Stay at Home Moms Support Each Other!



  • momtoogscjsjds
    Ahhh Moms! I need some support. I busted my heinie last week at the gym and watched my food and gained 2lbs :( I just want to cry.

    Went all the way to the gym today and slipped on the ice while going in :( I was carrying my 7.5 month old and holding my 2.5 year old's hand. We were all okay though. Got into the childcare and got everyone's coats off... both kids start freaking out and refuse to stay in the childcare. I had to come home without exercising at all. I WILL walk on my home treadmill tonight though.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Ahhh Moms! I need some support. I busted my heinie last week at the gym and watched my food and gained 2lbs :( I just want to cry.

    Went all the way to the gym today and slipped on the ice while going in :( I was carrying my 7.5 month old and holding my 2.5 year old's hand. We were all okay though. Got into the childcare and got everyone's coats off... both kids start freaking out and refuse to stay in the childcare. I had to come home without exercising at all. I WILL walk on my home treadmill tonight though.

    Don't feel bad! You will loose eventually! Since you are working out and watching your food, you could be gaining muscle as well. Make sure to take measurements every two weeks or so as another way to track your progress.
    Good luck with your workout tonight! I am heading that way once childwatch opens up for the afternoon at my gym.
  • autumn5gabby
    Im a stay at home mom to. 3 girls 12,10, and 20 months. Im doing a 12 week fitness challenge and Herbalife. Down 13.2 pounds. Would like to talk to other stay at home moms. Add me as a friend please.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Afternoon, SAHM's........I was just reading all of your posts, and as a SAHM myself, I found myself understand with all of you.... My name is Catherine, Cat for short, I am a SAHM of a 4yr old daughter and a 9 yr old son....Actually, I am lucky, right now my daughter goes to a private Pre-K school from 8 to noon, so I have a few hours to myself...up to 2009, i was that as well that was making excuses for myself, like some of you have mentioned, 2 kids, my husband and I moved from NY to MD, so not knowing anyone also kept me in the house...I was a very good athlete in HS and college, was in great shape, not a size 4, I'm athletically bulit so I know that size 4 wasn't' ever going to be me..But after having 2 kids and it being a totally different world, its was so easy to forget about yourself and you put ourself at the of list....So after 2 kids, the weight was put on.........December 12th 2009 is when my world came crashing down, my dad pasted away suddenly at the age of 57....And even today I can't even talk about it or want to for that matter, but many of you must know that the father/daughter relationship is priceless, and I am, today still lost with my my daddy.....So Jan of 2010 came and I did nothing but sit around, depressed, Feb 2010 came and I just said to myself, I wasn't going to sit here and having all the little things remind of him...I was getting out! I was a member at the YMCA, but didn't go very often.....Well, Feb 2010 was the start of the new me, I knew I could go in the gym and not have a single thing remind me of my dad......I was there 2, sometimes 3x's a day, and the only reason I was able to do this was the fact they had a childcare service at my YMCA, if I didn't have that I don't know what I would of done....I have worked hard for the past couple of years and its paid off, I have become an avid runner,ran my first 5K November 2010, and I never thought that was possible, I fell in LOVE with Spin classes, at one point I was taking 7 spin classes in 5 The gym has just become apart of my life, along with my family's life....My kids love going and spending time with other kids playing while I'm in working out, and my husband is trying to keep up with me, he has a crzy schedule, teacher, coach, invovled with commuinty stuff... So it helps when were on the same page...The gym has become my "outlet" for so many different things, when I'm stressed, or have an issue on my mind, I know I can go to the gym and work it away.....
    I started MFP months after I had already lost some weight, my tracker just shows what I have lost since I've been on MFP, I have a total of a little over 80lbs and still trying to go strong....... I think this board for SAHM's is a wonderful idea, I don't very often get into these message boards, but I just kind of fell into this one.........Would love the support of other mom's knowing how crzy life can get, and not feel guilty for thinking of myself @ some point of the day, when I do take time for myself @ the gym... Good Luck and see you on the
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    hi ladies,
    I have a question for all of you new moms. My daughter is 5 months pregnant (expecting their 1st girl) . Any way she is outgrowing all of her bras and is having trouble finding nursing bras or really any bras to fit, she was a 38 D before getting pregnant, so not sure what size she is now. So where do you buy your bras when you are nursing ? thanks

    I had a wonderful weekend 2 of my daughters and my mom came up for the weekend and we went out to lunch at dos coyotes, I stuck to plan and ordered a light salad off their lite menu. it was delicous then we went shopping for baby stuff of course. We left at 10:00 and didnt get home until 5:30 . I havent been shopping like that an all day trip in probably 5 yrs. It was so much fun. and we got so many cute things for the new baby. What did you ladies do this weekend? I hope every one has a fun week......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    clcole522 welcome,
    sorry to hear that you have had a rough couple of years. But using the gym as an outlet is one of the best things you can do for you and your family good for you. WOW 80 lbs congrats that is awesome. I have no doubt you can do it
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    clcole522 welcome,
    sorry to hear that you have had a rough couple of years. But using the gym as an outlet is one of the best things you can do for you and your family good for you. WOW 80 lbs congrats that is awesome. I have no doubt you can do it

    Thank You themommie, that is just the tip of the ice burg...13 weeks after my dad pasted, my grandmother (my dad's mom) pasted and then that August I lost my mother in law to a heart attack.......So I have spent alot of time at the gym.....And its become a life style where I have figured how to run this famiy around gym time...I need it... Thanks again for the kind words.
  • britmom
    hi ladies,
    I have a question for all of you new moms. My daughter is 5 months pregnant (expecting their 1st girl) . Any way she is outgrowing all of her bras and is having trouble finding nursing bras or really any bras to fit, she was a 38 D before getting pregnant, so not sure what size she is now. So where do you buy your bras when you are nursing ? thanks

    I had a wonderful weekend 2 of my daughters and my mom came up for the weekend and we went out to lunch at dos coyotes, I stuck to plan and ordered a light salad off their lite menu. it was delicous then we went shopping for baby stuff of course. We left at 10:00 and didnt get home until 5:30 . I havent been shopping like that an all day trip in probably 5 yrs. It was so much fun. and we got so many cute things for the new baby. What did you ladies do this weekend? I hope every one has a fun week......

    I personally bought a body by victoria bra for support and bra extenders. Nursing bras didnmt have enough support for me so I went with a light impact sports bra. Easy to pull up and pop out. If she chooses to go nursing bra, try motherhood maternity. Well made and easy to find.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, Moms!

    I'm a SAHM to a middle schooler. I have about 7 hours a day to myself, but I don't feel that I'm making the most of these AT ALL.

    As you can see from my siggy, I've had weight loss surgery. I'm doing fine in the area of weight loss (except for this water weight that has me stuck in a mini-stall). My goal is to make sure I'm getting enough proteins and fluids, and that I MOVE everyday (and not just to get up to grab the remote).

    I'm new to My Fitness Pal, and I love it! It's a terrific tool, and this is a great community.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good week. My weigh in is on fridays and I am at 200.2 I am just waiting to get into onderland. next week I am sure I will be there, but ahhhh so close. LOL
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I had a good weekend. Me and my husband decided we needed to spend some one on one time with each kid. So we had them rotate every hr, one kid with my husband, one with me and one cleaning their room. So with my middle daughter I played games, sorry, manacula and hangman, with my son I walked to the park around the corner and played basketball (horse) and I lost only by one letter, YEAH I havent picked up a basketball since 10th grade. Then with my youngest daughter I jumped on the trampoline then we went to the nature trail and walked down to the river and skipped rocks as we talked. So it was a good weekend and I got in lots of exercise. what did everyone else do this weekend?