New here, need motivation.

I'm Nicole and I'm new to this. I have never dieted in my life, I was losing weight until I got pregnant, and ever since I had my son my weight has just been getting higher. I need to get to a healthy 130-135. I have horrible motivation, and I am a person that eats when bored, the second my stomach feels hungry I feed it, with basically anything. I am a VERY picky eater so it is hard for me to eat healthy.

Basically I need someone to help keep me motivated, I would really love to look good in shorts by June, and I am willing to do whatever I can do get that result except I will never have surgery, and I have asthma so I cannot run, I have been told this by my doctor because it is very threatening to me. So anybody willing to help me, whether you give me advice, tell me exersises, tell me good foods for my picky eating self.

I appreciate everything coming my way! Thank You!


    i can try to help you as much as posable you can add me as a friend if you like
  • sonpet
    sonpet Posts: 16
    Welcome to will find lots of support here. I am new to this as well but so far its a great tool.
    I too gained my weight after my children were born and I have been so busy putting them first the last few years that my weight crept up way further than I should have let it.
  • ngallihugh
    Welcome to will find lots of support here. I am new to this as well but so far its a great tool.
    I too gained my weight after my children were born and I have been so busy putting them first the last few years that my weight crept up way further than I should have let it.

    Thanks! I was 155 before I had my son and the weight finally was just falling off, now I'm 191 and only 5'4". My son always comes first and the only time I have is at 12am lol. I just mostly need help getting started by a couple weeks I'll need less motivation.