Jillian Michael's website

Is anyone using it? I have a free 30 days from buying some of her stuff. I'm just not sure about it. The meal planner seems unrealalistic, and the routine is pretty... extreme. But I love JM, so I'm just not sure. The price is ridiculous after the trial too.


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I did it for awhile and loved some of the recipes. I did however quit when I found this site for free. :)
  • Grammy54
    Grammy54 Posts: 21 Member
    I think she is money hungry. Everything with Jillian is way too expensive. But as you see on the biggest looser they loose weight way too fast. You can't do that and eat and they have to really work hard on their exercises.
  • cruiselonda
    Same for me. I stopped using her website because I was being charged a monthly fee, and found this website with the exact tools for FREE! ;)
    I love myfitness pal......it alot more convienent.

  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I tried it last year for a few months, but I could never follow the meal plan. I tried, but couldn't do it. The recipes weren't easily followed for someone who works full time.
  • dubord29
    I did the 30 free days too and then signed up for 3 months. What a waste of money!! I love Jillian too but MFP is the same as her site and it's free! Actually MFP is better, I rarely have a difficult time finding what I ate when I search for my food (I hate entering manually) and on Jillian's site doesn't have as wide of a range. I also am not one for being told what to eat, I live in upper michigan and can't afford organic foods in the winter!