HELP! carbs!!

liyahxoxo Posts: 78
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
hey guys
i always end up eating way too much carbs!!!!
what do i do? the sad thing is that if i deprive myself of carbs, i get a strong craving and then eat triple of a normal amount! :(


  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    Have you tried eating healthy carbs throughout the day like fruit? It sounds like your body really needs the boost. You generally crave what you need, there's just always a healthy or unhealthy way of satisfying those cravings.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I know how you fell... I am a carb lover! I think it really depends where your carb is coming from. I had to change all the carbs I eat: no more white bread, crackers only once in a while, havent eaten past for 40 days, only brown rice, and the closest thing to bread is a whole grain english muffin and whole grain wraps and pita bread. I usually go over my carbs, but not too bad. The reason is that I eat oatmeal every morning and I wont change it, it helps lower my cholesterol. Off course I also get carbs from fruits, and I usually eat 3 a day.
    Try not to deprive yourself, so you can be always eating a little of carbs here and there.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    How are you on your protein? It sounds odd, but I crave carbs more when I'm low on protein. Sometimes we crave the opposite of what we really need.
  • You're right.....eating carbs makes you crave them. Try fasting them for a time (at least 2 weeks) and break the addiction. I've been off of refined flours, sugar, and processed food for 35 days. My cravings have gone away, I'm not starving all the time, and I'm losing weight. Everyday becomes more lifestyle than diet.....I feel better too!
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    Hello Mizzfitness,
    Okay Carbs are my weakness too...This is what I have been trying to do...
    Make sure I have all the tools that I sugar free things like pops, candy, soda, spenda, sugar free syrup and jelly and plenty of fruits and veg in my frig...cut up and ready to go...plan you meals for a week...
    I know nothing out there for the potatoes, and rice and I get the best I can afford of all of them...
    Brown rice, sweet potatoes, and whole grain bread... I eat eggs for breakfast and some kind of meat...matter of fact I eat meat for all 4 meals...and allot of beans...and before you start getting rid of and prepare everything you need to keep on track.....its hard and I don't make it some of the time...and that is okay....and it will be okay for you too...
    Good Luck...
  • thank everyone!!! i really appreciate all your responses.
    i was 69 g extra for my carbs today!!!!:( wow!!
    to be fair, this doesn't happen everyday. I had a very stressful day today and I turn to food when I'm stressed. I'm trying to change that.

    ajweekley- I actually thought protein is the problem as well! I'm vegetarian, but I get my protein from other sources. still, I thought my body craves it which is why I resort to carbs. however, looking at my food diary, I realized that I'm actually almost never low on my protein intake... so I don't know? I guess it is the carbs.. my nutritionist also told me that the more I get my body used to something (carbs) the stronger the need to get another fix will become..

    MizzFitness- I do try to eat 3 fruits a day. except in my mind it doesn't register as carbs lol. I really like bread and pasta a lot... like I can give up rice and potatoes, but bread pasta and crackers is my weakness.

    I guess I need to start getting myself used to the healthier kind of carbs and teach myself to control the cravings..
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