Thyroid/perimenopause & over 45 can I still loose 1 lb a we

phyllis45 Posts: 25
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
:ohwell: I went to a dietitian today and after I got out of there I felt like I waisted my money. She didn't seem to care and was looking at me like why are you here? I have been stumbling all over the place I recently lost 3.8 and then .08 since I've been doing my fitness pal and after discussing my issues with food with the dietitian she said it would be impossible for me to loose 15 lbs before my 46th birthday on June 2ND (thats about 15 weeks from today) so a pound a week is it impossible to do that with what I have against me doing this and doing cardio 5 days @ at least 50 min. but an hour most days a week & strength training 3. My fitness pal Say's I can do it. I feel so defeated? Any feed back?


  • Absolutely you can do it! I have all of the same issues, I'm 46. I'm doing it, you can do it too!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    Nothing is impossible because we humans can't predict anything with 100% certainty. That said, I would definitely take a professional's advice over MFP's, as MFP uses average numbers rather than something personalized to your condition. I have hypothyroid myself, and tend to lose slower than MFP predicts.

    Even so, if you don't end up losing the 15lbs before your birthday, that doesn't mean you're wasting your time. Think of all the good you're doing for yourself by eating healthier and exercising! You should be proud. :smile:
  • Don't give up. I'm 47 yrs old. I'm on my third week and have lost 5 lbs. If you stay under your alotted calories and exercise....YOU CAN DO IT. Prove her wrong.
  • I have the exact issues against me also; however, I refuse to let myself fall victim to defeat. Nearly every day you hear of success stories where someone has persevered and against all odds, done the supposedly impossible. I take my thyroid medicines as prescribed, watch what I eat and try to get some exercise on a regular basis. I may never be a size 3 again, but YES, we can lose and maintain our weight with an understanding that this is a LIFESTYLE change. I feel that our particular health issues make it a little more challenging for us, but not impossible. I'm 46, have 7 children and a hysterectomy. You can do it!!!
  • You can do it! I am about your age, hypothyroid and perimenopause and I am losing weight by tracking my food and exercise on this site. As long as you follow good health guidelines by eating enough protein and keeping your sodium under control, I don't see any reason you can't achieve your goal.

    I would recommend getting your TSH level checked. I just saw my endocrinologist last Friday and she increased my Synthroid level based on my latest blood test results.

    Live your motto: Never give up!

    Also check out the previous thread on this topic by copying this link into your browser bar.

    Best of success to you!
  • so far your post are so encouraging I was feeling realy down I'm feeling better and a little more possitive. One thing I will NEVER do is give up I'm not a quiter !!!!! I love the support I got here today it makes up for the non-support I got today from the dietition.:flowerforyou:
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I'm several years older than you & I've lost 8.2 lbs, I'm not starving (my diary is open), I eat real food, I'm not doing shakes for meals, supplements, etc, nor one meal a day, and I've done it in 3 weeks. Don't listen to the bollox from unhelpful women's mags, trashy tv, etc.

    The one caveat I have is that it MAY depend on your ethnic background & genetic makeup regarding how fast you lose weight. It would be interesting to see studies on it.
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