase over the course of the week. also that is only if you are close to your bmr, lift heavy weights, and have adequate protein.

    So then why is the scale the same..but my clothes sort of feel looser?

    You've lost some fat but there is still food/water in your system to compensate the difference.
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    I suppose. It just doesn't seem to be adding up to me. I should have lost 2 pounds this week.
  • My guess is that you are gaining muscle or you aren't eating enough to compensate for the calories you are burning,
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    I suppose. It just doesn't seem to be adding up to me. I should have lost 2 pounds this week.

    I'm going through the same exact thing this week. Been working hard at this for 4 weeks. Had weight loss each week. This last week, I was always just under my calorie and other ranges (by just a 100 or so calories, so I didn't eat too few calories.) And I worked out every single day except last Monday. Stepped on the scale this morning, and gained 2-3 lbs! WHAT??!? Maybe because it's that TOM for me? Either way, I definitely feel your frustration/shock/helplessness - I'm going through it myself. I'm so mad!!! Let's see how next week goes. If it's not any better, I'm not sure how I'll handle that!! Grrrrr.....
  • mbakken90
    mbakken90 Posts: 202 Member
    ugh this is bad..i only ate like 1,100 cals today. i should be eating like 600 more.....
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