Not enough protein and too many carbs!!

farmerswife87 Posts: 72
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hi !

I seem to be over on my carbs and under on my protein everyday!! It's driving me crazy! Any suggestions to add protein without adding too many carbs and calories?



  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I drink the Walker Diet mix that can be purchased from You can also look it up in the database. Good luck.
  • doing a program in Houston called My fit foods....keeps you lwo and carbs and actually slightly over in protein....whereever you live, there is probably a company that has this type of meal program
  • LonnaRox
    LonnaRox Posts: 38 Member
    You have to look closely at the labels ... but a Greek, fruit blended yogurt has a good amount of protein with not too many carbs. Also, fish has some of the highest amounts of protein and virutually zero carbs! Good luck!
  • Scubahhh
    Scubahhh Posts: 2 Member
    You might want to have a look at Mark's Daily Apple, a good blog with a very active forum, or read Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. The big problem is insulin resistance, and carbs'll do that to you. I'm not so sure about living like Grok, but the anthropological and scientific bases are tough to argue with... and it make syou feel good!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Try fat free plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken breast, fish, light tofu, almonds, and quinoa.
  • Have you tried Greek yogurt?

    I used to have the same problem with being protein deficient, but I started eating greek yogurt once or twice a day. I can't do plain. My favorites are Chobani Blueberry and Chobani Peach. I usually add a little bit of granola or grapenuts or something.
  • How funny. I was typing up my greek yogurt response at the same time!
  • what are you eating?
  • eat meat, eggs and veggies and lay off the rice, pasta and bread. Read labels and portion sizes. I think its pretty easy to follow MFP reccomendations. You can always exercise and burn off the extra calories if you splurge once in a while. Look for Arnold sandwich thins and Vitatops they have great taste low calories and lots of fiber, need to keep your fiber high to move that food out of you, about 30 to 40 grams a day.

    But while you're trying to lose you need to be strict with yourself and look at the light at the end of the tunnel, you will get there.
  • I have the same problem.
  • Greek yogurt it is!!
  • Ah I have the SAME problem!!

    What about protein supplements/powders??? (I haven't tried them, but probably should..)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I always have the opposite problem. Too much protein and not enough carbs!

    I eat a lot of cheese, yoghurt and lean meats. Try adding those back into your diet.
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    I eat a very protein heavy breakfast - which helps tide me over til lunch without getting munchy. The biggest help is Canadian bacon - I get mine at Sam's because it is so much cheaper, but four slices gets me 10 grams of protein and only 2 grams of fat for 50 calories. I have breakfast burritos or sandwiches with egg & Canadian bacon and I easily get in 25 grams of protein at breakfast alone.
  • I actually have the opposite problem....i'm usually a little bit over on my protein and way under on my carbs. I do eat bread, pasta and rice but obviously not enough!
    A little tip for adding more protein in your diet and lowering your carbs is instead of having a sandwich, make a wrap but substitute the flour tortilla for a couple of pieces of sliced ham. Put salad filling and a touch of light mayo in the middle of the sliced meat then roll it up! Voila....tasty lunch without the carbs and extra protein!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I am the complete opposite. My carbs are way to low but my protein and sugar (from fruits and yogurt) are high.
    I eat Greek yogurt daily. I buy plain and add fruit to it and sometimes a little raw honey.
    Nuts...too many damm nuts...
    I just eat alot of meat I guess. I had 3 oz of chicken in a salad at lunch and a 3.5 oz chicken breast at dinner wrapped in lettuce..side of veggies
    Eggs at breakfast..lots of fish..I dont really eat any processed foods..
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