Galloway running ratio for marathons? HELP!

To all my runner pals out there I need some advice!

I'm training for my first full marathon in November. I speed train 2x a week doing 3-4 miles on the treadmill or outside. I have been adding a mile to every weekend long run. Yesterday I got up to 11 consecutive miles with no break at 10:30 pace. Very pleased with this & my progress so far. Problem is my ankles are screaming from all the abuse of the long runs.

I've heard about the galloway ratio were your run for a set number of minutes based on your pace and then walk for a set number of minutes. I looked it up and mine would be 3:1. It sounds too good to be true, run for 3 minutes then walk for 1 minute and repeat! No problem...Question is will I really be able to finish just as fast walking during my runs? They say this method helps even seasoned marathoners shave 20 minutes off their time???

Who's tried this? Any ankles thank you in advance ;)


  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    It absolutely will help. It may seem counter intuitive, but part of the reason is that you need to take breaks before your body is completely exhausted. Building in short breaks throughout the entire run will keep you feeling stronger longer. I highly recommend reading his books. Good luck with your run! You have plenty of time to train so be sure not to burn yourself out or injure yourself.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    My ankles used to hurt me a lot and I found out I was fighting my shoes. I run as a forefoot striker and my shoes were trying to force me to heel strike. Try switching to a less controlling shoe.

    As far as the galloway method, I know this works for a lot of people. Not me. Once I stop I have a really hard time convincing myself to start again. Planned or not.

    Good Luck on the marathon and great job on the 11 miles.
  • bryony_pie
    I can't even tell you how much I love the Galloway method! I was able to double my previous longest run on my first try using the Galloway timer, using a 3 min run/1min walk pace. I felt FANTASTIC! The first time I ran using this pace I did 11 miles, but I am not sure about the accuracy of the time because I had to stop and remove my shoe at one point. I was gone for 1hr 55min.

    The best thing about the Galloway method is that your endorphins collect during your walk breaks, so not only do you feel less fatigued by incorporating walking, but you start feeling very positive and motivated and the miles just fly by. I know it is just my opinion, but the Galloway method has been really great for me.

    And I so sympathize with your pained ankles! My hips and your ankles sound like they are equally cranky about consecutive running!
  • DeAsh
    DeAsh Posts: 32 Member
    I did my third 10k this weekend. The first one I ran the full distance. This weekend, using the 3:1 run/walk, I beat my best 10k time by about 1.5 minutes! As I get older, I think I this is one of the best ways to avoid injury as well.
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120
    Thanks for everyone's advice! I am definately going to try the 3:1 principle out this weekend for my long run on Sunday!! I'll let you know how it goes :)